Analysis for my sister's engagement

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Analysis for my sister's engagement

Post by Ember Nyx »

Here comes another long series of posts involving a bunch of different techniques.

My youngest sister recently got engaged to her high school sweetheart, both of them fresh out of college. She normally lives in NJ with my parents, but was temporarily staying in FL with some family, and the proposal happened during a mini vacation in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. This means that nearly every chart involved in the timeline has a relocated version for St. Thomas, giving me the unique opportunity to compare a bunch of initial vs relocated charts.

The engagement happened on 7/28/24 under rather specific circumstances. Here is the rough timeline.
Days leading up to engagement: she was finishing up a musical theater program, and life was super hectic and somewhat heavy.
Day prior to the engagement: she finished the program, with mixed feelings. She got home (i.e. to her residence in FL) late at night, and got just a few hours of sleep.
Day of the engagement: She overslept her flight to St. Thomas. She told me she was mortified, and has never overslept a flight like this before. (This small detail will be relevant later...) She managed to get on another flight, and her boyfriend proposed to her within a few hours of them meeting up, on that same first day. It turned what was a whirlwind of chaotic circumstances, mistakes, and exhaustion into surprise and elation.

Immediately after the proposal, my parents, as well as her fiance's family, revealed themselves - they flew in to surprise my sister specifically (her boyfriend/fiance was aware of both families' plans). They all stayed there for a few days and partied before going their separate ways, my family back to NJ and my sister back to FL, where she will be for another month or so.


Beyond just testing relocations, of course, I also took the opportunity to use all of the minor and experimental techniques. Let's take a look.

These tell the primary story, so I'll start here. I won't list the unrelated ones.
- sq Moon co s. MC 03'
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 04'
- p. Moon sq p. Venus 09'
- d. Venus oc r. Uranus 25'
- p. Jupiter oc r. Venus 27'
- t. Venus sq s. Uranus 28'
- d. Jupiter sq r. Moon 43'
- t. Venus op r. Uranus 44'

Plus, a little less obviously related:
- t. Jupiter oc s. Pluto 17' (this happened during a trip... or maybe it's leaving the old relationship state behind?)
- t. Pluto oc r. Pluto 36'
- t. Sun op r. Neptune 45'

And the Eris-related transits, which I always put in their own category:
- t. Eris sq s. Saturn 01'
- t. Eris op s. Venus 41'
- d. Eris oc r. Jupiter 57'

Wow! Can't get much better than that, can we?
Well, in fact, we can't. I don't think any of the charts are half this good. They're still worth looking at, however.

- p QSSR Asc sq SSR Pluto 0°02'
- local snq Asc co r. Venus 0°33'
- snq MC co t. Venus 0°53'
- snq IC co r. Uranus 1°18'
- snq IC co p. Uranus 1°57'

(Below are correctly localized to St. Thomas)
- snq Asc co r. Venus 0°33' (as above)
- p DSSR IC co p DSSR Moon 1°09' (co DSSR Moon 1°11')
- sq MC co t. Neptune 1°39'

Pretty amazing. I listed the QSSR quotidian in that forum post previously, as a remarkably precise example.

A good +2, but not nearly enough by themselves to clue me in that something major was afoot.

Planetary Periods
- Pluto-Pluto-Jupiter-Pluto-Venus-Saturn

Since we know the exact time, down to the minute, of the engagement, I was able to go down as deep as Astrovizer could go. Also pretty amazing. Venus-Saturn is fair for an engagement, I think, but even if we consider the lowest sub-Bhukti to be a poor fit, the other 5 layers are great.

I'll look at the Solunars next, focusing on the primary techniques and covering the minor ones in aggregate.
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Sidereal Solar Return

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Nov 2023 - SSR

- r. Eris WP-a 0°13' (=0°40')
- t. Venus EP-a 0°22' (=1°00)
- t. Eris Ds -1°49'
- r. Jupiter MC +7°08'
- t. Pluto IC -7°32'
- t. Moon MC +7°34'

- t. Moon co r. Jupiter 0°26' M
- t. Venus op t. Eris 0°28'
- t. Venus sq t. Pluto 2°16' M

- t. Jupiter sq r. Neptune 0°22'
- t. Mars co r. Mercury 0°42'
- t. Jupiter sq t. Eris 0°43' p
- t. Uranus sq t. Eris 1°09' p

The symbolism is mostly great. I can't comment on all the Eris presence, but I note it.

