Please can I have my own horoscope?

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Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by 1880orso »

26th June 1985 05:30 am Chester

What I want to know is can you predict how long I will live? I doubt marriage or anything like that is on the cards for me but what about security and comfort in the time I have left?

I'd be so grateful for this favour.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

While how long someone will live depends on so many factors - some of them inborn, some arising from how we act year by year through our lives - we can broadly see factors that suggest how you're initially wired for longevity.

You have one highly ambivalent indicator in your chart - something that places much of the control of your lifespan in your own hands. Mars is closely rising. Overall (broad generalization) the malefic planets - especially Mars and Saturn - that make life a struggle, a need to practice survival skills, as you go, also tend to mark those people who are wired to survive.

You don't have a strong Saturn. That would have been a better sign. (Think of how our Pres. Carter has simply persisted.) But Mars shows strength and toughness.

Against this are two other Mars traits. One is self-destruction: With your Mars and Neptune so strong, you probably have some distinct self-undoing traits, behaviors that put your well-being at risk. Also, Mars this strong can suggest certain diseases: By its angularity and close square to Moon, it particularly suggests inflammatory diseases and perhaps auto-immune diseases in particular (since Moon signifies the immune system).

Notice that both of these are ultimately self-destructive characteristics. They also place the controls heavily in your hands. If you avoid or weed-out self-destructive traits and habits and pay close attention to your health, you have strength and toughness to endure.

With your Gemini Sun, you are wired to stay youthful - especially mentally active and probably physically active - much later than other people. Your Gemini-Virgo luminaries suggest that your mind, in particular, can stay strong and productive late in life because you keep it well exercised.

In a recent small study of celebrities who remained active and productive into their 80s and beyond, angular Mars was one of the markers of those living productively into their 90s. Mars angular was even stronger for those living productively into their 80s (perhaps with disease catching up to a higher number before they reached 90). Gemini Sun tied the other longest-lived people productive in their 80s (again, I think this is because of how much they use their minds). The only Moon sign to stand out for longer life was Moon in Virgo - your Moon sign - for people productive in their 90s. (I don't think this is a longevity factor per se but, rather, an indication of an active, high-functioning mind as long as they lived.)

Your strong Moon-Mars aspect was the most common natal aspect across the entire study in all categories.

So... understanding that how you live your life has a very strong hand in how much life you have to live... if you don't sabotage it you probably can expect to live well into your 80s and - if you continue into your 90s - to have sharp faculties and be physically active.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by 1880orso »

Thank you,

Is there an opportune moment to move accommodation early next year?
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I don't understand the question.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Patrick Machado »

I think they meant moving. In any case, we need the place of residence.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by 1880orso »

I'm in Cheshire. I ideally want to move somewhere else in the UK next year.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Patrick Machado »

Assuming you spent your latest birthday at home or nearby, your Solar Return is quite positive and exciting. It has both transiting benefics closely angular, with Venus aspecting your Moon and Mars, which along with transiting Mercury complete the group of the five main angularities. Solar Moon squares your Uranus, and highlights a mundane transit of Jupiter to your Pluto. An emotionally stimulating, personally stirring, and benefic-leaning dynamic solar year. It is quite plausible that one would move under such a chart. You also have a progressed Sun-Jupiter opposition going for you (exact right about now).

I'm taking the first trimester of 2025 as "early next year" for the purposes of this. If you have a more specific timeframe later, we can look at it more closely. That whole period looks very consistently busy. It could all be "just" emotionally busy, but it does seem to denote a time of your life primed for impactful developments. Your January 6 Demi-Lunar Return is most interesting, consisting of transiting Uranus and natal Venus and Saturn, all closely angular and in close aspect to each other. Working hard to achieve desired renewal would fit it strikingly. You also have Uranus opposing your Saturn simply as a transit, shaking things up materially, which will conclude early March.

Pluto will be exactly squaring your own Pluto mid-February: you won't leave yourself alone -- something will be the matter. This transit is embedded in your January 20 Lunar Return, tightly, joined by transiting Sun. Perhaps self-confrontation won't be the only confrontation. A transit of Mars to natal Mercury at 0°01', moderately foreground, also occurs in that chart. It might be deeply uncomfortable, but there's no reason to suspect it won't be productive.

It gets better with the February 2 Demi-Lunar, in which the Uranus to Venus and Saturn pattern appears again less emphatically, and yet natal Venus itself is the star of the chart. It also features a moderately strong transit of Sun to natal Jupiter, which might provide an advantage.

