My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

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My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Both my current SSR and current SLR featured an “outstanding incident” angular return Uranus partile conjunct my Natal Node (Dragon’s Head). I am sure this has manifested as connecting me up with the works of astrologer Charles Jayne, which I have enjoyed immensely relative to my immediate environment. I am trying to pursue as much of Jayne's work as possible.
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Happy for you, Steve! Congratulations. I'm going to look him up..
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Venus. So far--it appears to me my current SSR has much to do with hooking-me-up with Charles Jayne's teachings. I am in the process of trying to come into contact with others who have written about Jayne's work for better understanding with Jayne's technical knowledge.
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 6:56 amSo far--it appears to me my current SSR has much to do with hooking-me-up with Charles Jayne's teachings. I am in the process of trying to come into contact with others who have written about Jayne's work for better understanding with Jayne's technical knowledge.
Steve, I think Jayne's work may be even more important to you in the future. I wanted to compare his chart to your current SSR and, by accident, calculated your 2025 SSR which, for Springville, will have an Ascendant of 23°54' Libra. Charles Jayne's natal Jupiter was 23°09 Libra! (His Saturn was 25°32' Aries.) Your 2025 SSR Moon will be 19°20' Leo; his Venus was 20°05' Leo.

This will have some sort of connection to economics or markets. Several indications point this way, but the simplest is that, while his natal Jupiter-Saturn (Jupiter leading) is across your 2025 SSR Ascendant, this goes both ways:

22°13' Vir - Jayne's Sun
23°35' Gem - Jayne Asc
25°59' Gem - your SSR Jupiter

2°50' Vir - your Sun
3°27 Pis - your SSR Saturn
4°35' Pis - Jayne MC
5°44' Pis - your SSR Neptune

It's quite strange. These aspects aren't all positive by any means, though the positives and negatives seem balanced (his Jupiter to your SSR Asc being the strongest while his chart emphasizing Saturn-Neptune to your Sun is unmistakable). I'm not sure what it all means, though everything screams that the connection will be of magnified importance.
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

I am not sure what all the synastry means either Jim. For right now, I am interpreting his Jupiter-Saturn opposition on my horizon as saying there is a tremendous amount of structure (technical) I need to try and understand with Jayne’s work. I do know James Dines wrote a technical book on the markets highly recommending Jayne’s technical market indicators, I will try to locate and study this book since technical market indicators were always easy for me to understand. Thanks for your feedback Jim—always appreciated.
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by Arena »

How interesting Steve. Remarkable. However, there might be more Uranian things about to happen.

May I ask how you came across this astrologer? He has so many synastry contacts to my chart as well!
October 9th 1911 shows these contacts:
His Uranus-Nep on my Nodes!
His Sun partile 0,06° my Uranus!
His Moon sq my Sun.
His Mer sq my r. ASC.
His Jup-Sat on my Moon-Mer.
His Pluto on my Venus, so opp my Jup and they are sq his MC.
His ASC/DSC on my MC/IC.

And we're finding this guy when t. Pluto is sq his Nodes.

Maybe I have something to learn from him as well!
OMG, I see that he studied eclipses- and I've just recently become very interested in eclipses. How interesting. "Affairs begin and end abruptly around eclipses. There is a sudden focus, and then the emphasis terminates as abruptly as it began. Lunar eclipses are less powerful, but they have the same character. Eclipses can mark changes in phase in one's life. These events may be initiations or terminations. There can be sharp and dramatic changes in one's status and prestige. Public standing may soar or crash due to the effects of an eclipse."

