Important turn of events?

Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Lunar Returns.
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Important turn of events?

Post by Arena »

There seems to be a possible "turn of events" in the air now... I will see in the next few days/weeks if something will come out of it. We are now trying to get a small group of people to invest in a property with us. Possibly land, possibly also a hotel. At least it seems like there might be important developments for us possibly signing some contracts and moving within the next few months. What do you think?

It seems like my man's current lunar return and the next few are quite important. Jupiter is playing with his natal and rel. IC. His natal MC is at 25,55 Scorpio in sidereal, so you see what I mean.

Current lunar return shows a partile t. Mars-Jupiter conjunction partile opposite his r. Venus and all partile his MC/IC. See here:

Next one is coming up on Sep 9th, in 6 days and it's also quite good. His r. Sun-Jup is partile sq the SLR angle and t. Sun is partile his rel. MC and sq t. Jup. Sun Jup theme for sure. In adddition
we see that partile Moonn-Ur opposition partile sq the lunar MC.

On Oct 6th he also has angularity. T. Sat partile angle ecliptically. T. Jup partile his natal MC.

On Nov 3rd there is a partile Ven-Jup opposition and t. Jup is partile his natal born angle at 25.55, plus his r. Ur is partile sq SLR angle.

On Nov 30th there are a few partile points as well. T. Mer is partile his r. Nep and r. MC while t. Jup on the opposing side is partile his rel. IC. T. Venus partile his r. Mer and t. Mars partile his r. Jup.

Dec 27th also has partile aspects. The t. Sun is actually partile his natal ASC. The Mer-Jup partile aspect comes to Mer partile the angle in mundo PV. T. Nep partile sq angle and SLR MC partile r. Mer.

Very interesting indeed.

Added: At the same time his solar arcs reveale d.Uranus to his r. ASC and d. Jup partile sq his MC. Lots of changes, huge expansion are happening in his work and he just invested a bit more money into the company. At the same time, his rel. d. MC with Venus is now partile his Sun-Mars conjunction with his Jup opposition. It seems like very important developments these days.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by Veronica »

If you provide his birthdata, where he lives now and where the property is I could look to see what I think. I really cant say without the raw data.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by Arena »

The pictures of the charts that I posted are the ecliptic biwheels of his relocated birth chart with the lunar returns on the outside. A lot can be seen by that. :) The location of the properties we're now looking at is close by in the same country. I didn't ask for his permission to share his data. This is why I simply post the pictures for clarity.

I can state the angularity within 5° in mundo as well for reference:

Aug 13th: t. Sun 3,38° Asc in PV
Sep 9th : t. Mer 3,31° Mc in Azi
Oct 6th : one of these distorted ones where almost all planets are angular.
Dec 27th : Mer - Jup opposition on angles, with Mer partile the Dsc at 29,12 and Jup on Asc at 27,11°.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by Veronica »

Arena wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:38 am The pictures of the charts that I posted are the ecliptic biwheels of his relocated birth chart with the lunar returns on the outside. A lot can be seen by that. :) The location of the properties we're now looking at is close by in the same country. I didn't ask for his permission to share his data. This is why I simply post the pictures for clarity.

I can state the angularity within 5° in mundo as well for reference:

Aug 13th: t. Sun 3,38° Asc in PV
Sep 9th : t. Mer 3,31° Mc in Azi
Oct 6th : one of these distorted ones where almost all planets are angular.
Dec 27th : Mer - Jup opposition on angles, with Mer partile the Dsc at 29,12 and Jup on Asc at 27,11°.
Yes, thank you but if you cannot provide the actual data I don’t feel I can comment until I draw the charts myself. I understand you are trying to respect his privacy and respect that. I hope you understand as a person scientifically trying to explore astrology I cannot give my thoughts unless I am able to reproduce the data/chart myself. We are trying to move astrology out of the realm of superstition and mythology and into its rightful place as a valid field of scientific study. We need real people with real birth data who consent/agree to exploring real experiences to help. I think though that if you and your partner are ever so passionately working honestly for your success and happiness as you say….well then I see no reason why you will not be rewarded for that effort and enthusiasm.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by Arena »

This thread is only for those advanced in practice who are capable of looking at pictures of the charts and expressing their insights, without having to put them into a research databank. There's also the question whether the lunar and transits trigger what's going on with the solar arcs.

I believe something remarkable will happen in my man's life in the upcoming months that these lunars indicate. We've been contemplating and making offers on a few properties in the last couple of years, but now with this Jupiter move it seems to become more likely that it will finally happen. Jupiter is a benefic expansion and on his IC now at the same time as it's playing around my relocated ASC. My possible lunar returns are in here:

I believe it could be either a purchase of a new home, moving abroad, or as I mentioned, a collaboration of buying something much bigger with a group of people to build up something bigger.

If there is really not one person in this forum willing to contemplate on the charts with me, then I'll ask for the thread to be deleted within a couple of days.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by Veronica »

oh, thanks for clarifying Areana, I thought this forum was place to study and learn Sidereal Astrology, open for everyone and anyone to post and comment on.

You want contemplation?
its unscientific and n0t repeatable....contemplation is like clouds in the sky passing by.
You wouldnt like to hear what those pictures had me contemplating, and I refuse to give those thoughts merit unless I can look at his Lunars in the context of his SSR and his SSRs in context to his progressions and his progressions in the context of his natal. As stand alone charts, oh yea it sure looks he is having a really good time..

Thanks again for clarifying yourself and your needs.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
At the same time his solar arcs reveale d.Uranus to his r. ASC and d. Jup partile sq his MC. Lots of changes, huge expansion are happening in his work and he just invested a bit more money into the company.
I am a great believer in 0 90 180 Solar Arc hits to the angles as “major life developments” as Noel Tyl taught in his Solar Arc book, but only when you can clearly see a major life development occurring/developing in your life/work. For example: when I got involved in a major take-over of a small company which for sure was an “out of the ordinary event” in my entire life, my r Mars was d to r MC. On the other hand, when I see a 0 90 180 Solar Arc hit to an angle but nothing is happening in the life as “out of the ordinary” ---then the Solar Arc hit to the angle probably needs to be ignored. In other words: Not all Solar Arc angular hits time major life events but I suppose could color the going-ons in one’s living environment in minor ways. Always remember with Solar Arc hits involving angles a very accurate timed birth chart is a must!!!

IMO, Solar Arc 0 90 180 hits to our Natal Angles are definitely major destined events in one’s life time—they must be dealt with one way or another, but when dealt with full astrological symbolic understanding they help one understand what’s at hand better with better enlighten management.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by Arena »

Thank you for your contemplation Steve. Appreciated.
Yes indeed, a very accurate birth time is needed. I've never attempted to get into serious search for his life events to see whether his angles are spot on. I have enough with my own angles. But I do know that both Jupiter and Uranus are having an effect since it's both in transits and solar arcs. He wants to make a change in his career and also our home. We're still on the lookout for a property and we are about to make another offer.

But tere are also worrying transits occuring with Pluto and Saturn.
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Re: Important turn of events?

Post by SteveS »

A major "life development" Solar Arc cycle involving a r angle---things just start happening with a strong feeling:

This was meant to happen, because things just start happening in strange ways. Things just start to fall in place. Some major "life development" cycles go smooth---some don't, but for sure whatever was meant-- destined to happen will happen. Solar Arc cycles with r angles are true "co-determinants of fate."
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