Kamala Harris peak event

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Kamala Harris peak event

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Last night, climaxing August 20, 2024, 8:08 PM CDT, the DNC ceremonial roll call affirmed Kamala Harris' nomination by the Democratic Party for President of the United States. (Lotus for POTUS, as I've started saying.) Though the nomination was official weeks earlier (from an online roll call), this surely was a gigantic personal moment for Harris. She was in Milwaukee (at Fiserv Forum) at the time, hosting an event for thousands. (The arena looked packed and it has a capacity of 18,000 people.)

The climax of the roll call was watched by VP Harris and the Milwaukee crowd and she broke into the convention broadcast to... I guess "pre-accept" the nomination (since her acceptance speech is Thursday night). This had to be one of the most spectacular moments in her life - so I thought I'd record it, run the primary techniques, and see what they say about the accuracy of her recorded birth time.

Milwaukee coordinates (43N02 87W54) are close enough. Fiserv Forum, which is pretty central to the city, is at 43N02'42" 87W55'05".
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

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Starting with the basics - transits - here is what was partile (or at least interesting) at that moment:

Saturn has been opposing her Venus for months and moving past and around her Pluto longer. Jupiter has now joined them... Moon swooped in close... and then everything came to an angle exactly at that moment! Simultaneously, she had a peak Venus moment (t Ve sq r Ve exactly to MC of the moment).

21°12' Leo - r Pluto
21°17' Aqu - t Moon
7°13' Lib - r Mercury [oc 22°13' hub]
22°18' Aqu - t Saturn
22°26' Leo - r Venus/Pluto
22°32' Tau - t Jupiter
22°54' Aqu - t EP-a
23°39' Leo - r Venus
24°29 Leo - t Venus
24°45' Sco - t MC

I suspect, despite her joyousness, that the gravity of the gravity of the moment isn't lost on her. Transiting Sun opposed her Saturn within 0°49' (applying, meaning it covers all of Wednesday and part of Thursday as well).

A great, brief transit perfectly fitting the occasion: t Mercury square natal Jupiter 0°07.

None of these address her birth time, but it's a great barrage of transits.
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I actually started one step too late: While writing CSA I've started referring to simple relocation of the birth chart as the first major layer of prediction. If her birth certificate time is correct, that's certainly true here!

3°06' Can - Milwaukee natal Asc
3°24' Ari - r Moon
3°343' Lib - r Sun
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

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Regarding directions and progressions... One really interesting "coincidence":

For the last two years, Harris has had directed Saturn crossing her natal Sun-Moon. No surprise: Until a month ago, she has been restricted, having little avenue for success and visibility given her job assignments, etc.

But, while, I already considered this direction faded, not with much else to contribute... as of last night (this week), solar arc Saturn was exactly 1°00' separated from aspect to her Sun. The direction literally dropped off the likely orb this week.

For her birth certificate time, directed Ascendant is separated from natal Jupiter 0°44'. (If her birth time is a minute or two earlier, it will expire sooner; otherwise, it's gone in about three months, i.e., just after the election.)
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

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Her SSR relocated to Milwaukee puts transiting Saturn within 2° - another great example of why I don't think SSRs relocate.

Lunars relocate, though and her current Demi-SLR for Milwaukee is stunning - a double Uranus of remarkable strength, supported primarily by benefics:

r Pluto MC -8°53'
r Saturn N -1°57'
r Venus MC -7°01'

t Saturn IC -6°38'
t Jupiter WP-a -0°29'
r Uranus MC -1°26'
t Uranus Dsc +0°27'
r Jupiter Dsc +3°08'
t Mars WP +1°01'
t Venus MC +6°03'

No may recall that this chart set up in Las Vegas with Sun on MC etc.
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Possibly, we'll get a narrower view affecting birth timing from the quotidians.

The SNQ - calculated on SF, meaning it is using tropical years - doesn't have anything close enough to the angles to matter either way. Of at least minor interest: Since she is as many days before her birthday as she is years old, the SNQ MC conjoins natal MC (true at all locations on Earth).

Oh, actually the angles MIGHT be significant if her birth time were several minutes later - which I doubt - since Q Asc was a bit more than 1° from square her natal Sun-Moon. If this were corrected to using Sidereal years, it would be closer to 2°. This is excessive distance from the stated the birth time based on other things we've sone.

The SQ also doesn't show anything (nothing even close). The PSSR might, though: I'm not where I can calculate this exactly (only estimate), but it may be that solar Venus conjunct natal Uranus is exactly on ASC. (I should check this better later.)

