My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

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My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Since I have been discussing with Arena Jim's definition for an "outstanding incident" SSR, I want to go into detail later for all of our possible better understandings for "outstanding incident" SSRs. My wife's "outstanding incident" 2024 SSR is angular SSR Neptune partile 180 r Saturn, could be very nasty? More later.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

I wanted to go over some of my systems for recognizing an “outstanding incident” return chart. I am not saying this is the best approach for you, there are several ways to recognize an “outstanding incident” return chart.

The first step I do is naturally compute the return chart carefully checking to see if there are any 0 90 180 angular partile aspects in the return chart itself—ANGULAR. In this case with Gayle’s 2024 SSR there are no angular partile 0 90 180 aspects in Gayle’s SSR, but Neptune is angular and checking the mundo scope I see Neptune is exactly 2,39 conjunct her SSR MC, a very strong angular Neptune influence. Below is a link for her eclipto 2024 SSR only showing her angular Neptune:

The next main step I want to check is to see if Gayle’s angular Neptune is partile 0 90 180 one of her Natal Planets, and it is with here SSR Neptune partile 180 her Natal Saturn, definitely not good and calculating an “outstanding incident” Natal Saturn-SSR Neptune. Its time for Gayle to experience an “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune influence! Below is a link showing a bi-wheel; inside chart her SSR; outside chart her Natal--- showing her partile r Saturn 180 her angular SSR Neptune, both planets angular.

Much more later, but again let us use Jim's words to define an "outstanding incident" return chart:
It is when angularity and aspect partility coincide that outstanding incidents are most likely to come about.
In this case it is an angular SSR planet (Neptune) is partile 180 Gayle's Natal Saturn, both angular on the SSR MC/IC axis.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

To explain Steve's method in a way that will be more obvious to users of Time Matters: If I run Gayle's next SSR for their residence (dropping out Class 3 angularities), I get the following list of foreground planets and aspects among foreground planets (for this purpose, I'm ignoring Moon aspects, though I should mention that there are three that deserve attention, one being a partile Moon to natal Mars and one being a wider Moon to transiting Jupiter):

r Saturn IC -3°09'
t Neptune MC -2°32'
r Uranus Asc -1°24'

t Neptune op r Saturn 0°14'

So, if three foreground planets (Class 2 or closer), there is one partile aspect: t Neptune opposite r Saturn. This makes the chart "outstanding" in Steve's working methods as precision of aspects exists among reasonably angular foreground planets.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim, anything you may add is much appreciated because I want this to be a research learning example for an “outstanding incident” SSR; like I stated, a very rare occurrence in the lifetime for an individual with an AA rated bt.

Gayle after living with me for 53 years knows very well what I mean when I use Jim’s words: “an outstanding incident” SSR. She know Saturn-Neptune symbolism is serious unpleasant occurences. Since Gayle has recently been afflicted with some health concerns which is actually normal at her age, her first question to me as an astrologer was: It this “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune SSR going to afflict my health in a more serious dramatic way, or this “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune SSR going to involve me with another relationship. I told her: good question, let me see if I can find some more clues in the SSR itself which may provide you with a high probability answer. I am pretty sure I found her answer for her when in the SSR I saw that her Natal North Node (Dragon’s Head) was partile conjunct her Natal MC. I have come to rely on more in-depth delineations using the German School of Astrology for the symbolism of the North Node, but I don’t want to make this an issue on a Sidereal Astrology forum since Sidereal Astrology does not rely on the symbolism for the Dragon’s Head (North Node). My wife asked me an important question for her psyche to understand better: was this “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune SSR going to further affect her health in serious malefic ways or was it going to afflict her pertaining to a relationship in her life? So I went to Ebertin’s COSI book for the “tone” of the combo for Node-MC and here is what Ebertin wrote:
Principle: Individual relationships.
So, I told her the sometimes “suffering” principle of Saturn-Neptune symbolism had higher probability for affecting an "Individual relationship" in her life rather than a continuing progression of health problems due to old age. Gayle understands exactly who the main "individual relationships" in her life encompass, including me. Gayle’s next question to me was: did I have any specific clues in her solar year WHEN this Saturn-Neptune principle would manifest in her new solar year? I told her: yes, I have a definite clue WHEN this Saturn-Neptune principle could more than likely manifest in her new solar year pertaining to an important “individual relationship” in her life. More about WHEN later…
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Just to add.... when I saw the partile square of SSR Moon to natal Mars, my first thought was that it was a health matter. There does seem, though, a reprieve (healing?) about two months after her birthday when SQ Moon progresses to conjoin Jupiter exactly.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by Arena »

Well, it seems to be serious, yes.

