(Originally posted 9/16/2016; later migrated from the old site.)
I've only previously looked at Amelia Earhart's disappearance in terms of her personal chart, and never with satisfaction. In the interim, I've see many charts of airplane disasters. She's back in the news, because Ric Gillespie, the lead proponent of the Gardner Island (Nikumaroro) theory, is remounting his campaign. You can read some of the arguments here:
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/amelia ... ar-BBwdANl
Earhart vanished July 2, 1937, with a last radio call about 8:43 AM (what time zone? GMT? departure time was stated in GMT). They would have gone down - whether into the ocean or on an island - sometime after that. Gillespie argues that it was on Gardner Island. Using 9 AM GMT and the coordinates of Gardner Island, we get the following.
Note that if this was GMT, Moon hadn't entered Aries; if it was local time, Moon was in Aries. That makes all the difference in the world, since the Aries lunar ingress is the first one that shows the chance of an incident such as this! Mercury-Saturn transiting the Capsolar angles is also persuasive of the incident happening somewhere nearby. The argument is... interesting.
They were otherwise believed to be near Nukumano Islands (4S31.5, 159E24). This is quite a ways in longitude from Gardner Island (4S40, 174W32), so the charts would have been significantly different. However, Howland Island, their original destination which they evidently did not reach, is closer to Gardner (specifically, 0N48, 176W37). The case for Gardner is astrologically sound.
Year: Capsolar (Dormant.)
Year: Cansolar
Jupiter on Dsc (2°32')
Neptune on IC (2°34')
-- Jupiter-Neptune sq. (0°02' in mundo)
t. Saturn sq. s. MC (0°26')
Quarter: Arisolar
Moon-Mars op. (0°25' in mundo)
Venus on Dsc (0°28')
Pluto sq. Asc (0°33')
Sun on Dsc (2°54')
Jupiter on IC (3°42')
-- Jupiter-Pluto op (0°41')
-- Sun-Jupiter sq. (1°57')
-- Sun-Venus conj. (2°26' in mundo)
-- Sun-Pluto sq. (2°38')
Month: Caplunar
Saturn sq. Asc (1°59')
Sun on Asc (3°14')
-- Sun-Saturn sq. (0°51' in mundo)
Moon-Jupiter conj. (0°57')
Moon-Pluto op. (3°45')
Week: Arilunar
Mars on Dsc (0°18')
Venus on Asc (5°52')
Uranus on Asc (6°49')
-- Ve/Ur on Asc (0°29')
Moon-Jupiter sq. (0°09')
Day: Capsolar Transits
t. Saturn sq. s. MC (0°26')
t. Mercury conj. s. MC (1°37')
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits (Dormant.)
Year (Capsolar): (Dormant.)
Year (Cansolar): Jupiter Neptune. Jupiter-Neptune.
Bridge: Saturn (Cap).
Quarter: Sun Venus Pluto (Jupiter). Moon-Mars Sun-Venus Sun-Jupiter-Pluto.
Month: Saturn (Sun). Moon-Jupiter Moon-Pluto Sun-Saturn.
Week: Mars (Venus Uranus). Moon-Jupiter Ve/Ur.
Day (Capsolar transits): Mercury Saturn.
Day (Cansolar): (Dormant.)
Amelia Earhart disappearance
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Amelia Earhart disappearance
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
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Re: Amelia Earhart disappearance
SteveS wrote:Jim wrote:Yes, very interesting, and par-excellent symbolism.Mercury-Saturn transiting the Capsolar angles is also persuasive of the incident happening somewhere nearby. The argument is... interesting.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Amelia Earhart disappearance
This is coming back into the news, so I thought I'd bump it higher on the list. Bone-sniffing dogs are being taken to Gardner Island to look for remains. This will happen beginning June 24.
Jim Eshelman
- Jupiter Sets at Dawn
- Irish Member
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Re: Amelia Earhart disappearance
Part of the reason Earhart and Noonan couldn't find Howland Island is they were using GMT, while Howland was on Hawaii Time (then -10:30) while the coast guard ship Itasca was on a naval time zone of 11:30.
When they took off it was 0:00 GMT, but 10 AM local time. They approached Howland Island about 19 hours later. They were transmitting on the hour and half hour, while the ship was transmitting on the quarter before and quarter after, but the ship's radiomen got confused with all the time zones. They also were missing at least one and possibly two antennas and couldn't hear the ship well, and couldn't take a reading to get bearings from the radio signal.
It's almost certain at 19:30 - 19:33 GMT she transmitted "KHAQQ clng Itasca we recd ur sigs but unable to get a minimum pse take bearing on us and ans 3105 wid voice / NRUI de KHAQQ lng dashes on 3105." which was the last transmission we're sure was made while they were still airborne. The 3105 is the radio frequency.
When they took off it was 0:00 GMT, but 10 AM local time. They approached Howland Island about 19 hours later. They were transmitting on the hour and half hour, while the ship was transmitting on the quarter before and quarter after, but the ship's radiomen got confused with all the time zones. They also were missing at least one and possibly two antennas and couldn't hear the ship well, and couldn't take a reading to get bearings from the radio signal.
It's almost certain at 19:30 - 19:33 GMT she transmitted "KHAQQ clng Itasca we recd ur sigs but unable to get a minimum pse take bearing on us and ans 3105 wid voice / NRUI de KHAQQ lng dashes on 3105." which was the last transmission we're sure was made while they were still airborne. The 3105 is the radio frequency.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
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Re: Amelia Earhart disappearance
Thanks. So, if that was July 2, 1937, 7:33 PM GMT (4s40, 174W37, Moon was 3 09' Aries - the Arilunar was in. (It also means the final transmission was with a partile Moon-Pluto square, and Uranus exactly on MC.)
Useful hint: Do not plan a major, never-been-done-before ocean-traversing aviation experiment under a close Mercury-Saturn square, especially when they are in Gemini and Pisces, respectively.
Useful hint: Do not plan a major, never-been-done-before ocean-traversing aviation experiment under a close Mercury-Saturn square, especially when they are in Gemini and Pisces, respectively.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Amelia Earhart disappearance
My best current information is that her last broadcast was at 8:48 UT on July 2, 1937.
She surely was somewhere near Howell Island (0N48'26", 176W37'00"). What I just discovered is that, for the coordinates of Howell, her local Ascendant was 3°25' Capricorn. Transiting Pluto at the disappearance was 3°55' Cancer.
As I've often written, local angles are operative if you are simply passing through.
She surely was somewhere near Howell Island (0N48'26", 176W37'00"). What I just discovered is that, for the coordinates of Howell, her local Ascendant was 3°25' Capricorn. Transiting Pluto at the disappearance was 3°55' Cancer.
As I've often written, local angles are operative if you are simply passing through.
Jim Eshelman