LeiLei September 24 DLR

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LeiLei September 24 DLR

Post by LeiLei »

Jim, if you wouldn't mind & when you have the time, will you interpret my upcoming lunar return? First without pvp aspects & then considering them to see how they might change the energy of the chart?

Also I really wish I had a better grasp on Sedna's influence as a transiting factor. She has a role in the pvp aspects in this chart & is a leading star in my upcoming solar return. At first I attempted to ignore her & didn't include her in any chart apart from natals. But for whatever reason I feel ignoring her is wrong. What do you think?

Edited to add I still reside in Morgantown, WV. And yes, sorry, my demi lunar return. I've started thinking of all lunars as two week charts I barely check which is which anymore.
Last edited by LeiLei on Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: LeiLei September 24 LR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've grown disenchanted with Sedna, especially in prediction, as time went by. Some of that disenchantment was clarified when I realized Sedna is about the size of Ceres, and so might be expected be about as strong as the very strongest of the asteroids - meaning, not very! Several people have suggested that Sedna in transit (in return charts, at least) means extreme emotion, especially (but not exclusively) with unresolved rage or an adamant demand for justice (often more brutal than necessary). I pass that along for what it's worth.
LeiLei wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:30 pm Jim, if you wouldn't mind & when you have the time, will you interpret my upcoming lunar return? First without pvp aspects & then considering them to see how they might change the energy of the chart?
I take it you mean your Demi-SLR (since you said 9/24). Breaking it for Morgantown:

t Mars Asc -4°25'
t Saturn MC -1°50'
r Neptune WP-a 0°00'
r Moon Dsc +5°43'
r Saturn IC +5°48'

r Moon-Saturn sq 0°05' M
t Mars-Saturn sq 2°35' M

This is unquestionably harsh. Transiting Saturn and, especially, natal Neptune are the most closely angular. The whole set of foreground planets includes four malefics, no benefics, and your Moon. I would anticipate something extremely unpleasant, especially emotionally. That is, the factors that are most severely impacted might be summarized as security, which could be either psychological or physical security (though, with these planets, it is almost certainly with emotional responses to the circumstances).

Maybe the most important thing to say is that, with natal Neptune 0°00' from an angle the feeling of events likely will be disproportionate to their practical consequences. It's important to keep checking in with objective, measurable things rather than let your subjective impressions drive you - in fact, get someone else to be your sounding board or check your reactions.

Aspects like Saturn paired with Neptune plus natal Moon-Saturn turned into a precise mundane square are emotionally very hard. They are the kind of aspects where one often feels something is being taken away from them, or imagines that things are far worse than they actually are. It's harder to dislodge one's negative state of mind to see things differently (i.e., change point of view).

One could go through the standard list of likely life areas, but I don't think it narrows things down. It would be more useful to think about whether you have any areas of your life that are really vulnerable right now, especially where security and sense of emotional well-being is concerned. These aspects, for example, could severely undercut health (with - given the Neptune - a strong sense of magnified dread at some news, or otherwise a need for convalescence). It could mean undercutting financial security, especially if there is a vulnerability and someone is coming after you (e.g., if a tax audit is scheduled, reschedule it!). It could affect different types of relationships although that doesn't seem to be the real focus - there is struggle, and there are aspects that can show contention, but "impact on relationships" isn't a strong theme (secondary or a side issue at most).

It does seem that something is coming down on your head and it will feel pretty bad for a week or two. The best of things disappoint for a while.

OTOH, I don't want to suggest you just stay inside and hide. (Neptune this strong might want to do that.) Since there will be struggle, you are probably better off if you keep a clear head and engage it.

Broadly: It's tough, especially regarding physical and/or psychological security, although feelings about how things are probably are worse than the actual situation.

If PVP aspects are included:
t Uranus op r Venus 0°11' p
r Moon-Venus sq 0°16' p
t Uranus sq r Moon 0°24' p
t Saturn sq r Uranus 0°54' p
t Saturn sq r Venus 1°05' p
t Saturn sq r Neptune 1°48' p

Mostly these add nothing new, except instead of having transiting Saturn and natal Neptune closely angular together, they also have an aspect. The other big difference is that there are a lot of Venus aspects. This is different, since - if valid - it suggests an important relationship is very much a part of the story, perhaps with loss or at least with significant rearrangement of the conditions of the relationship. (Not just Saturn to Venus, but Saturn and Uranus to Venus as if "change in relationship" is as key a phrase as "loss, burden, or difficulty in relationship."

