Sun in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Sun in the Constellations - interpretation resources

Post by Jim Eshelman »

TYPICAL SIDEREAL SUN-SIGN DATES: The dates give below are for the year 2000. They may vary one day either side in a given year, and should be checked by actual calculation. Also, these dates all increase by one day every 72 years.

Garth Allen once wrote a concise distinction between Sun-sign and Moon-sign. When I found it, I was surprised that it so resembled my basic distinction between Sun and Moon - that Sun is the core "who you are" center of identity and Moon the adaptive mechanism (socially, biologically, psychologically) that manages ones interface with the environment to support, protect, and express Sun. (Lately I've begun expressing this as "[Sun-sign] with a [Moon-sign] style.") -- GA's is just different enough, though, that it is worth reposting here.
Garth Allen wrote:The Sun-containing constellation throws light on behaviorism and psychological orientation in the world. The Moon-containing constellation, on the other hand, gives clues about how the basic pattern of individuality has been modified and conditioned by one's glandular and chemical history since birth. The Sun is what you really are; the Moon is what the flux and pressures of continued living have tried to make you into [emphasis added]. Other interpretations of the difference between solar and lunar components of the personality are possible, of course, but we believe that this distinction is the primary one in everyday circumstances.
Sun in TAURUS Charming, Devoted, Erotic (May 14 - Jun 14)
Sun in GEMINI Reason, Play, Pluralism (Jun 15 - Jul 15)
Sun in CANCER Imagination, Emulation, Mystery (Jul 16 - Aug 16)
Sun in LEO Centricity, Dignity, Perfection(Aug 17 - Sep 16)
Sun in VIRGO Strategic, Analytical, Curious (Sep 17 - Oct 16)
Sun in LIBRA Beauty, Enticement, Justice (Oct 17 - Nov 15)
Sun in SCORPIO Freedom, Combat, Sex (Nov 16 - Dec 15)
Sun in SAGITTARIUS Elevation, Heritage, Tribe (Dec 16 - Jan 14)
Sun in CAPRICORN Independent, Discontent, Wild (Jan 15 - Feb 12)
Sun in AQUARIUS Scientific, Unconventional, Inclusive (Feb 13 - Mar 14)
Sun in PISCES Theatrical, Mysterious, Romantic (Mar 15 - Apr 13)
Sun in ARIES Contrary, Libertarian, Imperial (Apr 14 - May 13)
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Sun in Taurus (Charming, Devoted, Erotic)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.57% of population (~1/12)

SUMMARY: Charming, good-hearted, tolerant, forthright. Loves peace, beauty, nature, comfort, simplicity. Devoted friend, keenly understands people. Willingly vulnerable, open; feels things powerfully. Erotic (sexually, sensually, philosophically). Deeply loving parents. Prolific in all areas of creativity.

