Recently, I’ve become aware that in my synastry charts, there are often mutual aspects involving the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus. The common feature is that their natal Jupiter is aspecting my partile Sun-Uranus conjunction. However, in a few instances, my Novien Sun-Uranus does aspect their Jupiter.
When this pattern exists, the relationship always elevates me intellectually, emotionally or spiritually. The majority are also exciting, with a lot of laughter involved.
Interestingly, the only person who had a natal Jupiter-Uranus aspect that wasn’t connected to my Sun-Uranus conjunction, was my former husband. This could be why he’s a former husband. lol
My Natal
4°06’ Can Sun
3°52’ Can Uranus
14°00’ Can Jupiter
My Novien
6°51’ Sag Sun
4°49’ Sag Uranus
5°56’ Pis Jupiter
A few in my collection:
Partile 45° aspect, a 35 year couple
19°45’ Leo r Jupiter (Husband)
19°08’ Tau r Uranus (Husband)
4°06’ Can r Sun
3°52’ Can r Uranus
6°51’ Sag N Sun
4°49’ Sag N Uranus
5°56’ Pis N Jupiter
5°49’ Vir r Jupiter (my Mother)
6°51’ Sag N Sun
4°49’ Sag N Uranus
5°56’ Pis N Jupiter
7°39’ Vir r Jupiter (Sister)
40 year friendship. Novien-to-natal
6°51’ Sag N Sun
4°49’ Sag N Uranus
5°56’ Pis N Jupiter
5°00’ Pis r Jupiter (Susan)
A woman I’m currently working with on a project. This relationship could be characterized as slightly crazy; we definitely ramp each other up. It reminds me of a high-school type friendship but combining technical skills. It’s a toss up here as to which one of us is more intense. Partile midpoint of her Jupiter-Uranus with my Sun-Uranus.
5°48’ Can r Jupiter (Jill)
3°28’ Can r Uranus (Jill)
4°06’ Can r Sun
3°52’ Can r Uranus
One of my Professors. 45° and 90°, Noviens-to-natal.
17° 50’ Tau N Jupiter (Prof)
4°06’ Can r Sun
3°52’ Can r Uranus
4°49’ Sag N Uranus
5°56’ Pis N Jupiter
3°25’ Pis r Sun (Prof)
Older cousin in the U.K., whose house I crashed at on many occasions and traveled with extensively.
6°51’ Sag N Sun
4°49’ Sag N Uranus
5°56’ Pis N Jupiter
3°22’ Vir r Jupiter (Tom)
and of course, Jim
3°20’ Can r Uranus (Jim)
3°37’ Can r Jupiter (Jim)
4°06’ Can r Sun
3°52’ Can r Uranus
There are many other synastry aspects that modify, or have modified, the nature of each relationship but my take is, that unless there is a mutual aspect of Sun, Uranus and Jupiter, the connection is superficial.
Reinhold Ebertin’s interpretation in COSI seems to fit my personality well and it’s not lost on me that these are the only type of relationships I’ve sought out since the age of 28. (First Saturn return)
A successful reformer, inventor or technician. Good cognition and understanding. A pleasant surprise creating joy.
Although we don’t usually consider houses in Sidereal astrology, it’s of interest that, apart from my sister, every relationship since childhood includes a 9th house theme and the 9th is where my Sun, Uranus and Jupiter are placed. They’re either foreign born or, if local, of a culturally different background. Also, several have taken place in an ‘institute of higher education’ and/or I originally met them there.
Repeating Aspects in Synastry
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Repeating Aspects in Synastry
What a great post! I love this. The interpretation is great. - And, while this sort of relationship is distinctive to you, it's a great point of self-understanding, too.
Sun-Jupiter by itself suggests respect, generosity, blessings, and shared success. Your gestalt is bigger than the sum of its parts, though. (And the fact that the pattern is so consistent even though sometimes only completed in the Novien also is good evidence for the Novien interchanges.)
Sun-Jupiter by itself suggests respect, generosity, blessings, and shared success. Your gestalt is bigger than the sum of its parts, though. (And the fact that the pattern is so consistent even though sometimes only completed in the Novien also is good evidence for the Novien interchanges.)
You may be right about the house theme of your natal planets - although I'd also suggest that the themes you suggest, more simply, are consistent with Jupiter and Uranus by themselves. (But the words you used are a more precise traditional 9th house sense.) With your Sun in the 9th, we'd perhaps expect a basic 9H theme in the whole flow of your life, and it makes sense this would include relationships. My working interpretation for 9th House Sun (from the book in progress) is:Lyse wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:28 am Although we don’t usually consider houses in Sidereal astrology, it’s of interest that, apart from my sister, every relationship since childhood includes a 9th house theme and the 9th is where my Sun, Uranus and Jupiter are placed. They’re either foreign born or, if local, of a culturally different background. Also, several have taken place in an ‘institute of higher education’ and/or I originally met them there.
Or - a little different - for a 9th House stellium such as you have:Drawn to the foreign (travel, world-hopping) with wide-ranging interests. Curious, inquiring. Often strong interests in philosophy, religion, law, education, cultural institutions. Professionalism vindicates their self-image and often sates a need for importance. Capable of sustained passion for things that enthuse them. Often the men are peacocks. Among the famous: Few important governing figures. In music, the few significant celebrities are nearly all standout, powerful female talents. Actors show outstanding comedic talent.
Worldly, inquiring: far-reaching intellectual and physical curiosity, often frequent and distant travel, interest in the foreign or in religion, philosophy, academics, law and the courts, and broadly developing sophisticated thought. Tension from juggling values based on outside guidance (cultural, institutional, or civic values or adopted codes) vs. guidance from within (private values or inner promptings).
Jim Eshelman
Re: Repeating Aspects in Synastry
Good point!Although I’d also suggest that the themes you suggest, more simply, are consistent with Jupiter and Uranus by themselves.
That’s excellent, I must have missed your interpretation of a 9th house stellium. The last sentence fits perfectly and relates to my life in more ways than one. Thank you!Or - a little different - for a 9th House stellium such as you have:
Worldly, inquiring: far-reaching intellectual and physical curiosity, often frequent and distant travel, interest in the foreign or in religion, philosophy, academics, law and the courts, and broadly developing sophisticated thought. Tension from juggling values based on outside guidance (cultural, institutional, or civic values or adopted codes) vs. guidance from within (private values or inner promptings).
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Repeating Aspects in Synastry
I may not have posted these separately. (I haven't time to look right now.) I snuck then into the end of the Appendix A: Interpretations draft of the new book and may not have mentioned that. (Versions of them are in the Houses chapter draft of the new book.)
Jim Eshelman
Re: Repeating Aspects in Synastry
Got it, thanks.Versions of them are in the Houses chapter draft of the new book.