A most dreadful Lunar Return begins on February 16. The main feature is a mundane Saturn-Neptune conjunction opposite Moon, all terribly strong. To boot, your own Neptune is on Zenith exactly. It looks emotionally -- if not materially -- devastating, debilitating, and desolating. I hope you do have the Solar Return I described in operation, but the fortnight in question promises to be a very rough time, and it might even be concerning that it coincides with that exact pass of transiting Pluto to your own Pluto -- an existentially despairing time, perhaps.

The March 2 Demi-Lunar provides relief with closely angular transiting Jupiter and natal Uranus, in moderate aspect. (There is also a transiting Mars, but that isn't additional cause for concern at this point.) The March 15 Lunar again has the Uranus to Venus and Saturn pattern, and again your Venus is the closest angularity. It looks like things are in motion and at least in an acceptably pleasant manner. The following Demi-Lunar, March 29, has a precisely angular transiting Mars (conjunct natal Mercury), but also natal Jupiter decently close. By this time, Jupiter will have reached opposition to your Uranus as well. Maybe things will have gone your way by then, or gotten closer to it.

So, yeah, I can see it happening to your relative satisfaction around then if such a move is within your grasp, or almost so.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by 1880orso »

Thank you Patrick. Do you think February 16th could be tragic? Am I to expect bereavement or loss?
Last edited by 1880orso on Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by SteveS »

I am curious 1880, when did you first discover Sidereal Astrology? Looking at your major "life developments" with certain arc directions I see no major malefic "life developments" but for the most part very exciting developments entering your life.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by 1880orso »

SteveS wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 6:55 am I am curious 1880, when did you first discover Sidereal Astrology? Looking at your major "life developments" with certain arc directions I see no major malefic "life developments" but for the most part very exciting developments entering your life.
Hello Steve,

I can't remember exactly how I discovered Sidereal astrology but I've known about it for a year or so. I've been interested in the Mars effect for sometime and it was probably by reading about it across the The Fagan-Bradley ayanamsa.

Pleased to make your acquaintance.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by SteveS »

Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Same here 1880. I have been learning new arc directions besides Solar Arc directions which I did know existed and noticed you have now a Vertex Arc (VA) direction of your:

VA Jupiter 21,03 Aquarius
VA Node 21,17 Taurus
Natal Uranus 20,40 Scorpio

By what I have been learning--- Vertex Arc sponsored symbolism is more strongly associated with major fated life stuff, but any kind of Arc directions are also “co-determinants of fate” according to the Hamburg School of Astrology.
I can't remember exactly how I discovered Sidereal astrology but I've known about it for a year or so.
According to the Hamburg School of Astrology with Ebertin’s book of “Combinations of Stellar Influences”-- Jupiter-Node-Uranus combos have to do with the tones of:
Good, agreeable, pleasant relationships and connections which can happen suddenly.

I find this most interesting for a possible major "life development" for you, because I was about your age (now 77) when I first encountered Sidereal Astrology which turned out to be a major "life development" for me in my life. Welcome aboard 1880 and if I can ever help you with your learning curve for Sidereal Astrology—let me know. :)
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Patrick Machado »

1880orso wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 2:43 amDo you think February 16th could be tragic? Am I to expect bereavement or loss?
(The fortnight beginning then, that is.) Those would fit the symbolism. (I hadn't mentioned that Venus tags along into the main aspect structure.) Are you expecting such an outcome in the near future? But any number of things could fit the intense emotional desolation shown by the chart. Also, your experience of the time is the matter at hand, not necessarily a specific event. And you have enough going for you in longer-term prognostic factors to alleviate somewhat the punch that the Lunar Return promises by itself.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by 1880orso »

Patrick Machado wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:44 pm (The fortnight beginning then, that is.) Those would fit the symbolism. (I hadn't mentioned that Venus tags along into the main aspect structure.) Are you expecting such an outcome in the near future?

I'm always expecting the worst but aside from accidents or sabotage, I'm not expecting death of relatives due to illness etc.
Patrick Machado wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:44 pmBut any number of things could fit the intense emotional desolation shown by the chart. Also, your experience of the time is the matter at hand, not necessarily a specific event.

I'm welfare dependent. Could it be financial desolation? Destitution even?
Patrick Machado wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:44 pmAnd you have enough going for you in longer-term prognostic factors to alleviate somewhat the punch that the Lunar Return promises by itself.
This is most concerning.
Last edited by 1880orso on Fri Oct 18, 2024 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by 1880orso »

SteveS wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:33 pm I find this most interesting for a possible major "life development" for you, because I was about your age (now 77) when I first encountered Sidereal Astrology which turned out to be a major "life development" for me in my life. Welcome aboard 1880 and if I can ever help you with your learning curve for Sidereal Astrology—let me know. :)
Steve, do you agree with Patrick that two weeks in February will be devastating for me?
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Remember that "devastating" isn't a final condition, i.e., it doesn't mean ruined forever.