  • Charming, gentle, gracious, kindly, amiable, good-hearted. Tolerant (permissive, accepting), good-tempered. (More patient with people than with delays.) Often entertaining. [Gauquelin: charming]
  • Earnest, sincere, candid, forthright. Tries to navigate around difficult situations but avoids lying when possible. [Gauquelin: not secretive]
  • Devotion, affection. Keen sense of friendship. Intuitive understanding of others (natural psychologists, sociologists, etc.). [Gauquelin: devoted]
  • Seem most comfortable in loving marriage.
  • Sensitive, willingly vulnerable and open, so can be strongly affected by surrounding conditions.
  • Thrives in harmonious, comfortable, peaceful surroundings, including opportunities for quiet, calm, and solitude. -- Peace-loving. Shuns the harsh, violent, and rude. -- Celebrities are often private, reclusive, protective. -- Love of beauty, aesthetic sensitivity. (Artistic.) -- Love of nature. “One with the earth,” safe in its embrace. Shows great love for all it produces. -- Physical grace (dancers, skaters).
  • Prefers unadorned simplicity - art, but not artifice. Modern culture often strikes them as too complex and artificial. Prefers the literal, naked, direct, and natural. (E.g., dislikes inhibiting, uncomfortable clothing. Prefers natural beauty to artificial beauty.)
  • Eros dominates them: sexually, sensually, and philosophically: a wide embracing of life, its energies, and its mysteries. -- Oriented to “life of the flesh.” -- Whether this expresses through wide sexual variety or monogamy depends on circumstances.
  • Liebestod. A “love-death” or tragic love theme is hard wired into Taurus’ psyche. Partly, this is an extension of feeling strongly, enacting passionate, tragic, erotic themes. -- Possible repeated self-sabotage (or creating tragedy) in romance until a romantic ideal is attained. -- Brooding (from preoccupation with emotional angst) can displace a normally cheerful disposition.
  • Curious about life and its rhythms, mysteries, and meaning. Questioning, inquisitive, contemplative, thoughtful. [Gauquelin: scientific] -- Deeply philosophical. Often this includes occult and metaphysical interests.
  • Highly passionate about causes. (Another example of feeling things strongly.) [NOTE: The trait impassioned is extremely rare for Taurus Sun in the Gauquelin data set. This probably results from peoples’ observation of their pacific, often docile demeanor. It clearly does not mean they lack sexual or erotic passion, or that they are unimpassioned toward causes: Quite the opposite is evident.] -- Yet, generally apolitical (or reluctantly political). Though service-minded, they do not usually flourish in politics or political situations. [STATS: Statistically uncommon for U.S. presidents (only three), for 4,985 congressmen, and for 4,651 community volunteer leaders; yet statistically common for 5,013 nonpolitical federal employees.]
  • Loves young people, at ease with them. Superb parents, deeply loving and affectionate toward their children. -- Prolific biologically, just as they are in writing, music, or any other area of creativity. -- Many poets. Often tends to express thoughts poetically.
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Witty, charming, not impassioned, insincere, combative, energetic, minute.
  • PROFESSIOANL ATHLETICS: From the traditional physical build of Taurus, it shouldn't be surprising that football is their game. Taurus ranks statistically high for professional football players, and statistically low for baseball (8,024 professional baseball players. 1,113 baseball players. 3,636 baseball pitchers. 2,780 baseball infielders and catchers. 1,608 baseball outfielders. 203 baseball .300 hitters.).
  • YOUTHFUL ACHIEVEMENT: Low for 5,738 young men of achievement (agest 21-35) and 7,694 young women of achievement (ages 21-35). (Ranked high for another study, of 4,004 women of achievement, which used different criteria). - Fagan claimed Taurus' genius flowers late.
  • OTHER STATISTICAL HIGHS (studies of various levels of quality): All Popes since 1000 AD. 5,111 librarians (ranked 3rd). 5,477 lawyers (from Who's Who). 7,118 advertising executives. Second highest for Tropical astrologers (despite the fact that the two leading Siderealists had this Sun-sign).
  • OTHER STATISTICAL LOWS (studies of various levels of quality): 2,931 authors. 6,813 misc. famous men. 367 soldiers. 6,316 bankers (Tobey). 14,781 engineers (Tobey). 7,012 clergymen (Tobey).
Taurus & Skin:
Taurus & Naturalists:

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Taurus was divided into five parts: Pleiades, Hyades (included Aldebaran, "The Bull of Heaven"), Orion ("Lord Shepherd of Heaven", Perseus ("The Old One"), and Auriga ("The Scimitar or Crook").

STATS: A study of 40 supercentarians had the Sun in Aries 1, Taurus 6, Gemini 8. It is not clear whether the Taurus-Gemini pile-up is a nonzodiacal artifact. It is interesting that the Moon was 6 times in Gemini (about double the expected value). Second highest (to Libra) for 109 "Art & Design" charts in SF8 (but not significant).

U.S. PRESIDENTS: John F. Kennedy, George H.W. Bush, Donald Trump

OSCARS: James Stewart (Philadelphia Story), Paul Lukas (Watch on the Rhine), Laurence Olivier (Hamlet), John Wayne (True Grit), Henry Fonda (On Golden Pond), Cher (Moonstruck [!]), Jessica Tandy (Driving Miss Daisy), Helen Hunt (As Good As It Gets), Natalie Portman (Black Swan {!})
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Sun in Gemini (Reason, Play, Pluralism)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.61% of population (~1/12)

SUMMARY: Acute nervous system. Speed, rhythm, variety (dispersion). More reason than belief. Courageous. Rejects forced stratification: “What’s expected” often makes no sense to them. Play, youthful; needs affection, connection; feels loneliness deeply, often alienated. Music, arts, business. Mechanical, technical.