Finally, I wanted some context for this chart. Your full lunar 9/11 is transiting Uranus and natal Venus, Mars, and Neptune. Simplistically, this seems like a great deal of emotion (of several types) in response to shifting circumstances. Transiting Uranus to natal Venus is the main feature so, regardless of PVP aspects in the Demi, there is "change in relationship circumstances" going on right now, I suspect. This increases my sense that the demi has a lot to do with people around you that are important in your life.

Finally, you've had a pretty rough SSR this last year with two Saturns most angular and a partile Venus-Saturn opposition foreground (though also a close Moon-Jupiter conjunction). Affairs of the SSR likely have been on a recent wave of coming to a head and "wrapping up" before the year closes. Your next SSR in a few weeks shifts this: Despite Moon square natal Saturn, transiting Venus and Uranus are foreground along with natal Venus and Uranus - and natal Saturn. That's a very different feel than the last year!
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Re: LeiLei September 24 DLR

Post by LeiLei »

Thank you, Jim. Just want to note the Sa-Ne is an ecliptical aspect, not pvp. It's sandwiched between the pvp aspects on TM.

I had thought, when I first looked at this chart months ago, it might signify getting sick. But I just recently had my second Sa-Ne pass (exact around the first of September) & I was the most ill I've been in years, 103* fever. So while not altogether ruling out another infection, I think this chart is likely about something else. I'm very isolated so I don't think the demi will involve relationships with other people unless someone from my past tries to contact me which is always a possibility. That does leave my relationship with my son but we've had loads of ups & downs the last couple of years & have since began to turn the corner so I have a hard time imagining a chart this harsh being about us. That leaves what I would really prefer not to think about, something terrible happening to him & the chart representing my grief. I'm consoled by his own lunar returns, his currently operating demi & upcoming lunar return each have transiting Jupiter tightly angular. There are some not so great features as well but doesn't transiting Jupiter being so strong usually afford him some protection? Or it may be that allow myself to get swallowed up in worry for the two weeks & then nothing comes from it. But that seems too optimistic. I don't know, the chart's as intriguing as it is worrying.

As an aside, Pluto is currently minutes from my ASC & will make its 4th exact pass the morning of my son's 27th birthday. And again late October. Then another (final) pass to my local ASC in December. Eight exact passes if counting my local ASC! Whew! I have been undergoing major changes in my psyche with how I view relationships (of all kinds) but really how I view myself within them & really just how I view myself as a living being. I've had a lot of key realizations, namely life areas where I need to be more selfish & areas where I need to take more responsibility. The most important was realizing that while most people are afraid of dying, I am deeply afraid of living, of being truly seen & a part of the world. Typing this I realize this is probably because it's what I most deeply desire.

Anyways, thank you as always for your analysis Jim.
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Re: LeiLei September 24 DLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

LeiLei wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:23 am That does leave my relationship with my son but we've had loads of ups & downs the last couple of years & have since began to turn the corner so I have a hard time imagining a chart this harsh being about us. That leaves what I would really prefer not to think about, something terrible happening to him & the chart representing my grief. I'm consoled by his own lunar returns, his currently operating demi & upcoming lunar return each have transiting Jupiter tightly angular. There are some not so great features as well but doesn't transiting Jupiter being so strong usually afford him some protection? Or it may be that allow myself to get swallowed up in worry for the two weeks & then nothing comes from it. But that seems too optimistic. I don't know, the chart's as intriguing as it is worrying.
Yes, Jupiter - especially when the dominant planet - does tend to bring significant protection. I think looking at his charts is a great way to ease your anxiety. If he has no major threatening transits and returns coming up, he's likely fine.

I suppose two weeks of worry and dread with nothing coming of it isn't the worst outcome possible :) I suspect there will be something to justify your anxiety. Pluto's transit to your Ascendant does show this as a time that reinvents your understanding of yourself and your life in very significant ways.
I've had a lot of key realizations, namely life areas where I need to be more selfish & areas where I need to take more responsibility. The most important was realizing that while most people are afraid of dying, I am deeply afraid of living, of being truly seen & a part of the world. Typing this I realize this is probably because it's what I most deeply desire.
This seems an important, potentially life-changing realization.

Since I have your son's chart here... There are no immediate solar arcs (something coming in about a year, but not now). The main secondary direction is a progressed Venus-Mars conjunction that has been coming on for a while and is now 0°01' wide, peaking any day now (27-year-old young men likely know what to do with that). There are no strong major transits in the near future (Mars left the square to his Sun a few days ago). So that leaves his lunar returns, and you seem to have that under control.