I didn't bother relocating this one (and it set up for her home in NJ anyway).

I gave this a +2, which is easier to justify when I strip out the uncertain Eris contacts:

- t. Venus EP-a 0°22' (=1°00)
- r. Jupiter MC +7°08'
- t. Pluto IC -7°32'
- t. Moon MC +7°34'

- t. Moon co r. Jupiter 0°26' M
- t. Venus sq t. Pluto 2°16' M

- t. Jupiter sq r. Neptune 0°22'
- t. Mars co r. Mercury 0°42'
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Re: Analysis for my sister's engagement

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike V wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:24 pm - t. Sun op r. Neptune 45'
Neptune is a basic indication of marriage - especially when the proposal is on a tropical island, I imagine!
- local snq Asc co r. Venus 0°33'
- snq MC co t. Venus 0°53'
- snq IC co r. Uranus 1°18'
- snq IC co p. Uranus 1°57'
Does this mean that the last three are NOT local - perhaps birthplace? Quotidians are always taken only the place one is moment to moment, which would mean (if I'm reading the above correctly) one Venus. (Otherwise, two Venuses and two Uranuses. Wow.)

Pretty great SSR, especially when you consider solars don't usually squeeze everything into one event. Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto with their combinations? Sounds about right. - The Mars to Mercury is a little strange but, again, it's only one event (albeit a bit one).
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Re: Analysis for my sister's engagement

Post by Ember Nyx »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:33 pm
- local snq Asc co r. Venus 0°33'
- snq MC co t. Venus 0°53'
- snq IC co r. Uranus 1°18'
- snq IC co p. Uranus 1°57'
Does this mean that the last three are NOT local - perhaps birthplace? Quotidians are always taken only the place one is moment to moment, which would mean (if I'm reading the above correctly) one Venus. (Otherwise, two Venuses and two Uranuses. Wow.)
Ah, yes, they were not localized to St. Thomas. We have to unfortunately cut those from the list, then. :cry:
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Re: Analysis for my sister's engagement

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike V wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:42 pm Ah, yes, they were not localized to St. Thomas. We have to unfortunately cut those from the list, then. :cry:
When did she get home? Within a day? Or stayed longer? (I assume she was still gloriously happy when she got there.)
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Post by Ember Nyx »

Demi-SSR - 5/28/24
- t. Sun MC -0°24' / r. Sun IC -0°24'
- t. Venus MC +1°31'
- r. Mercury IC +2°43'
- r. Saturn Z 1°18' (=4°00')
- t. Saturn Ds -7°00'
- t. Jupiter MC +7°05'

- t. Venus op r. Mercury 1°02'
- t. Saturn sq r. Saturn 1°46' M
- t. Venus op r. Sun 1°53'
- t. Moon co r. Neptune 2°44'
- t. Sun op r. Mercury 2°55'

I consider this to be better on balance than not. I originally gave this a +2 based on the idea that the Saturn-Saturn square is indicative of a phase of life she's entering, the last quarter approach to her Saturn Return. If you don't buy that line of thought, then it's at least a +1, I think.

FWIW, here are PVP aspects, which I think are mostly wrong.

- t. Saturn sq r. Neptune 0°07' p
- t. Pluto co r. Neptune 1°23' p
- t. Venus sq r. Neptune 1°39' p
- t. Sun sq t. Pluto 2°17' p
- t. Saturn sq t. Pluto 2°33' p
- t. Venus sq t. Pluto 2°58'
When did she get home? Within a day? Or stayed longer? (I assume she was still gloriously happy when she got there.)
She stayed longer than a day. Also, the NJ-based quotidians aren't relevant no matter how we slice it - when she left St. Thomas, she returned to Florida, not NJ. (In fact, she's still not back from NJ.)

