CAPSOLAR (Jan 14, 2025)
Effective Jan 14, 2025 to Jan 15, 2026.
The 2025 Capsolar for the United States is remarkably neutral and benign. For the most part, it has a single angularity: Moon, dignified in her home constellation of Cancer, is 0°27' from Eastpoint in right ascension. (Uranus is also angular - barely - 2°21' from Zenith.)
Moon foreground signifies "the voice of the people" powerfully expressing its collective will. That is, in mundane astrology Moon signifies the herd mind, the pooled subconsciousness of the masses surging in a single voice responsive to persisting conditions or emerging events. In unsettled times, it has coincided with uprisings of the masses against their solar forms of government: with a weakly angular Uranus, we will see some of that this year. In more settled times, it shows a powerful shared response by the masses to emerging events that move us deeply.
Characteristically, children are often a central element of those events. Although signs have not proven themselves too important in solar ingresses, seeing that Moon shining brightly in the early evening sky against the faint stars of Cancer stirs ideas of maternity - of matters affecting mothers and their children. Beyond that, Cancer's archetypal themes center on containment, enclosure, and protection which we likely will observe in the major news stories. (At least this will be a worthy test of whether sign placements of an angular Moon have much say at all.)
With so little to go on, one wants to dig deeper. Perhaps minor factors have a voice? No fixed stars conjoin angles of the Capsolar in Washington. No midpoints conjoin the angles (measured mundanely, as we do for ingresses; although, some harsh ones make contact ecliptically). The major outer planet aspect of the season, Jupiter square Saturn, primarily shows the changing of the political guard that we know is coming. Outer planet sign transits are likely to have unusual voice, especially Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. Uranus, briefly retrograded into autocratic Aries, seems to have the world holding its breath until it enters Taurus in April for the long-haul. Saturn enters Pisces in April also (without ever looking back to Aquarius) and spends much of the summer inseparable from Neptune; but that is a story to tell later in the year.
No outer planets transit the Washington Capsolar angles or Moon during the year, though Mars crosses both angles and Moon in May and October.
2025 Capsolar
- Jim Eshelman
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2025 Capsolar
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Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2025 Capsolar
Two strong aspects in the Capsolar are far from the angles in Washington but will fall angular elsewhere in the world, probably with strong impact. Sun opposes Mars 1°34', with clear message in a world with two ferocious wars already in progress. Venus squares Jupiter 0°11', an aspect of great blessing and comfort, though many places they are on angles will also have nearby Saturn with them (three and a half degrees away).
In the United States, Sun opposite Mars stretches across the horizon on a curve rising through the middle of Mexico and then the border towns in southwest Texas, through New Mexico, Utah, Idaho and into the Columbia Valley in western Washington. (It continues up Canada's west coast and through Alaska.) We can expect increasing violence and raging through Mexico impacting the most southern of these areas, a year of unusually intense fires in Idaho and eastern Washington, and other obvious martial manifestations through all of these areas for the year. Another area (this time with Sun-Mars square Midheaven) reaches due north-south straddling the longitude of Oklahoma and Kansas eastern borders (trace it on a map): About 200 miles either side of that will feel martial ferocity in its weather, confrontations with authority, fires, and violence - but perhaps also a year of unusual strength and heroic prowess for the Kansas City Chiefs!
Worldwide, Sun opposite Mars is on the horizon on the Alaska-through-Mexico stretch and then again in southern parts of Chile and Argentina. It then picks up in southeast Asia, straddling Rangoon and passing near Bangkok before moving through west-central China. Beijing is of particular concern with Mars 1°34' below Descendant, Pluto 0°35' from Ascendant, and both Sun-Mars and Mars-Pluto aspects across the horizon: China has a year of unusual aggression and probably outright warring. In Europe, Sun-Mars aligns with the meridian straddling London and passing through western France and eastern Spain. (London seems a particular focus.) Sun-Mars then moves down through western Africa (Algeria to Ghana).
So much for the worst. For the best, we can look to the Venus-Jupiter square, although (as mentioned) most areas also have Saturn's conjunction with Venus and square to Jupiter highlighted. It will, then, be "mixed blessings." One possibility seen before when Saturn aspects a highlighted Venus-Jupiter is that the wealthy, royal, and generally elite suffer from emerging events. There is also a higher incidence of costly structural collapses. Yet, perhaps we can hope for the best from the paired benefics (knowing that this might be slightly Pollyanna)?