Thank you for sharing Steve. I'm going to read more about his work. :)
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
May I ask how you came across this astrologer? He has so many synastry contacts to my chart as well!
Jim provided a link about Charles Jayne and I followed-up on info in the link and discovered Jayne had discovered and originated other type directional arcs which he said were just as important as the standard Solar Arcs we and most astrologers use. By chance, I combed through Solarfire to see if Jayne’s other directional arcs were an option, and discovered 3 of Jayne’s directional arcs he used were indeed an option to select in Solarfire. So, I took my life and applied 2 of Jayne’s discovered directional arcs, Vertex Arcs, & Ascendant Arcs and discovered good solid hits in my life. This prompted me to explore more about Charles Jayne and discovered that some of his work which had been out of print for many years were now back in print so I obtained these books for study.
Arena wrote:
Maybe I have something to learn from him as well!
Indeed Arena! Jayne was a fanatic about rectifying charts, and one of his books which is in the main book available “The Best of Charles Jayne” has the main points he used for rectification. When I read this I thought of you because Jayne thought most birth times were in error. Jayne’s wife says this about her husband main methods for rectification:
So, he decided to write a book on the technique of rectification. This book grew in stages and finally reached a point of completion that satisfied Charles in 1974. In the beginning of this book he again repeats that it is really impossible to emphasize too much the importance of careful and rigorous examination of the placement of the Ascendant and of the planets in the houses before one uses any arcs of directions. He stresses rigorous consistency in interpretations and uses the test that at least eight major directions to or by the angles must fit, not only as to time but also as to correct meaning before one may consider that the angles are probably right. Also, he stated that some similar minimum number of factors must fit not only as to directions and events, but also as to their radical static pattern of relationships of houses and angles to lights and planets.
(In my chart it’s my 8H with my Vertex partile 90 my Neptune, among other factors).
Arena, I do believe you need to study Jayne’s two books available on Amazon. The main problem as I see it now---I can’t find another astrological program which calculates all 6 of Jayne’s directional arcs. You may be able to technically compute by hand/mind his 3 directional arcs pertaining to “Declination” which is explained how to do my hand/mind in his books. I am going to try and learn how to this for myself---may take me a while to learn this. Anyway, I would welcome you to join me in studying Jayne’s material where we may compare our opinions about his work. :)
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by Arena »

Thank you Steve. I saw in the other thread you posted that you tried the Vertex and ASC methods in Solar fire. I just hit those directions to see them and I'm simply not sure how to interpret them... I guess I can animate those to see them at different times. There are important hits now for both birth times, and the dir. Ven-Jup is right on my Nodes now. That should be very beneficial for relationships.

I wanted to study both birth times for when I separated since it was indeed life changing and pretty devastating at the time. But the Vx point is not shown in my SF. How do you get it to appear, both in natal and also to see where it's at in those directions?
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote and asked:
I wanted to study both birth times for when I separated since it was indeed life changing and pretty devastating at the time. But the Vx point is not shown in my SF. How do you get it to appear, both in natal and also to see where it's at in those directions?
OK, with solarfire:
1: take your natal birthplace (Jayne used birthplace charts) and highlight in “Calculated Charts”
2: Then click on “Chart” in upper left corner.
3: Then click on “Tran/Prog/Dirn
4: Then fill in the date of the event you want to investigate making sure you do no click on “Relocated” but have it set to “Natal” in the “Location” box.
5: Then look at the list in the “Chart Type to Generate” box
6: Then you can choose either Solar Arc Directed or Vertex Arc Directed or Ascendant Arc Directed (Vertex & Ascendant Arcs are Jayne’s discoveries)
7: Then after you make your selection click on “OK” and the chart will be generated under the Generated Charts.
8: Then I do a bi-wheel of my Natal and the Arc Chart I chose, allowing my eyes to see the partile/close 0 90 180 aspects starting with the angles.
Note: I have had many years of experience using bi-wheels with my eyes. Most astrologers want a list. I have never done a list, but if would prefer a list I will try to figure out for you. My version of Solarfire is 7.08. If you want me to generate a bi-wheel link for you for a particular event in your life let me know with the birth time(s) you want me to use.

To get the Vx to appear in your Natal:

1: Double left click your Natal birthplace Chart in the "Calculated Charts" window. This will bring up your enlarged Natal Chart.

2: Right click in a vacant spot next to your chart.

3: Then click on "Displayed Points"...

4: Then highlight "plan&ch.pts" in the long list of options.

5: Then left click "edit" and you will be able from the "unselected list" choose by clicking on the point to be moved to the selected list of your Natal, by just left clicking on the Vertex point.

6: Then click "Save"

7: Then click "Select" and your Natal now will have the Vertex shown in your Natal.

A word of caution: When you are through with this procedure and you want to go back to your selected defaut points in your Natal---* you must reverse this process and go back to move the selected point back to the unselected list. Let me know if this confuses you---it did me when I was first learning.

Arena asked:
I just hit those directions to see them and I'm simply not sure how to interpret them...
All I know is what Jayne said: Vertex arc has to do with very heavy fated malefic events. Ascendant Arc has to do for the standard symbolism for "relationships" related things in life. For example: Trump has a huge Ascendant Arc Jupiter on his Natal Full Moon axis. If Trump wins election or possibly in landslide--this Jup Asc Arc direction I suppose would weigh heavly for this event of winning another Prex.
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by Arena »

Thank you Steve. I already did find out and do the directed charts and look at the biwheels, your points 1-8. I simply wasn't sure how to find that Vx point in the biwheel since it wasn't displayed and then I wasn't sure how to interpret the charts... but from what you're saying it is simply yet another method to get more angles to look at. :D