Let me amend the original post with a couple of extra details - the other circumstances surrounding the engagement will make some other charts more reasonable than they would otherwise seem to be.
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Novienic Solar Return variants

Post by Ember Nyx »

Base NSR for NJ (where she was when it originally set up) - 6/18/24
- r. Moon MC -0°44'
- t. Uranus MC -1°45'
- r. Venus IC -3°42'
- r. Mars Ds +6°01'
- r. Uranus Ds +7°39'
- t. Moon IC +8°13'

- t. Moon sq r. Uranus 0°34' M
- t. Uranus co r. Moon 1°01' M
- t. Uranus sq r. Mars 1°29'
- r. Mars co r. Uranus 1°38' M (vs. 2°01')
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 1°42'
- t. Moon sq r. Mars 2°12' M

This is not bad, though it's not really specific to the engagement (unsurprisingly). I originally gave this a +2 on back of the orbs being rather good, and all of the planetary ideas getting pretty clear representation in the period they cover.

Relocated NSR for St. Thomas - 6/18/24
- r. Mercury IC -2°27'
- t. Jupiter MC -3°12'
- r. Venus IC +5°14'
- r. Sun IC -5°23'
- t. Uranus MC +7°03'
- r. Moon MC +8°08'
- r. Mars Ds +8°25'

- t. Jupiter op r. Mercury 0°32'
- t. Uranus co r. Moon 1°05' M
- t. Uranus sq r. Mars 1°22' M
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 1°42'
- t. Jupiter op r. Sun 2°22'

My notes say "This is not exactly bad, but it's definitely less accurate than the base NSR. It gets a very weak +1 for basically having relevant pieces, but it's not specific about this being a Venus matter (or even a Lunar matter) with the exception of the Uranus transits."

Base 10-Day Solar for FL - 7/19/24
- r. Uranus As -1°32'
- t. Mercury Ds -2°47'
- r. Mars As -3°29'
- r. Mercury MC -3°44'
- t. Mars IC +3°50'
- t. Venus Ds +6°27'
- r. Venus MC +7°23'
- t. Uranus IC +8°07'
- r. Sun MC -8°09'

- t. Uranus op r. Venus 0°20'
- t. Mercury op r. Mars 0°42' M
- t. Venus sq r. Venus 0°56' M
- t. Mercury sq r. Mercury 0°57' M
- t. Mercury op r. Uranus 1°15' M
- t. Venus sq t. Uranus 1°40' M
- t. Mercury sq r. Venus 2°10'
- t. Mars op r. Venus 2°37'
- t. Uranus sq r. Mars 2°51'

This seems bang-on for the period as a whole, and seems to tell the various stories separately: it was a frenetic whirlwind of activity right up through the flight to St. Thomas in which all of the Venus-Uranus to Venus stuff happened. For the period as a whole, and not merely the engagement event, I think this gets a solid +2. In my notes, I mention separate scores for charts "as a whole" and referring specifically to the engagement. I now think this was a mistake to try to grade them on a narrow slice of a time period that they seem to cover more holistically.

Relocated 10-Day Solar for St. Thomas - 7/19/24
- r. Pluto MC +0°25'
- r. Saturn N 0°38' (=1°55') (IC +5°20')
- t. Jupiter N 0°40' (=2°00') (IC +5°33')
- t. Saturn As -7°06'

- t. Jupiter co r. Saturn 0°02'

My notes have "This is unrelated and mostly incorrect," and I scored it -1. I still stand by that.
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Re: Novienic Solar Return variants

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike V wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:26 pm Base NSR for NJ (where she was when it originally set up) - 6/18/24
- r. Moon MC -0°44'
- t. Uranus MC -1°45'
- r. Venus IC -3°42'
- r. Mars Ds +6°01'
- r. Uranus Ds +7°39'
- t. Moon IC +8°13'

- t. Moon sq r. Uranus 0°34' M
- t. Uranus co r. Moon 1°01' M
- t. Uranus sq r. Mars 1°29'
- r. Mars co r. Uranus 1°38' M (vs. 2°01')
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 1°42'
- t. Moon sq r. Mars 2°12' M

