CRITERA: Planets within 7° of major angles (Asc-Dsc, MC-IC) and 2° of minor angles (Zenith-Nadir, EP-WP). Ideally (i.e., if you can), please assess proximity to horizon and meridian in prime vertical longitude, squares to MC and Asc in longitude, and RA contact to EP and WP in right ascension.
Here is the primary Angular Saturn interpretive resource on the forum:
We may also want to compare to Sun in Libra and Capricorn for ideas to check against our Angular Saturn examples:
My current concise summary of Angular Saturn reads:
Needs to be self-reliant, self-sufficient, autonomous, independent; maturing is a process of securing autonomy. Works hard, industrious. Survival instinct is strong and drives much of the behavior. Hardship likely (especially in youth); struggle for security; life’s demands seem severe (some are beaten down; some gain great strength and endurance). Cautious, emotionally reserved, self-protective, conscientious, methodical, austere (may shut others out emotionally). Beware self-restriction arising from fear.