Recently, when I approach this, as stated before - I have tried to limit myself only to the planets and aspects that come into partile or almost partile angularity - but I see you are both using a much wider orb.

I must say it is a relief to hear Jim say that the SQ Moon conjoins Jupiter. I hope she will be ok.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
I must say it is a relief to hear Jim say that the SQ Moon conjoins Jupiter. I hope she will be ok.
Thanks Arena, me too, its nice for her to have with that malefic Saturn-Neptune SSR. I think she will be just fine, she may lose a good friend but we all start to lose close friends/associates in old age. She has a prime candidate/friend for this possible loss and is amazed she is still alive, she is 90 years old. This friend is dear to her heart and has been like a second mother to her.

If I can isolate the main Moon-Jupiter event for Gayle, I may do as Fagan did with exact SSR Moon progressions to 0 90 180 aspects with solar or natal planets, rectify her bt to a possible more exact bt. Many years ago if memory is serving me I think we did the same for you Arena for a possible better/accurate bt. Would you happen to remember the SSR?
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

OK, Gayle asked me if I saw any clues which would clue her in on WHEN her “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune SSR would manifest during her solar year? I said yes, there is a glaring timing factor taught by Donald Bradley from his book “Solar & Lunar Returns” where he states:
Lunar returns, while more powerful in immediate effect, are subservient to the preceding solar return. Therefore, we must look to the lunar return for proof that lunar returns usually “time” the major occurrences foreshadowed in the solar return.
In Gayle’s case this becomes very interesting because her Oct 13 SLR 2024 features the same “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune 180 partile aspect with almost the same angles as her Oct 20 2024 SSR. Her Oct 13 SLR MC 1,45 Pi; her Oct 20 SSR MC 00,52 Pi. Her Oct 13 SLR has a glaring triangle formation with her Moon. Her Moon partiles 135 her SLR Sun and SLR Mars. Ebertin’s COSI tone for Sun/Mars = Moon says:
The husband.

Somewhat worrisome with my old age/heart. So, we may know very close to Gayle’s 2024 b-day what is “foreshadowed” with her “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune 2024 SSR. Also, Gayle has another “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune SLR Dec 7—so her “outstanding incident” Saturn-Neptune SSR may be timed to happen then.

Anyway, this will be a good test for Bradley’s above words about certain lunar returns timing what is “foreshadowed” in a SSR. I just hope I am still around to report back to the forum. A high-grade psychic which has proven to me beyond doubt her keen abilities told me many moons ago when I go---I will not know what hit me. I told Gayle if her Saturn-Neptune SSR is possibly “foreshadowing” my sudden death she is in big trouble---she will have no one to take out the trash or do certain chores around the house :) . But, she has other widowed friends-- so Gayle will manage with the help of their know-hows without their husbands. Gayle clearly understands that anykind of suffering is part of the human experience for any life.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by Arena »

Let's hope you're not predicting your own death. I think I might rather use it as a warning to have a physical checkup, check the heart and blood vessels and inner cleaning system (gallbladder, liver and kidneys). It's really worth the money to get that blood cleanse I did in Germany in the private clinic - if it turns out you both might benefit from that. :)

About the SQ Moon, yes I remember when you say that. We did check and progress the SSR Moon to see something. I'm not sure if it was the year my mother died, or if it was something else. Might be worth checking with my two possible birth times I'm exploring to see which one comes closer with a few different example years.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, I'm still not sure whether PVP aspects have value in SLRs (though some of them have been quite interesting). However, Gayle has some of these in that mid-October SLR that are of interest. My standard breakdown of the SLR is:

t Mars Asc -8°31'
r Saturn IC -2°10'
t Neptune MC -1°45'
r Uranus Asc +2°03'

t Neptune op r Saturn 0°04'

But transiting Venus and Uranus are also at 270°-90° azimuth, so in theory we can also add:

t Venus-Uranus op 0°20' p
t Venus sq r Uranus 1°18' p
t Uranus sq r Uranus 1°32' p
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, it seems to me that a significant factor in understanding Gayle's SSR is your own upcoming SSR. It's a better-than-average SSR showing the possibility of emotionally impactful events, but mostly positive themed. It doesn't suggest serious health issues except in the sense that all Moon-Pluto has some element of termination or finality.