This is not bad, though it's not really specific to the engagement (unsurprisingly). I originally gave this a +2 on back of the orbs being rather good, and all of the planetary ideas getting pretty clear representation in the period they cover.
Really? I thought it was better than some of the others. This chart is primarily double Moon-Uranus (for a helluva surprise) and a lot of Venus and Uranus (like several other charts). If you drop the wider angularities for a moment, the three Mars aspects go away and the whole thing centers on Moon-Uranus, Uranus-Moon, and Uranus-Venus. (And these days it's hard to sell me on an Ennead.)
Relocated NSR for St. Thomas - 6/18/24
My notes say "This is not exactly bad, but it's definitely less accurate than the base NSR. It gets a very weak +1 for basically having relevant pieces, but it's not specific about this being a Venus matter (or even a Lunar matter) with the exception of the Uranus transits."
Agreed. It's not a very loud chart. I'd feel strained giving it a +1. (I'm going to be a hard sell on anything that doesn't have a clearly strong, unafflicted Venus.)
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Lunar Returns

Post by Ember Nyx »

I meant to put this post earlier, but I ended up going in chronological order, and then stepping out for several hours...

Base SLR for FL - 7/2/24
- t. Saturn As +2°31'
- t. Neptune As -3°42'

My sister had gotten into town the day before this set up. For an engagement, this looks like a clear -2, at least. It is quite possible that it is significantly more accurate for her time in her theater program, which, from what I understand, was intense, challenging, and somewhat deflating (perhaps deflated dreams?). In any case, it just doesn't seem to be about this event basically at all.

Relocated SLR for St. Thomas - 7/2/24
- t. Sun IC +0°23'
- r. Jupiter N 0°26'
- t. Venus IC -9°44'

Much better, but Venus being so wide is a poor showing. Still, she did get to be her "best self" and got a bunch of attention from family. I gave it a +1. I could be persuaded to give it +2, as it's not much of a stretch for "took a vacation and was the center of attention."

Base Demi-SLR for FL - 7/16/24
- t. Mercury EP 0°09'
- r. Mars Ds -0°17'
- t. Moon N 0°17
- r. Eris MC +1°18'
- r. Uranus Ds +1°42'
- r. Moon MC -3°22'
- t. Uranus MC -5°28'
- r. Venus IC -6°05'
- t. Mars MC -6°13'
- t. Eris MC +6°53'

- t. Mars op r. Venus 0°08'
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 0°28'
- t. Mars co t. Uranus 0°38'
- t. Mercury op r. Uranus 0°52'
- t. Uranus co r. Moon 2°06' M
- t. Moon sq t. Mercury 2°46'
- t. Mercury op r. Mars 2°51' M
- t. Mars co r. Moon 2°51' M
- t. Uranus sq r. Mars 2°44'
- t. Moon op t. Uranus 2°55'

Much more complicated. While double Uranus and natal Venus do show up on angles, they are far weaker than the other factors that seem to be talking much more about it just being a super busy time. Mercury (especially t. Mercury-r. Uranus) is quite good for the travel, Moon is good for both intimacy and the emotional excitement... All the pieces are there. It's like a more complicated version of the base NSR with weighting much more heavily on Mars (and with the addition of Mercury).
I once again notice Eris prominently featured in a chart for "unexpectedly oversleeping." (I don't approach it with this in mind for in any of the minor charts... except NLRs, where I've seen that pattern happen a bunch of times.)

I gave it a +2 once my sister enlightened me about how crazy-busy the period was. I think it's still mostly talking about all the events prior to the engagement, though.

Relocated Demi-SLR for St. Thomas - 7/16/24
- r. Mercury N 0°01'
- r. Sun IC -2°23'
- t. Jupiter MC -6°04'
- r. Saturn MC -6°55'
- t. Mars MC +8°10'
- r. Venus IC +8°19'
- t. Uranus MC +8°53'

- t. Venus background 0%

- t. Mars op r. Venus 0°09'
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 0°28'
- t. Mars co t. Uranus 0°38'
- t. Jupiter co r. Saturn 0°39'

I noted transiting Venus being exactly background (with the Eureka curve, not that it matters in this case) because it's really unfortunate.
That aside, Mercury exactly angular is interesting, even though it's a chart that only existed once the major period of travel was completed. It seems like it has the tone of a vacation + lots of attention correct, and the partile aspects are good for a big celebration and cutting loose (although I don't know if Jupiter-Saturn has much to do with the events we're talking about here).
I'm not sure how to score this. Originally I gave it a +2; now I am thinking that to be a bit too generous. Especially since it would be just as easy to read Mars-Venus as "relationship trouble" if we didn't know details, I think I have to dial this one back to +1.
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Kinetic Lunar Returns

Post by Ember Nyx »

This may be the last set of charts that gets its own post. (Then again, I probably need a whole post just for the Anlunars and their kinetics, since there are so many with the relocated versions...)