On its vest times, this combination of planets is... to state it more mildly... really emotionally hard. It's generally beyond "unpleasant" or "bad week." And then we pick up and move on to the next chart. We all cycle between bad times and good times over and over, and sometimes the waves all line up together so that we have really bad times or really good times. This, again, is measured across the course of a lifetime.

To be brutally frank: Some people commit suicide under exactly this pattern. On the other hand, most people do not commit suicide or anything close. They just feel really, really bad.

Here are the technical particulars of the February 13 Sidereal Lunar Return that Patrick mentioned:

r Sun N -2°03'
t Moon Dsc -0°34' [r Moon Dsc -4°47']
t Neptune Asc -0°11'
r Neptune Z +0°18'
t Saturn Asc +1°20'
t Venus +3°21'
t Mercury +5°31'

t Sun Asc +9°01'

t Moon-Neptune op 0°23' M
t Saturn-Neptune co 1°31'M
r Moon-Neptune sq 1°47' M
t Moon-Saturn op 1°54' M
t Venus-Saturn co 2°01' M
t Mercury-Venus co 2°10'
t Venus sq r Sun 2°19'
r Sun-Neptune op 2°21'
t Venus op r Moon 2°56'
t Sun-Mercury co 3°30' M
t Venus-Neptune co 3°31'

t Pluto sq r Pluto 0°02'
t Uranus sq r Sun 0°17' M
t Uranus op r Saturn 0°40'
r Venus-Saturn op 0°49'

Indignity = 17, Dignity = 2
Malefic = 11, Benefic =3
Spotlight = 11
Change = 0
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by SteveS »

1880 asked:
Steve, do you agree with Patrick that two weeks in February will be devastating for me?
1880, Patrick is an excellent Sidereal Astrologer, and Sidereal Lunar Returns (SLRs) are one of our main tools for monthly forecasts. Every Sidereal Astrologer will use their own methods for forecasting a SLR. I rely heavily on what the Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) has to say for weighing SLRs, as well if I see any significant “life developments” with Solar Arc directions. I am in a new process of learning new arc directions which I did not know existed. Let me look at your Feb lunars/other charts and get back to you.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by SteveS »

OK 1880, I have looked at your charts. The first chart I always look at is one’s Sidereal Solar Return (SSR), and I am a great proponent of Jim’s great book “Interpreting Solar Returns”, try to obtain this book for serious study.

When looking at SSRs I always keep a sharp eye for Jim’s book teachings for a possible “outstanding incident” SSR and it just so happens you have a 2024 “outstanding incident” SSR with a major theme in your 2024 SSR as an angular SSR VENUS. Your 2024 SSR qualifies as an “outstanding incident” SSR because your SSR Venus 15,52 Gem partile conjuncts your Natal Mars 16,33 Gem and partiles 90 your Natal Moon 15,14 Virgo. Rarely does one experience an “outstanding incident” SSR so this solar year will be a very eventful solar year for you. Jim’s qualification for an “outstanding incident” SSR is this:
Partile aspects (1 degree orb or less) reign supreme. It is when angularity and aspect partility coincide that outstanding incidents are most likely to come about.
I use the Moon’s Node (Dragon’s Head) in my practice and your SSR Venus 15,52 Gem partiles 90 your SSR Node 16,30 Pi which is partile conjunct SSR Zenith, a very potent configuration/influence.

I have to stop at this point and ask you: Have there been a recent development of a strong themed Venus influence in your immediate environment, since SSR Venus is a strong themed influence in your 2024 SSR, and did your 2024 SSR set-up at your Cheshire residence???

Also you have a most important major “Life Development” Solar Arc (SA) direction where:

SA ASC 25,27 Can
SA Mars 24,24 Can
Natal Venus 24,47 Ari

This most important Solar Arc ASC-Mars is exactly mimicking your angular 2024 SSR Venus partile conjunct your Natal Mars. We have here a very important double whammy of angular Venus-Mars symbolism if your birth time is accurate. Are you eye-balling your birth time with your birth certificate?
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Patrick Machado »

1880orso wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 7:36 amCould it be financial desolation? Destitution even?
For instance. Or (for instance) intense fear or perceived threat or imminence of such happening.
Patrick Machado wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:44 pmAnd you have enough going for you in longer-term prognostic factors to alleviate somewhat the punch that the Lunar Return promises by itself.
This is most concerning.
I meant that the broader prognostic context leans toward making the time of the Lunar Return a tad less terrible.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