SUN IN GEMINI, the Twins
  • Two traits seem at the root of all core Gemini behaviors. (1) A hyper-acute nervous system. (2) Innate rejection of external expectations and stratification as alien (or at least a bother).
  • HYPER-ACUTE NERVOUS SYSTEM, much nervous energy, physically active quick thinkers. [Gauquelin: energetic, powerful mind]
  • Speed shows diversely as a theme.
  • Keen sense of rhythm, mental and physical quickness, physical and psychological agility.
  • Versatile talents. Danger of dispersion, distraction, inattention, thus seeming irresponsible.
  • Substance abuse. Alcoholism, smoking, and other substance abuse to manage this acceleration.
  • Driven by reason or, rather, by reasons, marked by their own logic, justifications, and explanations (their distinctive modeling of facts).
  • Intuitive. Gets a conclusion first, and then mobilizes facts to substantiate it. Uses logic to sustain a point of view rather than acquire one.
  • Truth-driven rather than reason-driven.
  • Irreligious, amoral. “Doubting Thomas,” skeptical, thus more “scientific” than “religious.” [STATS: Significantly infrequent for 2,492 eminent clergymen (Bradley) and 7,012 clergymen (Tobey).]
  • Courageous. Courage of convictions. Speaks truth unhesitantly, even defiantly (as if serving as truth’s own warrior). [Gauquelin: courageous.]
  • Socially pluralist, inclusive, and democratic. Rejects social stratification, aristocratic entitlement, or other standards of intrinsic human inequity. Accepts pomp and pageantry to respect tradition, but not as a privilege of rank. [STATS: Significantly high for 5,022 politicians below the Federal level, but low for the 4,985 members of Congress in the comprehensive Duncan study.]
  • Alienation: Hard for Gemini to live and function within other’s conventional frameworks. “What’s expected” often makes no sense to them.
  • Gratefully accepts praise and appreciation (it feels like acceptance). Feels judgment as meanness.
  • When judged or wounded, many withdraw as if in exile. (Some accept actual exile or expatriation.) [Gauquelin: secretive.]
  • Others, hearing Gemini’s point of view, often wonder, “In what reality does that make any sense?” (Gemini may wonder the same about the world.) [FN: Gemini is one of two Sun-signs statistically significant in the Eysenck study of schizophrenics. Not all Geminis are schizophrenic, of course, though they do have healthy traits that are mildly schizotypal. Each sign has distinctive healthy behavior that, if mental illness develops, anticipates its likely form.]
  • Feelings are a “sore point.” Harder to understand or deal with, more likely to break down their internal logic.
  • Youth. Has the most clear-cut orientation to youthful-ness and embodying a child-like nature. [FN: The fundamental archetype relating to children is that of Twins (see Jung et al.). These twins are nearly always “children of the Sun.” ]
    • Playful sense of humor helps convey youthfulness.
    • Retain sense of youth into advanced age. [“Old age they chase with song, and when late death o’retakes them they are young.” (Manilius)]
    • Particularly good at balancing humor and seriousness: No hard line between work and play.
    • Athletics, especially basketball, boxing, track, cross-country, tennis. [FN: Significantly high for 350 U.S. professional basketball players (100% sample) and 1,113 professional boxers (from The Ring Encyclopedia).]
  • “TWO” THEMES. Duality-themes appear throughout their lives and reputations. Many are known best as part of a couple, team, or other pair. {FN: Cf. the binary and associative functions of the human brain and digital information storage.}
  • COMPANIONSHIP. Feels loneliness deeper than any other sign, like a child that has lost its playmate. Needs affection, connection, and attention. Generally functions best in partnership.
  • Music. Most musical of all constellations (especially vocal and instrumental, especially drummers; usually instrumentally versatile). [FN: Gemini’s musical gifts were well documented by ancient astrologers.] Diversely connected to the arts, especially painters. [FN: Significantly high in one study of 2,982 artists.]
  • Occupations. Moves information and forges communication to drive business. Instinct for free enterprise, trade. {FN: Significantly common for 5,047 businessmen from Who’s Who and 5,738 “young men of achievement.”} Good at mechanical and technical things. Many engineers, information scientists, and educators. [FN: Significantly high for 2,842 engineers.]
  • Tends to hypersexuality including a major pleasure-pain or discipline-control component. [FN: Surprisingly, this is implied in the early 1st Century writings of Manilius, who, almost passingly, said of Gemini that, “even their pains are pleasure.”]
  • OTHER STATISTICAL STUDIES of various qualities show results of interest yet of less reliability than those cited above. In these, Gemini was found commonly among university scholars, and uncommonly among actors, labor leaders, and a small collection of scientists.
  • NOTE: The fundamental archetype relating to children is that of The Twins (see Jung etc.). Furthermore, they are always, or nearly always, Children of the Sun. When they are not of paired gender, the dual gender or non-gender (pre-pubertal) motif is indicated such that the child is the neuter third member of a triad.
Every astrological type has distinctive forms, or styles, that it assumes in psychologically unhealthy individuals. No sign is, itself, inherently unhealthy. Some are more instructive to discuss and their forms are better identified. Healthy expressions of the signs routinely bear the same underlying traits – in healthy expression – that feed a distinctive pathology in the unhealthy.

