All times of postings are in UTC, not MYT as they usually were
So as of yesterday (and henceforth till the 16th of September 2017), Jupiter has entered and will be in the realm of the Maiden after a year-long tour in 'Solaria' (Leo).

If we consider Pisces as a Jovian sign as well as we do for Sagittarius, then Jupiter is in one of it's detriment signs now.
So, generally, one can say that the aspects signified by Jupiter's transiting sign would face growth, development and prosperity throughout the Jove's stay in the very sign.
Would it be safe to say that it'll be so for Virgo matters, i.e. the service, labour, medical (and possibly military) industries?

(Just saying, I may be incorrect/imprecise in this) Last time Jupiter was in Virgo, the 2004 Tsunami occurred, and relief-work, humanitarian & medical aid to the tsunami victims (Jupiter in Virgo?) was bountiful to the point where almost all able nations were able to take their part in doing so. (This could actually be an Aquarian thing though)
And for Jupiter in Leo, what has happened throughout the past year that could be traced to this placement?
As for gold, I believe gold prices were considerably low last year and that gold/jewellery purchases came to a notable high — in India, I believe. (Update 14/05/2017: No, now I don't believe this was the case)
I'm not really sure which planet has dominion over gold — Indians say it's Jupiter (even one of the Tamil names for Jupiter, "Ponnavan", means "the gold-bearer" or "the auriferous one") and Western astrologers say it's the Sun. Maybe both.

Just being curious today...