To give a more visual example of what Patrick is saying: I previously scored the main dynamics of the February 16 SLR like this:
Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 7:46 am Indignity = 17, Dignity = 2
Malefic = 11, Benefic =3
Spotlight = 11
Change = 0
In contrast, your solar return for this year leans the other way:
Benefic = 12, Malefic = 7
Dignity = 13. Indignity = 3
Spotlight = 9
Change = 0
Since the lunar returns exist within the astrological context of solar returns, a GOOD solar means a good lunar is really good and a bad lunar is less bad. You can usually see that accurately by combining the scores. Here are the merged scores:

Indignity = 20, Dignity = 15
Malefic = 18, Benefic =15
Spotlight = 20
Change = 0

It still leans bad but not by much. Within this solar, the lunar is clearly "mixed," with a slight tendency to indignity and feeling bad rather than an overwhelmingly strong tendency to feel really, really bad.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by SteveS »

I agree Jim! I am most intrigued with 1880’s 2024 SSR as to what it is symbolizing for his life.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by SteveS »

1880, below is a link showing the “outstanding incident” aspect in your 2024 SSR--transiting Venus partile conjunct Natal Mars; inner chart SSR—outer chart 2024 Natal.

Note: SSR Venus partile conjunct Natal Mars on SSR ASC.

Below are some tones from Jim’s transit topic on his forum for transiting Venus to Natal Mars. We all experience t Venus to our Natal Mars in our lifetimes many times, but it’s very rare to have this transit “locked-in” for an entire solar year with SSR Venus partile conjunct Natal Mars on SSR ASC ("outstanding incident" SSR). Have you been experiencing any (not all) of the below stated tones with your current SSR?

Jim wrote on his forum:
T VENUS aspecting N MARS
PRINCIPLE: Feeling powerful, pleasure through aggression and strong action. Pleasure or personal reward are linked to one's feelings of strength and ideas usually associated with masculinity. Soothes anger.
OBSERVED: Enthusiasm, eager indulgence (immoderation), emotional vitality (inflamed emotions and hungers). Soothes interpersonal frictions (if unafflicted). Sexual desire and attraction (much sexual activity). Playful teasing, horseplay, other pleasure from aggression. [Revised 9/28/24]
BRADLEY: "often signifies "desire directed toward the native... In other words... where romantic attractions and attachments are concerned, it is Venus which is the aggressor... frequently coincides with marriage proposals as well as date invitations to, not by, the native..."
[FAGAN: "...the native gets a certain pleasure in exercising his muscles... He may go for a walk to stretch his limbs, do a bit of gardening, or even indulge in horseplay or buffoonery or otherwise get pleasure in the infliction of force or violence."]
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Veronica »

Steve, I disagree with your statement about the rarity of this transit in his SSR. 1880orso Venus takes one solar year approximately to transit the entire zodiac, so you will have this transit every single year of your life. Due to the fact that Venus is never more then 45 degrees from the Sun at any point, there is an actual pattern of Venus placements in SSRs, in which Venus is consistently in the same degrees, cycling through your life on your SSRs.
I have a strong feeling that you have had this transiting aspect before in your life. and that this single aspect in your SSR is not an isolated instance.
I would encourage you to actually print out or download every single SSR you have ever had for your entire life and make a list of where Venus was in them and examine your life events for the years in which your current SSRs Venus placement is in the same degree.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by SteveS »

V wrote:
I would encourage you to actually print out or download every single SSR you have ever had for your entire life and make a list of where Venus was in them and examine your life events for the years in which your current SSRs Venus placement is in the same degree.
V, I am not discussing when Venus is in the same degree in SSRs, I am discussing when Venus is in the same degree as Natal Mars, being partile conjunct Natal Mars, and being partile conjunct SSR ASC at the same time as I demonstrated with 1880’s 2024 SSR chart I posted showing his SSR Venus placement on his SSR wheel with his Natal Mars. This is a very rare event for a SSR and falls under Jim’s guidelines for an “outstanding incident” SSR. Jim would probably know best the mathematical probabilities for this happening in a lifetime for the same native, but I doubt if a naïve could live a lifetime and experience the same SSR Venus placement partile conjunct his Natal Mars partile conjunct his SSR ASC as 1880’s 2024 SSR.
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Re: Please can I have my own horoscope?

Post by Veronica »

Having transiting Venus conjunct his natal Mars in an SSR is a reoccurring SSR transit, that should happen approximately every seven years or so. It is not an out of the ordinary occurrence. I would encourage you Steven to look at all 77 of your SSRs and plot out where Venus is in them and explore the Venus themes you experienced.
I do understand that this years angularity aspect gives this conjunction aspect added intensity or volume and is possibly unique, which is why I suggested printing out( or writing down) their entire collection of SSRs and looking at each one, noting the Venus placements and angularity. I would think a person born in 1985 would have had this conjunction angular in some way (possibly to the MC or Vertex or Westpoint etc) which would give our friend hear a past experience to relate to in terms of possible manifestations it may elicit this time around.
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