Areas on which these concentrate are: central Australia to Japan (Tokyo has Venus precisely rising with Jupiter and Saturn second strongest; and of course the exact Venus-Jupiter square.) Eastern Brazil (with Venus precisely through Rio). Upper coastal British Columbia has the Venus-Jupiter-Saturn variously intersecting with Sun-Mars - too complex to sort out exact areas or exact events, but very much worth watching. Saudi Arabia (angularities straddle Riyadh, which will of course be reassessing its alliances and market economics) and along the Iran-Iraq border (Georgia and Armenia get more Venus-Jupiter, the Azerbaijan capital gets more Saturn) - Baghdad benefits more than the Iran side. The eastern coast of Africa below the Red Sea.
In the United States, Sun opposite Mars stretches across the horizon on a curve rising through the middle of Mexico and then the border towns in southwest Texas, through New Mexico, Utah, Idaho and into the Columbia Valley in western Washington. (It continues up Canada's west coast and through Alaska.) We can expect increasing violence and raging through Mexico impacting the most southern of these areas, a year of unusually intense fires in Idaho and eastern Washington, and other obvious martial manifestations through all of these areas for the year. Another area (this time with Sun-Mars square Midheaven) reaches due north-south straddling the longitude of Oklahoma and Kansas eastern borders (trace it on a map): About 200 miles either side of that will feel martial ferocity in its weather, confrontations with authority, fires, and violence - but perhaps also a year of unusual strength and heroic prowess for the Kansas City Chiefs!
Worldwide, Sun opposite Mars is on the horizon on the Alaska-through-Mexico stretch and then again in southern parts of Chile and Argentina. It then picks up in southeast Asia, straddling Rangoon and passing near Bangkok before moving through west-central China. Beijing is of particular concern with Mars 1°34' below Descendant, Pluto 0°35' from Ascendant, and both Sun-Mars and Mars-Pluto aspects across the horizon: China has a year of unusual aggression and probably outright warring. In Europe, Sun-Mars aligns with the meridian straddling London and passing through western France and eastern Spain. (London seems a particular focus.) Sun-Mars then moves down through western Africa (Algeria to Ghana).
So much for the worst. For the best, we can look to the Venus-Jupiter square, although (as mentioned) most areas also have Saturn's conjunction with Venus and square to Jupiter highlighted. It will, then, be "mixed blessings." One possibility seen before when Saturn aspects a highlighted Venus-Jupiter is that the wealthy, royal, and generally elite suffer from emerging events. There is also a higher incidence of costly structural collapses. Yet, perhaps we can hope for the best from the paired benefics (knowing that this might be slightly Pollyanna)?
Areas on which these concentrate are: central Australia to Japan (Tokyo has Venus precisely rising with Jupiter and Saturn second strongest; and of course the exact Venus-Jupiter square.) Eastern Brazil (with Venus precisely through Rio). Upper coastal British Columbia has the Venus-Jupiter-Saturn variously intersecting with Sun-Mars - too complex to sort out exact areas or exact events, but very much worth watching. Saudi Arabia (angularities straddle Riyadh, which will of course be reassessing its alliances and market economics) and along the Iran-Iraq border (Georgia and Armenia get more Venus-Jupiter, the Azerbaijan capital gets more Saturn) - Baghdad benefits more than the Iran side. The eastern coast of Africa below the Red Sea.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2025 Capsolar
The U.S. has had three previous Capsolars with only a strongly angular Moon and either no other planets or a weakly angular Uranus.
1798 Capsolar had only Moon angular (closely), though Moon also aspected Mercury and Mars. President Adams signed into law four Alien and Sedition Acts and a Naturalization Act extending the time immigrants must wait for citizenship from five years to fourteen years. Under the Sedition Act of 1798 it became a federal crime to write, publish, or utter (!) false or malicious statements about the U.S. government - it was used to put a member of congress on trial! (These resemble things that will be in the news this year).
Various military reorganization events (likely from the Moon-Mercury-Mars trio) such as establishing the Department of the Navy as a cabinet-level department and establishing the U.S. Marine Corps. A brief two-year quasi-war started with France because we rescinded a treaty.
