My Aug 13 "outstanding incident" Ma-Jup-Pl SLR

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My Aug 13 "outstanding incident" Ma-Jup-Pl SLR

Post by SteveS »

I have an “outstanding incident” Mars-Jupiter-Pluto Aug 13 SLR which probably will be a partial carryover from successful actions I started with my Gulf Shores “outstanding incident” Moon-Jupiter July 17 SLR.
Aug 13 SLR Mars-Jupiter partile conjunct and angular---partile 135 SLR Pluto with r Jupiter angular. When I realized I had these two “outstanding incident” SLRs in early July, I just looked at what was happening in my immediate environment with my being, and it became obvious to me it was going to probably have something to do with my thread I started on June 25 here:

It just so happened I received a phone call from a good friend in Gulf Shores in early July asking me “what’s new?” I told him about my observation with a possible true Radical Chart with the S&P 500 and a possible very bearish July 26 SLR for the S&P 500, and he told me he had recently met a new business person he thought we had a-lot of business interest in common. My friend invited me to come visit him with a meeting with this new business person, things went and proceeded well from this business meeting, too complicated to explain.
What I am hoping for with my Aug 13 SLR is partial actions to manifest with the COSI combo tones of Mars-Jupiter-Pluto =
An extraordinary or unusual spirit of enterprise, brilliant success. People capable of tackling big projects or enterprises.
I am hoping to culminate the rest of my partial actions I started with my July 17 SLR.

What one wants to do with their 27 SLRs/Demis is look at em a head of time particularly the benefic ones, better if they are “outstanding incident” ones, and then pay very close attention what is happening in their immediate environments for possible clear conscious actions.

Stay tuned for possible culminations with my Aug 13 SLR. I have to deal with some Moon-Saturn symbolism--so I will use caution. :|
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Re: My Aug 13 "outstanding incident" Ma-Jup-Pl SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, what do you make of the partile foreground Moon-Venus-Saturn trio? Perhaps they aren't close enough to angles. Transiting Moon is 5°53' past Descendant, natal Moon 3°11' past, transiting Venus just under 2° from Nadir, and natal Saturn 5°55' from IC. Among other aspects, these give:

t Moon sq r Saturn 0°02' M [a natal Moon-Saturn sq also forms]
t/r Moon sq t Venus 0°46'

The Venus and Moon-Venus alone, of course, points to your good time with your friend. But the 0°02' foreground Moon-Saturn square caught my eye.
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Re: My Aug 13 "outstanding incident" Ma-Jup-Pl SLR

Post by SteveS »

Good point Jim! On Aug 6 or 7, can't remember for sure---Gayle has an appointment with a back specialist for two painful fractures in her lower back. We are hoping the doc will be able to use a simple procedure by cementing these two fractures back together. On another front, my sister-in-law called me yeaterday wanting me to looked he her son's (my favorite nephew) astrology. I see possible major problems with his current SSR and Solar Arc ASC approaching partile 90 to his r Mars. I asked my sister-in-law what seemed to be the problem she saw with her son and she said "anger" issues. He will call me next week when he gets back into town--I will probe further---I suspect problems on the career front.
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Re: My Aug 13 "outstanding incident" Ma-Jup-Pl SLR

Post by Arena »

I hope this Mars-Jup-Pluto will bring you luck in your endeavors. I'm always a bit scared of Mars-Pluto aspects as they may turn out to be violent. But with Jupiter in the mix, I'm not sure how it turns out. I hope Ebertin is right.
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Re: My Aug 13 "outstanding incident" Ma-Jup-Pl SLR

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
I hope this Mars-Jup-Pluto will bring you luck in your endeavors. I'm always a bit scared of Mars-Pluto aspects as they may turn out to be violent. But with Jupiter in the mix, I'm not sure how it turns out. I hope Ebertin is right.
What I do is start paying very close attention to what’s happening in my immediate environment to try and gauge the meaning of an “outstanding incident” SLR. For example: One time I had this “outstanding incident” SLR coming-up but absolutely NOTHING was going on in my immediate environment. I didn’t try to force any manifestations for this “outstanding incident” SLR---just went about my normal everyday boring business. Then one day I went to a health food store and struck-up a conversation with a complete stranger (the manager/Kelly), we were the only ones in the shop. She asked me what my hobby/passions were, I told her astrology. She jumped all over me begging me to do her charts, saying I could come down when she opened and we would have the shop to ourselves for at least a couple of hours with few customers. So, since I only lived 15 minutes away I said OK. It turned into a major 5 day event for me reading her charts and her calling all of her divorced friends to read their charts—they all wanted to know about their present boyfriends and what I saw with their charts. It turns out Kelly had an “outstanding incident” Venus-Jupiter SSR, she later got married under this SSR, she had been divorced 2 times in her life and I told her Venus-Jupiter combos were some of the luckiest combos one could encounter. It turns out her new husband was very successful craftsman, very rich!!! Now they fly all over the world selling his arts/crafts---the time of her life, and he pays her a good salary to keep his books. So---you see---this is how my “outstanding incident” SLR manifested---doing charts in a health food store for about ten people, it was super fun and definitely “out of the ordinary” compared to my generally bored retired life. When I see an “outstanding incident” SLR coming-up---I just let things flow normally for my life waiting for the “outstanding incident” SLR speak to me as to: What is going to happen---they will always speak to you in their special ways.
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