The four Spoke constellations share the sibling patterns of paranoid and obsessive-compulsive traits. Gemini and Pisces tend to express a paranoid personality style, though they flip to O/C with a sufficiently pronounced Saturn influence. Virgo and Sagittarius tend primarily to obsessive-compulsive, but flip to paranoid pat-terns with a sufficiently pronounced Neptune. Both styles are characterized by hyper-attentiveness and keenly laser-selective perception, among other perceptual and cognitive factors.

Common Gemini traits mobilize differently to compose the pathological form. Mental and physical acuity mobilize the entire body-mind system with rigidity, caution, edginess, and defensiveness that cut one off from spontaneity, feelings, and creative expression. As this happens, one loses touch with oneself, becoming acutely self-conscious. A fear of subjugation takes form as one’s on increasingly frail sense of autonomy (weakness of will) leads to being overly conscious of others’ will.

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Gemini was "The Great Twins."

Some Garth Allen pieces on Gemini:
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Courageous, powerful mind, secretive, not minute, family ties, energetic, not innovator.
  • POLITICS: Significantly high for 5,022 politicians below the Federal level, but low for the 4,985 members of Congress in the comprehensive Duncan study. Of the four Gemini U.S. Presidents, three were Republicans, and the fourth was a member of the opposition party to what became the Democrats immediately after; as a group they were among the weakest, most ineffective Presidents in U.S. history, notwithstanding some substantial contributions outside of the Presidency.
  • OTHER STUDIES: Low in Gauquelin military and military musician samples.
  • OTHER LINES TO EXPLORE & DEVELOP: The "conveyor (or link) of a tradition." A "real American" (so-called), "born on the 4th of July," etc.
Garth Allen, AAM 9/56 wrote:...both Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II (dig that Geminian "II"!) are natives of this constellation... Perhaps the reader has observed the tendency toward pairs where Gemini is concerned, such as Rodgers and Hammerstein, and Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. Apart from music, note that the best known couple of our time, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, are Sidereal Gemini natives whom a whole empire could not prevent standing side by side! We don't know the birthdates of their partners, but mull this over: P.T. Barnum, Gower Champion, Stan Laurel, and Peter Lind Hayes are Gemini-born people whose names are popularly linked, in the same breath, with others in the tradition of "Castor and Pollux" (Bailey, Marge, Hardy, and Healy).