But the incoming chart is FAR kinder to you than the Moon aspects of the one you're just ending. About the only way to improve it is to go to New Orleans or Memphis for your birthday and put transiting Uranus precisely on MC opposite natal Jupiter just off IC.

r Moon IC -9°27'
t Uranus MC +3°32'
r Jupiter IC +5°48'

t Moon-Pluto 0°39'
t Moon-Venus op 3°42'

t Uranus op r Jupiter 2°16' M

The only partile non-foreground aspect of note is Neptune's opposition to your Sun and square to Uranus. (Mundanely Sun-Neptune is about half a degree.) This will run its course regardless of the SSR. The SSR itself is basically Uranus transiting your Jupiter (you and Kamala! <g>) and Moon's squares to Pluto and Venus.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
Let's hope you're not predicting your own death.
Indeed Arena, I am just looking at the statistics for men dying at my age and realizing how much my body has lost certain things with my stamina in the last few months. That long t Neptune to my Sun has really done a malefic number on my body, weaken it in many negative ways.
Arena wrote:
I think I might rather use it as a warning to have a physical checkup, check the heart and blood vessels and inner cleaning system (gallbladder, liver and kidneys). It's really worth the money to get that blood cleanse I did in Germany in the private clinic - if it turns out you both might benefit from that. :)
Believe me Arena, I am taking serious measures to pursue this line of thinking, thanks--excellent advice.
Arena wrote:
About the SQ Moon, yes I remember when you say that. We did check and progress the SSR Moon to see something. I'm not sure if it was the year my mother died, or if it was something else. Might be worth checking with my two possible birth times I'm exploring to see which one comes closer with a few different example years.
Arena, if you are able to isolate the year/time for this SQ and if it was the year your mother died, and if I do isolate the specific event for Gayle’s Moon-Jupiter SQ coming-up in a few months, we then may get Jim to help us with the math of it all and come-up with a rectified time for you/Gayle, just a thought which popped into my mind. :)
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
But transiting Venus and Uranus are also at 270°-90° azimuth, so in theory we can also add:
t Venus-Uranus op 0°20' p
t Venus sq r Uranus 1°18' p
t Uranus sq r Uranus 1°32' p
Excellent observation Jim! For sure we will take a closer look at this symbolism when I know the Saturn-Neptune event for Gayle, and if it does not include me as the event :) . Also, with her r Uranus being very close to her SSR ASC---could be symbolizing a sudden event.
Jim wrote:
Steve, it seems to me that a significant factor in understanding Gayle's SSR is your own upcoming SSR. It's a better-than-average SSR showing the possibility of emotionally impactful events, but mostly positive themed. It doesn't suggest serious health issues except in the sense that all Moon-Pluto has some element of termination or finality.
I hear you Jim, thank a-lot.
Jim wrote:
But the incoming chart is FAR kinder to you than the Moon aspects of the one you're just ending. About the only way to improve it is to go to New Orleans or Memphis for your birthday and put transiting Uranus precisely on MC opposite natal Jupiter just off IC.
Thanks much Jim for this relocation idea, I may indeed take this trip since I have an “outstanding incident” Mercury-Venus Sept 10 SLR set-up in Springville.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Steve wrote
"Ebertin’s COSI tone for Sun/Mars = Moon says:
The husband."

This was not all he wrote Steve, and in fact I think the sentence in front of "the husband" provides details and insights that simply "the husband" does not prompt our subconscious to grok.

"Man in relation to women, the desire for marriage" is the sentence prior to the one you quoted.

That statement is full of life and vitality, and to me as a midpoint aspect does not spell out specific doom, detriment nor death to a husband, but more of a deep feeling of passionate enflamed love.

I hope that you and Gayle do take Jim's advice and take a nice loving holiday to celebrate your life together and to let your love for each other shine! Memphis will be so beautiful on your birthday with fall starting to show its brilliance.
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Re: My wife's rare "outstanding incident" Oct 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Thanks V for your positive vibes.
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