His upcoming SSR - just glancing at it quickly in Solar Fire - shows a lot of change likely, but also has Moon rising square natal Mars-Pluto. That could bring a bit of trouble (from health concerns to conflict; even a run-in with the law). So, depending on the circumstances of his life right now, there may be some concern. But that would be cutting it close if it popped up soon enough to be relevant to your upcoming demi-lunar.
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Re: LeiLei September 24 DLR

Post by LeiLei »

Hi all. I just wanted to provide an update. Within days of my initial post I starting thinking about going to back to school to obtain my bachelor's degree. My DLR was mostly spent solidifying my decision, researching different programs, & so on. There was some conflict with my son for a couple of days that resolved quite easily the day before my birthday. So if anything the period was exciting, realizing I have more options than I thought & that taking back control over my life isn't some lost cause. While the excitement carried over from my previous LR when everything started percolating, my DLR became more serious, recognizing my plans could be actualized, not merely dreamt. Makes a lot of sense considering I went from a LR featuring tUr-nVe to a DLR featuring tSa-nNe. The themes check out.

Combined with Pluto transiting my ASC, these last couple of months have been a period of intense reflection on the parts of me that are normally hidden - even from me. I've had a lot of internal dialogue going on, uncertainty in my abilities, what am I even good at, who even am I. I realized one night that I was trying to get to the core of who I am. And wow doesn't it make sense that the core of who I am would be hidden, even from me, when considering my deeply background trio of Su-Me-Pl in Virgo. And then there's the doubts that whatever I decide will be something I can stick to in the long-term. I have pretty major commitment issues, always kind of planning my exit in anything I undertake. I'm transient, I don't stick to places, people, or jobs. Secretly this was a point of pride for a long time, the advantage & built-in protection of "I can leave" but I've learned just how damaging this trait can be. I need to find a balance, embark on a career I can stick to, settle into a place & actually grow some roots. I want to.

So after much thought I will be pursuing a BS in Human Resource Management. I have retail management & operations experience & enjoyed much of it, except the retail part. I'd much rather be in an office setting. So I think this program will be a good fit. I was originally going to attend WVU (since it's literally down the street from my home) but I decided to go with WGU. It's all online, extremely self-directed, & I can potentially graduate by December 2025. I already have an AA degree & I can accelerate my program at WGU if I'm willing to put in the work (and I am). Even if it takes a little longer than my 12/25 goal, WVU would have taken 2 more terms & is much more expensive. So I'm happy, nervous & super stoked to have a mission again. I begin my program in January.

Oh a couple more things. I can move this to a different thread if desired but wanted to share since it's related. When first thinking about going back to school, I decided to look over all my upcoming charts & major transits. I will be traveling to Santa Fe, New Mexico for my 2025 SSR, I've wanted to visit since my early twenties, & it places tMo-Ju on the angles nicely, which is my objective. I have some very concerning LR's starting with 12/19/2025 & 01/01/2026. Then 3 in a row, 02/12/26; 02/25/26; & 03/11/2026. I have no idea what these charts might represent but they do cover the time that I will be graduating & procuring employment. So a little worrisome but at least I'll have a very nice SSR. And Jupiter will be all over my Su-Me-Pl during this time too so hopefully all will be well or at least manageable.
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Re: LeiLei September 24 DLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

"reinvents your understanding of yourself and your life in very significant ways" does seem to describe this :)

What a great use of the energies and of the time. Yes, next year's solar looks remarkable and positive. It also seems a really adventurous year - both Marses should not be taken lightly! - yet the double-dip transiting Jupiter overwhelms everything else in sight. (And your recently new SSR is delightfully adventurous for going back to school and working hard.)

Here's your planned 2025 SSR for everyone else, using central coordinates for Santa Fe. (Location could be finetuned a bit with wonderful effect.) And that exact Pluto transit to natal Jupiter is extremely promising.

r Venus MC -9°35'
r Jupiter Dsc -8°42'
t Pluto Asc -8°31'

t Moon N -0°53'
r Uranus MC -1°39'
t Jupiter Dsc +0°24'
r Mars MC +2°32'
t Mars MC +5°57'

t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°11' M
r Venus-Jupiter sq 0°53' M

t Pluto sq r Venus 1°14'
t Moon-Jupiter sq 1°28'
t Moon op r Mercury 1°38'
t Jupiter sq r Uranus 2°03' M
t Mars co r Mars 2°19' M
r Mars-Uranus co 2°32'

If I drop out Class 3 angularities to get a more focused look at the sharpest themes, we get this:

t Moon N -0°53'
r Uranus MC -1°39'
t Jupiter Dsc +0°24'
r Mars MC +2°32'
t Mars MC +5°57'

t Moon-Jupiter sq 1°28'
t Moon op r Mercury 1°38'
t Jupiter sq r Uranus 2°03' M
t Mars co r Mars 2°19' M
r Mars-Uranus co 2°32'
Jim Eshelman
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