Base KLR for FL - 7/25/24
- r. Sun Ds -1°08'
- r. Uranus MC -1°11' (p. Uranus MC -2°08')
- r. Mercury Ds +1°37'
- t. Mars As +2°28'
- t. Uranus EP-a 1°07' (As +7°54')
- r. Mars MC -4°02'
- r. Venus WP-a 1°26' (Ds +7°21')
- r. Moon EP-a 1°28' (As +8°32')
- p. Saturn As -4°31'
- t. Venus IC +4°53'
- r. Saturn As -6°10'
- t. Jupiter As -6°20'

- r. Uranus sq r. Sun 0°03' M
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 0°10'
- t. Jupiter co r. Saturn 0°10'
- t. Uranus co r. Moon 0°38' M
- t. Mars op r. Mercury 0°51' M
- p. Uranus sq r. Moon 1°04'
- r. Moon op r. Venus 1°11' M
- p. Uranus co r. Mars 1°16'
- p. Saturn sq r. Mars 1°39' M (r. Mars sq r. Saturn 1°58' M)
- t. Jupiter sq r. Mars 2°18' M
- t. Venus sq t. Mars 2°24' M
- t. Venus sq t. Uranus 3°01'

I got confirmation that she was definitely still in Florida for this.

This chart seems to be talking a lot about "redefining who I am" with Uranus contacts to both luminaries. Double Venus and double Uranus are still present and interacting in various ways (and the ecliptical Uranus-Venus transit happens to be quite tight), though those are not the dominant angularities.
I think, like many of the charts that came before, this one deserves a +2 despite being so complex. It tells several stories about redefining self, sheer busyness, travel, getting attention, and Uranus-Venus per se.

Relocated KLR for St. Thomas - 7/25/24
- p. Saturn EP-a 0°33' (As +6°04')
- r. Pluto Ds -2°05' (p. Pluto Ds -2°53')
- t. Jupiter As +3°56'
- p. Mars MC -3°58'
- r. Saturn As +4°20'
- r. Sun WP-a 2°21' (Ds +9°18')
- p. Venus Ds -7°54'
- t. Mercury IC +8°15'

- t. Jupiter co r. Saturn 0°24' M
- t. Mercury sq r. Sun 1°03' M
- p. Mars sq r. Pluto 1°05' M
- t. Jupiter op r. Pluto 1°58'
- p. Mars sq r. Saturn 1°59'
- p. Mars sq r. Sun 2°17'
- p. Saturn op r. Sun 2°28'

When I first drew up these two KLRs and analyzed them, seeing this chart made me confident that she was still in Florida when it set up, and I was right. I don't think this chart is good at all except for accidental things like Mercury-Sun.
I gave it a -2 at the time, and I still think that's right. Looking at it now, we could possibly even go as low as -3, although if you squint hard enough you might be able to make some cases for things like Jupiter-Pluto, and "at least Venus is there."
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Post by Ember Nyx »

Oh boy. There were so many of these. Let's just get it over with.

Base SAR for FL - 7/5/24
- s. Saturn N 0°09'
- r. Sun EP 0°27' (As -6°44')
- s. Jupiter WP 0°58'
- s. Mars As -3°07'
- r. Mercury As -3°54'
- r. Venus As +4°43'
- t. Uranus Ds +5°41'
- s. Saturn IC +6°12'
- t. Jupiter Ds -7°55'
- r. Moon Ds +9°00'

- t. Uranus sq s. Saturn 0°31' M
- s. Mars co r. Mercury 0°42'
- t. Uranus op r. Venus 0°53'
- t. Jupiter op r. Sun 1°25'
- s. Saturn sq r. Venus 1°29' M

It is a very complicated chart that is saying just about everything at the same time. The closest indicators are mixed, and it's reasonable that the prominent Saturn is appropriate for the time preceding her trip to St. Thomas. I gave this a flat +0, although I could easily be persuaded to go lower. It doesn't just tell multiple stories, it tells multiple contradicting stories.