So now I've added the Vx point and also the Polar axis and I do see some interesting things. I guess these are worth looking into. I'm sure I will love to find out his rectification methods. :)
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
So now I've added the Vx point and also the Polar axis and I do see some interesting things. I guess these are worth looking into. I'm sure I will love to find out his rectification methods.
:) Get and study his two books available on Amazon.
I do not know of any single activity an astrologer can engage in that does more to teach astrology than the endeavor to rectify horoscopes.
AFAIC, until an astrologer learns how to see all of Jayne’s Directional Arc methods, an astrologer may miss a very important cycle which completes understanding. And, by what I have learned so far with Jayne’s writings it has greatly enhanced my understanding for my Natal. Every astrologer must judge for themselves with a possible study of Jayne’s work.
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Steve, if it's not to personal can you provide insight or clarification on how this has changed your understanding of your natal character? I'm intrigued, you never spoke that before so what I'm curious is what hidden part of your psyche unbeknownst to you previously did you learn about yourself that you did not know before you learned you had these added Angular hits to major life events that had allready shown so positively with Astrology?
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

V asked:
Steve, if it's not to personal can you provide insight or clarification on how this has changed your understanding of your natal character? I'm intrigued, you never spoke that before so what I'm curious is what hidden part of your psyche unbeknownst to you previously did you learn about yourself that you did not know before you learned you had these added Angular hits to major life events that had allready shown so positively with Astrology?
Sure, I hope I can explain with the right words. Because of certain main events in my life and being a serious student of Astrology, I have always taken a keen interest in the symbolism in my Natal Chart. I like taking the life work of astrologers who have written books and take what they feel is important in delineating a Natal Chart. As an astrologer when you get my age 77, you naturally start reflecting about main events in your life trying to connect the dots astrologically. I have long known that angular Solar Arc hits were very important for timing major “Life Developments” in a life. With my current “outstanding incident” angular SSR Uranus partile cnj my r Node (2024 SSR) I discovered for the first time in my life two books which have been brought back into print by Charles Jayne, an astrologer I have heard much about. I have always been greatly interested in the worst malefic event that occurred in my life as to why/how it occurred. When I obtained Jayne’s 2 books for study, I quickly learned from Jayne’s work much more important symbolism surrounding the worst malefic event that happened in my life. I was floored to learn from Jayne that he used 5 more different directional arc methods other than just the standard Solar Arc method. I tested 2 of Jayne’s new directional arcs on my life and they timed precisely very important symbolism for this malefic event in my life. But most importantly I learned for the first time Jayne’s exact words about how the Vertex angle has much to do about “fated” events in your life, and it was a huge Bingo for Vertex symbolism in my Natal Chart. I discovered something with Jayne’s teachings for the first time in my astrological life which was indeed an “outstanding incident” relative to my immediate environment. This has radically changed my thinking on certain astrological natal issues which I have pondered in my astrological life, too complex to discuss. They are so many things that only I understand about my life that adds important meanings to discovering new astrological learnings. I knew for years that the company I worked for was in headed for huge economic trouble but was prevented by the CEO from telling the other stockholders so I resigned my executive position. I tried to get as far away from the company as possible but was pulled back in to face a terrible malefic situation. Now I understand WHY I was pulled back in, it was my Vertex symbolism which timed me being pulled back in. In other words, I know understand it was meant to happen because it was written/coded in my Natal with my Vertex symbolism. Hence, an “outstanding incident” 2024 SSR timed for me to see/learn/understand/discover this with Jayne’s teachings from his books. This was very special leaning for me. I hope this explains to you what you were asking. Thanks for your feedback.
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Since I have isolated what I think is the main thrust of my “outstanding incident” angular SSR Uranus r Node connecting me-up with the astrological work of Charles Jayne, I have mapped out a course of action to pursue for my new solar year.

On Oct 24 I contacted a source who I thought may help with my endeavors for studying Charles Jayne astrological methods. I just received a very welcoming nice response from Scott Silverman. Here is Scott’s response to my objective(s). After I organize a response to Scott, I will post and continue to post everything I may discover about Jayne’s past astrological work.