Far and away the most interesting "twosomeness" of Gemini we've run across, however, is what appears to be author James Cain's fixation on duality. Geminian Cain, notable for his musical background, wrote "Double Indemnity" and "The Postman Always Rings Twice." We thought nothing about this two-ness until we learned that the original title for his finest work, the music saturated story now labelled "Serenade," was, "Two Can Sing!"
OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 13,183 university scholars. 2,982 artists.
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 1,552 actors. 432 labor leaders. 6,813 famous men. 429 scientists.
A study of 40 supercentarians had the Sun in Aries 1, Taurus 6, Gemini 8. It is not clear whether the Taurus-Gemini pile-up is a nonzodiacal artifact. It is interesting that the Moon was 6 times in Gemini (about double the expected value).

U.S. PRESIDENTS: John Quincy Adams, Calvin Coolidge, Gerald Ford, George W. Bush
(The last three were Republicans, and Adams was a member of the opposition party to what became the Democrats immediately after. Of course, the Adams-Bush pattern stands out for Gemini. As a group they were among the weakest, most ineffective Presidents in U.S. history, notwithstanding some substantial contributions outside of the Presidency.)

OSCARS: Charles Laughton (The Private Life of Henry VIII), Ginger Rogers (Kitty Foyle), Olivia De Havilland (To Each His Own; The Heiress), Judy Holliday (Born Yesterday), Yul Brynner (The King & I [!]), Susan Hayward (I Want to Live), Meryl Streep (Kramer vs. Kramer [!]; The French Lieutenant's Woman), Kathy Bates (Misery), Tom Hanks (Philadelphia; Forrest Gump), Frances McDormand (Fargo), Geoffrey Rush (Shine), Nicole Kidman (Moulin Rouge), Forest Whitaker (The Last King of Scotland), Jean Dujardin (The Artist)
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Sun in Cancer (Imagination, Emulation, Mystery)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.58% of population (~1/12)

SUMMARY: Thrives within imagination, mystery, and complexity (vision; or lost in fantasy). Lives in others’ shadow; finds purpose in service and emulation. Conceive and deliver results. Persuasive, trusted, instinct for motives. Live in mystery or its resolution: create or solve puzzles. Renewed by home or sanctuary. Sensitive, vulnerable to judgment, self-protective, self-absorbed.