Relocated SAR for St. Thomas - 7/5/24
- s. Neptune IC -0°48'
- t. Saturn IC +4°05'
- r. Pluto As +5°27'
- t. Neptune IC -5°38'
- r. Saturn Ds +6°46'

- r. Saturn op r. Pluto 1°19' M
- t. Saturn sq r. Pluto 1°22' M

My notes say "I literally cannot imagine a worse chart." Upon further reflectino, Neptune isn't so bad... but the tone is irredeemably wrong. As such, I gave it a -3, and I stand by that. If I saw this chart in a vacuum (especially not knowing it was a relocated Anlunar), I would expect it to be a pretty miserable time.

Base Kinetic SAR for FL - 7/6/24
- p. Moon As -0°08' (t. Moon As -0°13')
- (r. Eris Z 0°45' = 2°15')
- r. Jupiter As +3°59'
- t. Sun As +3°59'
- t. Venus As -4°37'
- s. Moon As +7°44'
- s. Pluto Ds -9°23'

- t. Sun co r. Jupiter 0°00' M
- s. Moon co r. Jupiter 1°28' **(SSR aspect)**
- t. Sun co s. Moon 1°31'
- t. Moon co t. Venus 2°42'
- t. Venus op s. Pluto 2°46' M

This is actually pretty good. Moon-first with natal Jupiter is good, and Sun-Jupiter is great. The pieces are all correct. I gave this a +2. The SSR aspect that got rotated to angles is great too.

Relocated Kinetic SAR for St. Thomas - 7/6/24
- s. Venus IC -0°07' (p. Venus IC -0°47')
- p. Moon EP-a 0°10' (=0°30') (As +9°12')
- p. Pluto Ds +0°31'
- t. Pluto Ds -2°24'
- (t. Eris MC -4°07')
- t. Venus As +5°32'
- t. Mercury As -8°19'
- r. Neptune Ds -8°48'

- t. Mercury op r. Neptune 0°29' M
- p. Pluto sq s. Venus 0°38' M
- t. Venus sq s. Venus 1°13'
- t. Pluto sq s. Venus 2°17' M
- (t. Pluto co s. Pluto 2°45')

Almost everything here is really great, and it's very obvious. Another solid +2.

Base Demi-SAR for FL - 7/20/24
- r. Saturn As +0°20'
- t. Jupiter As +1°02'
- t. Mars EP 1°17' (=3°50')
- s. Saturn MC -4°06'
- t. Mercury IC +4°25'
- r. Sun Ds +5°15'
- r. Mars MC +5°16'
- s. Mars WP-a 1°41' (=6°10')
- r. Pluto Ds -7°05'
- r. Mercury WP-a 2°24' (=7°15')
- r. Venus WP 2°31' (=7°30')
- r. Uranus MC +8°07'

- r. Sun sq r. Mars 0°01' M
- t. Jupiter co r. Saturn 0°05'
- s. Mars co r. Mercury 0°42' (SSR aspect)
- t. Mercury sq r. Sun 0°50' M
- t. Mercury op r. Mars 1°17'
- t. Mars sq s. Saturn 1°29'
- t. Mercury sq r. Venus 1°54'
- t. Mars op r. Venus 2°47'
- s. Saturn sq r. Pluto 2°59' M

Another chart that, while it might be talking about the events prior to the engagement, it's a poor engagement chart. My notes say, "The tone of the period would be expected to be r. Saturn, t. Jupiter, t. Mars, s. Saturn... this is mostly wrong."
The Mars-Mercury SSR aspect (the transit-to-natal) is decent for the period but not the event.
I originally gave this a -2; now I think that was probably too harsh, and -1 is easier to justify.

Relocated Demi-SAR for St. Thomas - 7/20/24
- s. Neptune 0°34' (=1°40')
- r. Pluto WP-a 0°39' (=2°00')
- s. Mercury Ds -3°15'
- t. Saturn MC -5°37'
- t. Jupiter EP 2°11' (=6°30')

- t. Saturn sq s. Mercury 2°22' M

To quote my notes: "This is horrendous." -2. I think going lower would be a bit excessive.