I wrote to an astrological organization very familar with Jayne's work:
Hello, I have just been introduced to Jayne's Declination Arcs methodology. Do you know of any astrological programs which incorporate the use for calculating Declination Arcs for charts. Thanks, Steve
Their response received this morning:
Dear Steve,
Jonathan Powell shared your query with me about Jayne's declination arc. It is a truly intriguing technique and I personally believe, a worthwhile one.
So far as I know, Solar Fire software never included declination arc among its options although it does do Jayne’s Ascendant arc and if memory serves, Eleanor Hesseltine's Vertex arc as well. Solar Fire 10 is due to be released soon, by the way and you will find the mapping module and dials are very much improved.
Sirius software included Declination arc but my understanding is due to a bug that has yet to be addressed Sirius 3 and 4 do not calculate declination arc correctly. It is a tricky arc to program because the Sun reverses direction once it hits 23 degrees and 26 ' of declination.
I will ask around and see if any other programs include it. Something I'd like for my own work as well. For now, the most pragmatic path may be doing it manually by hand, labor intensive and time consuming as the process is certain to be. Remember, Jayne also calculated demi and double declination arc in his calculations!
Did you pick up this technique by yourself, through reading Charles Jayne's work or did an astrology teacher introduce you to it? I'd be interested to know which it was. I have a recorded lecture in my archives of a good lecture on declination arc by Bill Sarubbi/Meridian who studied with Jayne. I'll try to locate it but that may take some measure of time. All my best, Scott Silverman
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 9:26 AM Jonathan G Powell wrote:
Hi Scott - Christeen suggested that I should forward this to you in case you can help, please.
Many thanks, Jonathan Powell
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by Arena »

Thank you for sharing Steve.
Are you saying that this particular method from Jayne, especially Vx arc method and Asc arc method are both or combined the best match you ever found in astrology for this particular malefic event/s? That's what I understand from your above posts.

I better look closely into this as well. Perhaps I'll ask for your help. ;)
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Re: My current "outstanding incident" Uranus-r Node 2024 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Arena asked:
Are you saying that this particular method from Jayne, especially Vx arc method and Asc arc method are both or combined the best match you ever found in astrology for this particular malefic event/s?
Exactly!!!The angular Vx & Asc arcs have timed major “Life Developments” in my life just as well as Solar Arcs, and are usually clustered and present with major Solar Arc “Life Developments.” No doubt in my mind Jayne discovered true new arc methods.
Arena wrote:
I better look closely into this as well. Perhaps I'll ask for your help. ;)
Indeed! I will be glad to help if I can, and if I can’t I will tell you. In the meantime my following response to Scott may help you to understand better where I am trying to go with Jayne’s new material which has come into my life with my new SSR.

Dear Scott, thank you so much for your kind/warm response to my query about Jayne’s “Declination Arc” technique, and I will respond back to Jonathan/Christeen my sincere appreciation for them taking the time to forward my query to you.
Scott asked me:
“Did you pick up this technique by yourself, through reading Charles Jayne's work or did an astrology teacher introduce you to it? I'd be interested to know which it was. I have a recorded lecture in my archives of a good lecture on declination arc by Bill Sarubbi/Meridian who studied with Jayne. I'll try to locate it but that may take some measure of time.”
I responded:
Yes Scott, I would sincerely appreciate if you could possibly locate this “recorded lecture” by Bill Sarubbi/Meridian. I am very interested in learning all I can of Jayne’s astrological work. Just let me know how I can compensate for the time & trouble you may have to go through to assist me with my Jayne study/learning endeavors.

Here is what happened to get me interested in Jayne’s work. Around the beginning of Oct, another astrologer who I have known a long time provided a causal link on his astrological forum about Charles Jayne which greatly interested me with my astrological work. I am 77 and have been studying Astrology for 40 years, obviously astrology is a passion for my mind/soul. But understand I do not clearly understand all the math/geometry which goes into calculating certain astrological techniques, hence, I can’t calculate by hand/mind---I have to have a trusted astrological program for all of my chart calculations. I use Solarfire for my chart calculations. I have well known about Solar Arc method for many years and have seen where Solar Arcs have timed and choreographed with precise astrological symbolism very important event cycles in my life. When I investigated the recent Jayne link I discovered Amazon had two of Jayne’s books: “Progressions & Declinations” and the “Best of Charles Jayne.” I immediately order and began my studies with Jayne’s techniques. I was very surprised that Jayne had discovered other arc methods and could tell by his teaching words they worked. So, I combed through Solarfire and discovered SF would calculate Jayne’s Vertex & Ascendant Arcs and immediately stated testing on my life. I was blown away that the Vertex & Ascendant Arcs work just as well as Solar Arcs, and then became very intrigued about his “Declination Arc” methods for Solar/vertex/Ascendant arcs as well—hence my original question: Is there an astrological program which accurately calculates “Declination Arcs.” Thank you so much Scott for your experience/answer for me about “Declination Arcs.” And yes indeed---if you ever see of an astrological program which accurately calculations these “Declination Arcs”---please contact me. In fact I may be interested in financially supporting a viable project which aims to implement Declination Arcs into an astrological program.

Scott, I sincerely appreciate your time and any future directions you may be able to help me with my pursuit for learning Jayne’s astrological work.
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