1925 Capsolar had only a closely angular Moon and widely foreground Uranus. Not an important year historically for the U.S. The Tri-State Tornado remains the deadliest in U.S. history. A diphtheria epidemic in the Alaska territory led to the "Great Race to Mercy," a dogsled antitoxin run to Nome. It was a year of rising fascism overseas (Mussolini came to clear power, Hitler published Mein Kampf) and a giant KKK march (tens of thousands of marchers) demonstrating its popularity.
The most important event, though, was the Scopes trial which placed the teaching of science on trial. Science lost (but the conviction was reversed on a technicality).
1936 Capsolar had only Moon angular (closely). It was a year when things were seriously heating up (and sometimes boiling over) overseas, but America remained neutral. Many events happened that were big at the time but would not be considered big events in other years. A polio outbreak in Chicago might be the biggest event (it led to the first distance education program, using radio to continue public schooling). The U.S. seemed to be huddled away on its own, isolated in a world otherwise clearly heating to a crisis state.
1798 Capsolar had only Moon angular (closely), though Moon also aspected Mercury and Mars. President Adams signed into law four Alien and Sedition Acts and a Naturalization Act extending the time immigrants must wait for citizenship from five years to fourteen years. Under the Sedition Act of 1798 it became a federal crime to write, publish, or utter (!) false or malicious statements about the U.S. government - it was used to put a member of congress on trial! (These resemble things that will be in the news this year).
Various military reorganization events (likely from the Moon-Mercury-Mars trio) such as establishing the Department of the Navy as a cabinet-level department and establishing the U.S. Marine Corps. A brief two-year quasi-war started with France because we rescinded a treaty.
1925 Capsolar had only a closely angular Moon and widely foreground Uranus. Not an important year historically for the U.S. The Tri-State Tornado remains the deadliest in U.S. history. A diphtheria epidemic in the Alaska territory led to the "Great Race to Mercy," a dogsled antitoxin run to Nome. It was a year of rising fascism overseas (Mussolini came to clear power, Hitler published Mein Kampf) and a giant KKK march (tens of thousands of marchers) demonstrating its popularity.
The most important event, though, was the Scopes trial which placed the teaching of science on trial. Science lost (but the conviction was reversed on a technicality).
1936 Capsolar had only Moon angular (closely). It was a year when things were seriously heating up (and sometimes boiling over) overseas, but America remained neutral. Many events happened that were big at the time but would not be considered big events in other years. A polio outbreak in Chicago might be the biggest event (it led to the first distance education program, using radio to continue public schooling). The U.S. seemed to be huddled away on its own, isolated in a world otherwise clearly heating to a crisis state.
Jim Eshelman
Re: 2025 Capsolar
For the USA alone, I read this 2025 Capsolar as a neutral to probably positive Capsolar for the USA, mainly because, IMO, we now have a strong resolute Prez leader in office—Trump. I rarely use midpoints for Ingress Charts but for this one because of no major outer planet transits to the Capsolar Angles, I read the midpoints for Sun, Moon, & Mars. Using my common sense, I see Trump bringing world leaders at least to the negotiating phone tables to try and resolve the two Wars raging in the World (Capsolar Sun-Mars aspect). Mercury cnj Vx could be symbolizing significant discussion for these two wars. The most concerning aspect besides Sun-Mars 180 I see in this Capsolar is the direct midpoint of Mars/ASC = Moon (0.28), a possible very tense midpoint configuration only for the USA. Trump will have his work cut out for him trying to resolve these two wars raging in the world. Smart money in the markets does not seem to be much concerned with these two wars.
Re: 2025 Capsolar
To help clarify my last post. Whenever I see any chart that that tells me little, I will always go to direct midpoints for possible leads. Since the Moon (EP/RA) is the only planet angular in the 2025 Capsolar, I look for direct midpoints with its angular Moon which calculates a direct midpoint of Mars/ASC = Moon (0,28). So, for my learning purposes, I will look for possible Mars/ASC = Moon tones. Ebertin from COSI says for this combo:
Typical for the today’s world and a provocateur Prez---Trump.Anger and annoyance, provocative behavior…
Re: 2025 Capsolar
I give thanks reading your reports Jim. For years now I have read these, which at first seemed like a foreign language to me, and I see the mundane events unfold in areas you touched upon in your analysis. As a worrier it is comforting to be able to see what's coming down the road. Thank you.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: 2025 Capsolar
This new Capsolar will become active this evening at 7:15 PM EST.
Jim Eshelman