So, no, the quotidians weren't much help.
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:33 am Regarding directions and progressions... One really interesting "coincidence":

For the last two years, Harris has had directed Saturn crossing her natal Sun-Moon. No surprise: Until a month ago, she has been restricted, having little avenue for success and visibility given her job assignments, etc.

But, while, I already considered this direction faded, not with much else to contribute... as of last night (this week), solar arc Saturn was exactly 1°00' separated from aspect to her Sun. The direction literally dropped off the likely orb this week.
Reminds me of a close friend who got a job offer the day a Saturn transit to his Mars left 1° orb for the final time. He had done interviews and was just in limbo for months until that abruptly pulled through.
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by sandstone »

another midpoint to consider.. her midheaven/ascendant = moon and sun.. also the mars- pluto opposition in the jan 20 inauguration chart is in close proximity to this degree as well.. just what it all means is open to speculation.. essentially if i read you correctly, the idea of saturn passing out of this midpoint is the cause for her new rise in life.. are there some other possible astro explanations?? it seems to me saturn can be a blessing as much as a curse and is very dependent on how it fits in the natal chart..
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by Jim Eshelman »

sandstone wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:39 pm another midpoint to consider.. her midheaven/ascendant = moon and sun.. also the mars- pluto opposition in the jan 20 inauguration chart is in close proximity to this degree as well.. just what it all means is open to speculation.. essentially if i read you correctly, the idea of saturn passing out of this midpoint is the cause for her new rise in life.. are there some other possible astro explanations?? it seems to me saturn can be a blessing as much as a curse and is very dependent on how it fits in the natal chart..
The inauguration chart doesn't have anything to do with studying this one peak event - that's the purpose of this particular thread.

But I'm also confused. There is no Mars-Pluto on Inauguration Day. Do you possibly mean the Mars-Pluto on Election Day? (That also has nothing to do with this current thread, but it's the only Mars-Pluto I see in sight.) That aspect is pretty wide to think it has anything to do with her specifically. (Pluto is more than a degree from both Sun and Moon. Mars is more than 2° from them by the time the polls close)
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by sandstone »

mars-pluto midpoint... forgot to add 'midpoint' to my post...

regarding the peak event - what explains kamalas rise to power here? it sounds as though you are saying now that saturn is 1 degree past - this is it.. it paints saturn as the bad guy holding kamala down, as opposed to other factors pushing her up..
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by Jim Eshelman »

That's been discussed in other threads (dealing with her chart more broadly with her chart and another dealing specifically with the election) . I was exploring this only as a moment of personal exhilaration, a PERSONAL peak moment with a corresponding psychological state in that exact minute thst might help assess the accuracy of her given birth time.

And yes, along the way I was observing the interesting fact thst this week is precisely the point thst Saturn got out of her way for the first time in about two years (though it's been fading rapidly for the last few months). But that's hardly the whole story of her recent breakout.

For a discussion of her prospects in the election, you might want to read this: https://www.solunars.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8881
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by sandstone »

thanks.. i did see your election thread before as therese hamilton shared it over on skyscript..

it looks like you are using a different ayanamsa then me - i am using krishnamurti..everything in your position list is a little over a degree out with mine.. on top of the couple of close transits you mentioned, here are some other close transits back to her natal chart..t venus return to its natal position - 1 degree past, t moon opp pluto - quite close, t jupiter 150 neptune, t saturn 120 neptune, t neptune 150 saturn, t mercury 60 ascendant, t pluto square her moon-mercury midpoint, t pluto square her sun-mercury midpoint.. not much happening directly on her birth time angles, unless it is off..

quite a bundle of planets are caught up in a t square in the event chart (August 20, 2024, 8:08 PM CDT), and it includes the midheaven axis as well.. the mars-jupiter conjunction in this chart has it's midpoint close to the midheaven axis which would seem to bode well.. the event chart midheaven is 135 to venus-mars midpoint.. that is all i can see in my ''limited'' vision here.. i haven't looked at our predictive tools - solar arc directions and etc. etc..
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by Ember Nyx »

sandstone wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:36 pm it looks like you are using a different ayanamsa then me - i am using krishnamurti..everything in your position list is a little over a degree out with mine..
We exclusively use the Fagan-Bradley ayanamsa here. It's foundational to all of our techniques.
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Re: Kamala Harris peak event

Post by sandstone »

the aspects i outline remain the same regardless of the ayanamsa used..
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