Natal Chart of a new person

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James Condor
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Natal Chart of a new person

Post by James Condor »

M, a new female I met Friday November 22, was born June 22, 1990 at 10:52a in Chicago Illinois.
I want her chart delineated please
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Natal Chart of a new person

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As a quick thumbnail, with a close Sun-Moon conjunction in Gemini, a moderately foreground Venus, and a Mars-Jupiter-Neptune T-square (Mars-Jupiter being closest), she's bright, playful, entertaining, enjoys "games" in many senses of the word, likes to connect, and seems an altogether charming companion. Having fun and enjoying life seem most important to her; and, of course, all the things listed under Sun in Gemini and Moon in Gemini apply. (Add a close Mercury-Mars sextile, Taurus to Pisces, for creativity.)

Her double-Gemini brain is curious and handles scientific topics well, though her overall bent is creative more than scientific.

Her progressed Moon is exactly square progressed Uranus this month, so she's ready for something new, exciting, taking her by surprise. In two months when progressed Moon reaches progressed Venus opposite natal Uranus, she'll be ready for romance and a daring fling (as long as there is plenty of freedom and openness).

Is there anything else about which you have specific questions?
Jim Eshelman
James Condor
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Re: Natal Chart of a new person

Post by James Condor »

Thanks Jim E!
Her and I had a fling for like 4 days when she was in town for Thanksgiving visiting her sister.
She is a creative type. She does enjoy having fun.

In two months she will have Venus-Uranus? So, February? I need to plan a time to visit her
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Natal Chart of a new person

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Chicago is just around the corner. - Oh, wait, I just saw that she's in Phoenix now.

BTW, there's a train that runs from Chicago to northern Arizona. It's a fun ride for about a day and a half. Could she get you (or you drive) from Flagstaff? - Or, of course, just fly.
Jim Eshelman
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