Magnitude 8.0 earthquakes

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Jim Eshelman
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Magnitude 8.0 earthquakes

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Another astrologer recently mentioned that she was researching 8.0 or higher magnitude earthquakes. There aren't a lot of these with well timed data so I never made that cut-off in my earthquake research. (You can get my conclusions on a large data set in the earthquakes chapter of Sidereal Mundane Astrology.) Nonetheless, I thought I'd take the 8+ quakes I already have and see how the data compares. Here are the tallies for the relevant solar and lunar ingresses and the daily timers (Capsolar and Cansolar transits and quotidians).

Since the largest quakes tend to have tsunamis, I expect more Jupiter (especially Moon-Jupiter) in this set than otherwise seems to make sense. (That's exactly what we got, though the top angularities are right on the mark. The top Moon aspects other than Jupiter are the same planets as the top angularities.)

Close Angularities
Sa: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16
Ur: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16
Pl: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16
Su: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13
Me: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13
Ma: xxxxxxxxxxxx 12
Ve: xxxxxxxxxxx 11
Ju: xxxxxxxxxxx 11
Ne: xxxxxxxxxx 10
Mo: xxxxxxxx 8

Moon Aspects
Ju: xxxxxxxxxx 10
Ur: xxxxxxxxxx 10
Sa: xxxxxxxxx 9
Ne: xxxxxxxx 8
Ma: xxxxxxx 7
Pl: xxxxxxx 7
Ve: xxxxxx 6
Su: xxxx 4
Me: x 1

Combined Angularity + Moon Aspects
Ur: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 26
Sa: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 25
Pl: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 23
Ju: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 21
Ma: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 19
Ne: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 18
Su: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 17
Ve: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 17
Me: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 14
Mo: xxxxxxxxxxxx 12

Other Foreground Aspects (more than 2)
3: Su-Sa Su-Ne Su-Pl Me-Ma Me-Ur Ma-Ur Sa-Pl
Jim Eshelman
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