Base Kinetic Demi-SAR for FL - 7/20/24
- s. Neptune IC +0°51'
- t. Jupiter Ds +3°47'
- t. Neptune IC -4°08'
- r. Saturn Ds +4°27'
- r. Pluto As +4°31'
- t. Saturn IC +6°13'
- p. Sun As +7°32' (r. Sun As +8°14')
- r. Mercury EP-a 1°40' (=5°00')

- r. Saturn op r. Neptune 0°04' M
- t. Jupiter co r. Saturn 0°12'
- t. Jupiter sq r. Pluto 0°43' M
- t. Saturn sq r. Pluto 1°42' M
- t. Saturn sq r. Saturn 1°46' M
- t. Saturn sq p. Sun 2°19' M
- t. Jupiter sq t. Saturn 2°26' M
- t. Jupiter sq s. Neptune 2°56' M

This does not seem like a happy chart at all, despite t. Jupiter. I think this is just mostly bad with faint glimmers of "eh." -2

Relocated Kinetic Demi-SAR for St. Thomas - 7/20/24
- s. Moon WP 0°35' (=1°45')
- p. Mercury As +3°10' (s. Mercury As +4°00')

It's not bad, but it's also extremely non-specific. I originally gave it a zero; I think it deserves a weak +1. (If I went back to fractional scoring, I would say 0.5.)
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Ember Nyx
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Luni-solars and Soli-lunars

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Base SL for NJ - 5/13/24
- r. Mercury IC -3°25'
- t. Jupiter MC +4°32'
- r. Venus IC +4°48'
- r. Sun IC -6°31'
- r. Moon MC +8°04'
- t. Sun MC +8°34'
- t. Uranus MC +8°51'

- t. Jupiter op r. Venus 0°16' M
- t. Uranus co r. Moon 0°18'
- t. Sun co t. Uranus 0°18'
- t. Moon op t. Pluto 0°37' M

Once again, I am impressed by this chart. All of the pieces are great (especially Mercury for lots and lots of travel, and a post-college program). I gave this a +2 originally, but I said it was "bordering on +3," and, upon further review, I think I'm going to bump it up to +3. Sure, we could wish for some tighter angularities, but not even by that much.

Relocated SL for St. Thomas - 5/13/24
- r. Saturn MC -2°09'
- r. Sun IC +2°21'
- r. Pluto IC -4°16'
- r. Mercury IC +5°17'
- t. Saturn Ds -8°10'

- t. Moon op t. Pluto 1°26' M
- t. Saturn sq r. Pluto 2°31'

I wrote that this is "strongly misleading," but my perspective on it has softened somewhat. Saturn is pretty poor (at least in the way I've judged it in other charts), but the rest isn't, and Moon-Pluto (which I allowed under SSR rules) is great. But still, it makes it seem like it would be a dark or somber Moon-Pluto type of event, and that's not true.
I'm rescoring it as -1, as I think it's still more misleading than not.

Base LS for FL - 7/17/24
- t. Neptune Ds +7°02'
- r. Jupiter MC -7°48'

Unrelated and non-specific. +0

Relocated LS for St. Thomas - 7/17/24
- (t. Eris Ds -4°29')
- t. Sun MC -4°28'
- r. Jupiter MC +6°11'

I originally gave it the exact same description and score as the base version, but perhaps that is too harsh. Sun and Jupiter are at least correct as to the tone. I'm bumping it up to +1.
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Novienic Lunar Returns/18-Hours

Post by Ember Nyx »

Given that we know a lot about the events of the day immediately prior to the engagement, we have access to more than 1 (or 2) of these charts. For the sake of that, I took a look at several.

Base 18-Hour Lunar for FL - 7/27/24 7:15pm
- r. Neptune EP 0°29' (=1°25')
- t. Pluto EP-a 1°13' (=3°45') (As -9°49')
- r. Eris N 1°53' (=5°45')
- t. Moon IC +5°47'
- r. Jupiter Ds +6°10'
- t. Eris IC +8°14'

- t. Moon sq r. Jupiter 0°33' M
- t. Eris sq r. Jupiter 1°56' M
- t. Moon sq t. Sun 1°57'
- t. Moon co t. Eris 2°27' M
- t. Moon sq t. Pluto 2°40'

I'm including Moon aspects in these since it consistently seems to yield fruit.

