Liam Astrology Chart

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Liam Astrology Chart

Post by Liam_Donovan330 »

Hi James and co,

I am looking for updated astrological data for myself and would appreciate your input. My birthday is March 30, 1992 at 6:03AM (according to my mom) and birth location is Morristown, NJ (the one in Morris County). My current location is Highlands, NJ.

I am now in my 30's and have completed a lot of my goals from my 20's including learning languages, learning math and physics, and succeeding at a marketing job. New interests include travel and learning more languages. I've quit all social media for about a year now.

Looking for any insight on what my chart reads for the next few years. Thanks.
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Ember Nyx
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Re: Liam Astrology Chart

Post by Ember Nyx »

Here's a link to a chart graphic for your natal chart.

Your Sun is in Pisces, and Moon and Mars in Aquarius. Your Sun is exactly angular on Eastpoint, with Uranus, Mercury, and Neptune also angular (in order of descending strength). Your Moon is exactly background.

You can look up these Sun, Moon, and Mars sign interpretations here on the forum (under Constellations - Interpretations), as well as these angular planets (under Angularity).

For future reference, here's an aspect grid of aspects for your chart:

Code: Select all

   Class 1 Aspects             Class 2 Aspects             Class 3 Aspects    
Me co Ve  2°17'  90% M      Mo co Ma  4°31'  78%        Mo op Ju  8°47'  21%  
Ve sx Ur  2°31'  88%        Mo sq Pl  4°42'  58%        Su co Me  7° 3'  48%  
Ve sx Ne  1°29'  96%        Su sx Sa  5°48'  38%        Su co Er  7°18'  44%  
Ve tr Pl  2°18'  90%        Ma oc Ne  2° 0'  34%        Sa sq Pl  6°50'  16%  
Ma op Ju  2°33'  87% M      Ur sx Pl  4°49'  56%                              
Ma oc Ur  0°58'  84%        Ne sx Pl  3°47'  73%                              
Ma oc Er  0°27'  96%                                                          
Sa sx Er  1°30'  96%                                                          
Ur co Ne  1° 2'  99%                                                          
Ur sq Er  0°30'  99%                                                          
Ne sq Er  1°33'  95% 
The most important of these are the ones with the greatest strength percentage (or smallest orb in degrees and minutes; they inversely correlate), as well as aspects involving Sun and Moon. You can find aspect interpretations on this forum as well (under Aspects).

Briefly summarizing all of this, you're a very sensitive and progressive-minded person, wrestling with the dilemma of requiring independence versus needing complete absorption in people, ideas, emotions, etc. You're a natural leader, with a lot of warmth, vitality, generosity, and conviction in yourself and your ideas. You feel most comfortable with the spotlight on you (and control in your hands). With Sun exactly foreground and Moon exactly background, your unconscious mind and emotions in general probably feel very inaccessible or incomprehensible compared to your conscious goals. Your closest aspects suggest that your avenues of pleasure need to continue to stay fresh, totally absorb you, and blow your mind to remain interesting (and Pisces tends to bounce around and not fully commit to things).

Moon's closest aspects are moderately wide hard aspects to Mars and Pluto, which are pretty irritable, moody, intense, and alienating aspects to have if not properly understood and owned.

Normally, visiting or moving to locations where background planets rotate into the foreground is one of the first things I would check and recommend doing. Unfortunately, in the continental US, we can't really get Moon foreground without also getting Saturn (and sometimes Pluto), which is likely to feel rather unpleasant. If there are any countries (or entire continents) you have any interest in visiting, I can also check those.

"The next few years" is potentially a lot of data. Let's start with the year commencing with your next birthday.

Your upcoming Solar Return for your next birthday for Highlands, NJ - your yearly chart - seems like it includes both very happy (even ecstatic) and potentially fairly sad events, though the happy ones win out overall. It's a chart with both natal and transiting Venus foreground, widely aspecting transiting Saturn (also foreground), and with transiting Venus and Neptune (also very foreground) closely in aspect. It's a mix of dreamy and nightmarish, with really intense emotions (and events that induce intense emotions) as well as life generally demanding a lot from you.

If you do have any interest in traveling to pick up a different Solar Return, you could consider Springfield, IL, which instead focuses on transiting Jupiter (with a hint of natal Jupiter). Jupiter squares natal Venus in the immediate foreground, which indicates love and friendship thriving (and new examples of both), as well as much recognition from others and probably an increase in your life standing via raise, promotion, or things of that nature. Transiting Saturn is still foreground, but rather widely. (Transiting Moon still squares transiting Pluto, so there will still be climactic events that rouse intense emotion from you, but this is true anywhere in the world.)

On balance, this would likely be a more pleasant chart than the one for your current residence, but the one for your residence isn't dire - it's just likely to be really intensely emotional and rather confusing while you're living it, even though most of it will be great fun (and a lesser portion of it will be sour, "party's over," and loss-themed). If you do plan to travel to Springfield, make sure you're there at 5:13pm local time, since that's when the chart actually sets up (not 6:03am).
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