  • Thrives within IMAGINATION, MYSTERY, and COMPLEXITY. (Vision, or lost in fantasy. Dream-weavers or web-weavers.)
  • Imagery. Enhances, embellishes, and revises (usually settings, sometimes facts). - Image-rich writers and artists; entertaining story tellers; effective actors and persuaders. [NB: Some of the greatest plastic-faced outrageous comedians of the last half century were Cancers, including Lucille Ball, Phyllis Diller, Red Skelton, Steve Martin, and Robin Williams.]
  • Instinct for presentation or delivery (can embellish, dramatize, entertain).
  • Needs recognition/attention from others: thrives when it's positive, withers when it's negative.
  • Nonetheless, values privacy. Most portray a character (adopt a separate image or face) for others, keeping their authentic selves in the shadow.
  • Lives in others' shadow by choice, history, or circumstance, often finding purpose in service and emulation.
  • Their life and work are commonly inseminated by others: Their gift is to conceive, develop, and deliver. Can take another's creation and polish or present ("represent") it anew.
  • Pride and self-confidence from overcoming obstacles and being up to the challenge. Effective project managers, team leaders. Careful, conscientious, wants to "get it right."
  • Shadow themes their lives in diverse forms. (Other examples include interest in the subversive, secretive, mystical, or occult.)
  • Lives in mystery or its resolution. Needs to uncover or disclose. (Creates or solves puzzles, hides then uncovers, veils then reveals.)
  • Drawn to complex, interwoven models (resembling the web of subconsciousness): creates or masters complex systems, schematics, or worldviews. (Reflective mind.)
  • Senses others' motives instinctively. Women are highly empathic; many Cancer men suppress it protectively; both see through ruses or nonsense.
  • Trusted. People talk to them easily (natural confessors). Can solve others' problems easier than their own.
  • Loyal, generous, kind friend, values friendship. Devoted (even doting) parent. (For both, balances caretaking with encouraging self-sufficiency.)
    • Many are suspicious (of betrayal, disinterest, or abandonment), blameful, and fault-finding, leading them to disown a friend, often with drama.
  • Renewed or recharged by their home and having it "just so." Warm hosts and entertainers, though ultimately needing the security of sanctuary or shelter.
  • Generally willing to spend for their comfort. Loves leisure.
  • Sensitive, tender, vulnerable to judgment (touchy, self-protective, easier to offend inadvertently). Needs to "look good" (especially by reputation), which is sometimes a strength, sometimes a flaw.
  • In romance, needs to feel that they are "the prize catch" and their partners know it. [STATS: Statistically common (highest) in Bradley’s study of the 1,011 eminent bachelors in the 1940-41 edition of Who’s Who. ]
  • Early promise. Impresses others with their potential (the most "Young Men & Women of Achievement" awards), aura of leadership; but often falls short of early expectations. [NB. Sun in Cancer as a whole excels in fewer professions than any other constellation, although motivated individual Cancers do quite well. Those who do very well often become celebrity examples of their field.] (STATS: Highest for 5,738 young men of achievement and 7,694 young women of achievement.)
    • Common for public service, political science, etc. [STATS: High for 5,146 political scientists, 432 labor leaders, and 5,013 nonpolitical Federal employees. In contrast, Cancer was significantly low for one collection of 1,052 elected politicians, and has only produced two U.S. Presidents, though it was significantly high for 91 heads of state - all the world heads of state for one year in the 1970s which I extracted from the World Almanac for that year.]
    • MEDICAL PROFESSIONS: Cancer ranked high in one collection of 5,000 medical-related personnel, but this doesn't extend to physicians: It was the lowest sign in the study of 7,000+ British physicians collected by Gleadow and Firebrace.
    • ATHLETICS: Significantly high for professional football players overall, and for one collection of 4,006 college athletes.
    • AVIATORS: High in Gauquelin aviators sample.
    • COMEDIANS: Some of the greatest plastic-faced outrageous comedians of the last half century, including Lucille Ball, Phyllis Diller, Red Skelton, Steve Martin, and Robin Williams.
    • LAW: While not especially high for lawyers over all, distinctive for numerous high profile "celebrity lawyers," as well as high-ranking figures in law (such as Supreme Court justices and high profile prosecutors).
GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Mystic, kind, stubborn, combative, traveler. Not authority, not devoted, generous.

A Garth Allen article on Cancer:
A discussion of Cancer Sun on kitchen-home-mother themes: ... 623#p52623

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Cancer was "The Crayfish," another crustacean.

In speaking of Cancer Fidel Castro upon his death, New York Times called him, "a master of image and myth." (You can't get much more Cancer than that!)
Garth Allen wrote:The constellation rating highest in the number of bachelors per capita is Cancer. In the standardized tropical zodiac, most of these men are considered to be Leo natives and as such are supposed to be fond of children and prone to romance. However, this is not alarming, as researchers today are quite used to the common breaches that are found existing between popular notion and scientific fact, between stereotype and actuality. To the reader versed in astrological symbolism, tendency of men born under the constellation Cancer to remain single is but another reflection of the hard-shell motif of the symbol.

Cancer is the most acquisitive and unyielding constellation of all, if ancient readings for this zodiacal sector are to be believed. It is difficult for the sidereal Cancerian to "come out of his shell" and share a common status with someone, even a beloved wife. The tell-tale symptom of Cancerian impatience, unwillingness to wait, has thwarted many a love's rightful consummation.

Cancerian men who do marry, true to the pincers which are their symbol, often fail to find the wedded bliss as advertised because of their regretful subscription to the widespread notion that the marriage certificate is a sales receipt for merchandise purchased. A reading of The Zodiac by Roman poet Manilius, circa the time of Christ, will corroborate this interpretation. Cancer-born G.B. Shaw's harangue against the "detestable tradition of property" in marriage is echoed in Capricorn-born psychologist Alfred Adler's analysis of the reason for most marital failures: this same proprietary attitude of most married people toward their mates. There is nothing in sane nuptial vows that grants ownership to the husband - a figurative right of way, perhaps, but no standpat deed to the body, soul and spirit of the beloved. Most Cancerian men cannot see it that way.
OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 5,506 school teachers. 86 Nobel physicists. 4,703 chemists (Tobey). 1,011 committed bachelors (Allen).
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 4,698 composers. 2,616 musicians. 1,515 celebrities. 10,123 scientists. 5,011 psychiatrists. 6,813 famous men. 1,367 learned professions. 667 religion. 94 explorers.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Herbert Hoover, Barack Obama