Here are my original notes:
"This chart is for Summer finishing her musical theater program, going to sleep late and exhausted, getting like 3 hours of sleep, and oversleeping her first flight. She was on the second flight waiting to depart when the next NLR set up.

I wanted to draw up this chart to see if Eris was present for the oversleeping, and indeed it was, though it wasn't the star of the show. Still, natal Neptune and transiting Pluto are pretty good for this."
I originally gave it a +2. I'm on the fence, but now I think this is more of a +1.

Base 18-Hour Lunar for FL - 7/28/24 12:29pm

- t. Eris Ds -2°52'
- r. Jupiter MC +7°31'
- t. Pluto IC -8°45'

She was sitting on the plane already for this one, and I don't think it really says much specifically. I gave it +0. If Jupiter and Pluto were much closer, I could be persuaded into a +1.

Relocated 18-Hour Lunar for St. Thomas - 7/28/24 12:29pm
- r. Neptune IC +0°08'
- t. Sun MC +0°50'
- t. Pluto IC +5°11'
- t. Moon Ds -6°45'
- t. Uranus Ds -9°38'

- t. Sun op r. Neptune 0°42' M

Neptune leads, which I think is good for being ecstatic. The chart is rather accurate for the tone, though totally non-specific as to the events. Still, I think it has to get a +2; all of the pieces are right, even if we could shuffle their priority in many different ways and come up with many different variants of the same message.
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Final scores and conclusions

Post by Ember Nyx »

I'm going to go back and recalculate relocated quotidian angles for St. Thomas and then add the quotidians to these scores

The very tops and bottoms of each tier are generally borderline cases that may fall into the next tier, but everything in the middle is a mishmash and isn't sorted by "how strong of a +2 is it" for example.

Base SL (bordering on +2)

Transits dominate. Not much to be said here. The Solilunar once again impresses me.

Planetary Periods (bordering on +3)
Base NSR
Base 10-Day Solar
Base Demi-SLR
Base KLR
Base Kinetic SAR
Relocated Kinetic SAR
Relocated 18-Hour LR for engagement
Demi-SSR (bordering on +1)

This is a rather interesting list. The SSR being so high is notable, but the base NSR and 10-Day also being high is even more so. The rest is a mishmash of various charts, but far more base charts than relocated ones, and far more full-period charts rather than demis (although, to be fair, there was no Demi-KLR for this event).

Relocated Demi-SLR (bordering on +2)
Relocated NSR
Relocated SLR
Relocated Kinetic Demi-SAR
Relocated LS
18-Hour LR for prior evening

A big pile of relocated charts, some weaker versions of charts in the +2 category, and some stronger versions of base charts that scored poorly.

Base 18-Hour LR for engagement
Base SAR
Base LS

Not much to say here either.

Relocated 10-Day Solar
Base Demi-SAR
Relocated SL

Same as above. We start to see the Demi-SAR variants pile up in the negative half of the scale.

Base SLR
Relocated KLR
Base Kinetic Demi-SAR
Relocated Demi-SAR

The biggest surprise here is the base SLR... but perhaps it's not so much of a surprise, given that it occurred 26 days before the event in question, and it had so much time to talk about other events that I'm not really privy to. More Demi-SAR variants down here, too.

Relocated SAR

As another note, I tried several methods of adding up the total scores per planet among these charts, to see if any details were visible in the aggregate scores. Every single method I tried, even excluding relocated charts, and/or minor charts, etc, was totally useless. That's a disappointment, because that was one of the approaches I was most interested to see the results of.

The final conclusions are mostly straightforward:
  • The transits are stellar and primarily tell this story.
  • The minor charts are all over the place. The most trusted ones, being the KLR and NSR variants, topped the list. Their messages were generally consistent, and they described the broader period well. If I checked few charts beyond the SLRs, I would prioritize those.
  • There are a ton of SAR variants and, on the whole, they were a wash (though the kinetics did a bit better this time around than the non-kinetics).
  • Demi-SAR variants mostly sucked.
  • Base versions of these charts are generally better than the relocated versions, except the relocated SLRs were, when considered together, stronger than the base versions (+1 and +1 for relocated, compared to -2 and +2 for the base charts).
  • Unfortunately, aggregate planet scores do not seem to be useful at all for this, at least not once we move past SSR + SLRs and add literally anything else.
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