I've moved

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Soft Alpaca
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I've moved

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Hopefully for the last time. Doing events in hawkinsville Georgia and living at the mansion (which anything i can myself without other contractors, I do I try to). Maybe landed a long term job selling (mostly diamond) jewelery within an hour of the place if I can keep calm and focus. Many of the staff have been there 5-10+. Hoping its a career move its a challenge, but I'm loving it. Made my first sale today (it made itself as it was something sought but still counts in books and it's owner owned and operated so a win for the lights staying on). Next year that business will be 25 years old, and im turning 25 close to the turn to it myself.

Hopefully now and forever adulting. 🙏 go Republicans for Harris Walz.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Re: I've moved

Post by Veronica »

Great to hear from you Soft Alpaca! Living in a Mansion humm, good place to play a rousing game of hide and seek I always thought!
Curious about your career move, did you have enough of cooking and playing with knives? Retail sales seems such a different vibe then culi art. I'm doing my best at the adulting stuff too, but my inner child gets lots of free time to come out and play.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: I've moved

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Congratulations on the move and the possible new gig. Angles for this location aren't that different from birthplace - you still have lots of Sun and Jupiter to work with - and it sounds like some real promise for you.

There are lots of indications of "turning a new page" or "starting a new cycle" in your chart: a progressed New Moon, directed Moon to your Sun, directed Uranus to your Moon - so a significant change is well-timed and goes along with the celestial flow of things.

Uranus to your Venus-Mars should bring some sexual or romantic adventures along with the rest. Saturn will say hovered around your Moon-Pluto for a few more weeks, then turn around and head on into later Aquarius away from them.
Jim Eshelman
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