OSCARS: Emil Jannings (The Way of All Flesh), Norma Shearer (The Divorcee), James Cagney (Yankee Doodle Dandy), Louise Fletcher (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), Dustin Hoffman (Kramer vs. Kramer; Tootsie), Robert DeNiro (Raging Bull), Hilary Swank (Boys Don't Cry; Million Dollar Baby), Kevin Spacey (American Beauty), Halle Berry (Monster's Ball), Charlize Theron (Monster), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote), Helen Mirren (The Queen [!]), Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side [!]), Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook [!])
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Sun in Leo (Centricity, Dignity, Perfection)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.48% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Competitive, strong, proud, authority, command. Quiet dignity, nobility, elegance. Seeks to control own myth or legend. Distinctive personal style. Natural hub of attention: Holds forth (or holds court!), can "own the stage." Loyal, generous, nurtures talent, improves lives. Sexually lusty, playful. Hates weakness, hypocrisy. Realistic, pragmatic idealist.

SUN IN LEO, the Lion
  • Competitive, strong, proud, intelligent. Dislikes feeling common. Detests smallness in self and others (including hero worship). Won't be dominated or intimidated, exudes authority, detests hypocrisy. Show great promise even in youth. [STATS: uncommon for boxers. I suspect it isn't dignified enough.] [STATS: Statistically common for winners of Young Men/Women of Achievement awards.]
  • Takes naturally to command (management). Reliable leadership, conscientious with responsibilities. [STATS: common for baseball pitchers.]
  • Quiet dignity touched by nobility. Refined (non-ostentatious) tastes are instinctive.
  • Seek to control their myth or legend (i.e., control the narrative of their lives, especially in how people think of them).
  • Earnest. Candid about themselves within tasteful limits.
  • Robust in argument (until they conclude they're wasting their time).
  • Wrestles with humility (their shadow). Rarely boastful.
  • Each is a character, distinct in their usual circles, delineated by a personal style (characteristic gait, attire, or mannerisms). NB - The Moon-sign often describes the "character" they play.
  • "Holds forth" (or "holds court"). Easily becomes a hub of (positive or negative) attention or center of others' orbit.
  • Can "own the stage" as required (stronger in drama or literature than music: several stage luminaries). [STATS: Statistically common for 2,931 authors and 42 comedians. Statistically uncommon for 1,055 singers, 4,698 composers, and 1,115 jazz musicians, but strong for "drama and mane" classic rock n' roll.]
  • Takes child-like delight (wonder) in things.
  • Regardless of means, finds ways to enjoy life, "have nice things" (something favored, special, or lavish).
  • Pragmatic idealist. [Gauquelin: not dreamer] Powerful in effectively managing what is "here-and-now" before them. [STATS: High for 14,781 engineers (Tobey).]
  • Takes talent under wing and develops it (paternal; many are teachers). [STATS: High for 5,056 school teachers.]
  • Wants to improve people's lives. Social values focus on individuals more than the collective (contrast Aquarius).
  • Loyal, devoted, generous friends. [Gauquelin: generous.] (Manilius: "guileless are the sentiments of their honest hearts.")
  • Few children. Cares well for heirs, love them deeply, often fails to see their faults, demands respect and appreciation, strict while magnanimous (emotionally and materially).
  • Needs love to be unconditional, without judgment (almost without assessment).
  • Romping kittens in the bedroom (either sex). Lusty, forthright sex drives seeking fun and play.
  • Religious Leos (the most typical) have deep certainty of immortality & an eternal, creative life-power. Leos who are pragmatic agnostics forge immortality from acts, monuments, and institutions. (Leo is the distinctive constellation of religious leadership.) [STATS: Significantly high for 2,492 eminent clergymen (Bradley) and a smaller study of 667 people in the field of religion]. [NB: History's greatest palace builders usually have been Leo.]
  • Takes more naturally to war than peace (cf. Manilius). Not particularly diplomatic. [STATS: Nearly absent among U.S. Secretaries of State, but high for Secretaries of War/Defense.]
  • When insecure: Demure nobility becomes over-bearing or boastful, actively needing adoration or being at the center of things.
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Witty, sentimental, generous, not courageous, not a dreamer.
  • ATHLETICS: Significantly high for 8,024 professional baseball players and 3,636 baseball pitchers. Low for 1,113 boxers (Bradley).
  • YOUTHFUL ACHIEVEMENT: Significantly high for 5,738 young men of achievement and 7,694 young women of achievement.
  • OTHER STUDIES: Low in Gauquelin painters and sports champions samples. With Sagittarius and Aries, most common for U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury.
Some Garth Allen notes on Leo:

OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 14,781 engineers (Tobey). 2,931 authors. 2,696 bank management. 42 comedians. Highest for 256 rock n' roll musicians from the '60s from Groovy Guide to the Groups.
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 1,055 singers. 4,698 composers. 1,115 jazz musicians. 91 heads of state (all World heads of state for a given year). 171 medicine. Nearly absent among U.S. Secretaries of State, but (with Sagittarius and Aquarius) high for Secretaries of War/Defense. With Sagittarius, high in a study of 72 murderers.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Benjamin Harrison, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Bill Clinton

OSCARS: Fredric March (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde; Death of a Salesman), Claudette Colbert (It Happened One Night), Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight; The Bells of St. Mary's), Shirley Booth (Come Back, Little Sheba), Cliff Robertson (Charly), Marlee Matlin (Children of a Lesser God [!]), Sean Penn (Mystic River; Milk), Colin Firth (The King's Speech [!])
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Sun in Virgo (Strategic, Analytical, Curious)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.34% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Curious, mentally sharp, strategic, tactical, analytical, logical, scrutinizing, encyclopedic, preserves information. Favors trees over forest. Bashful yet brazen. Respectful, tolerant, sociable, serious. Courageous in word and deed. Service-minded, conscientious. Active toward social progress (rarely radical). Androgynous traits.

SUN IN VIRGO, the Maiden
  • Curious, inquiring, seeks knowledge, gets the facts (encyclopedic, at ease with reference materials, compiles lists, collects sets of things).
  • Mentally sharp, mindful of language (may blaze trails in language science). Well-educated (formally or self-taught) and well-read. (At home in a library or bookstore.)
  • Love of history, antiquity, and origins.
  • In touch with what's happening around them and the general pulse of the times.
  • Strategic, tactical. Many significant military figures. [STATS: Significantly high for 832 famous military figures and broadly famous for history's great generals. The key Virgo theme "service" defines these "service members," among many other traits listed here.]
  • Analytical, "separates the wheat from the chaff." [STATS: Libra is the preeminent constellation of lawyers but Virgo is that for judges: Note that the constellation Virgo is commonly portrayed as Astraea, the goddess of justice holding the Libra scales in her hand. Six of the 17 U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justices have had Sun in Virgo, more than one-third in a single sign (including two of the three most recent).]
  • Logic is Virgo's staff. The process of reasoning matters more to Virgo than the correct answer. (Like a spreadsheet, Virgo organizes available information and remains adamant on the "answer," but can change in a blink if the available information changes.)
  • Can be or seem dismissive of others' less orderly thinking and conclusions.
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality style: Observant, hyper-attentive, keenly alert, concentrated (absorbed), focused on details (may miss the forest for the trees). Nervous baseline (worry, touchiness).
  • Resistant to bother or interruption of their focus. Handles even emergencies in routine fashion. (Cf. Manilius "unused to rage.)
  • Prefers routine, settled, proven (habitual, boring) methods or courses of action.
  • Takes life and business seriously (usually looks serious), though usually with great humor, especially wit.
  • Preservers of the information streams of their time and place: Scribes, secretaries, archivists, historians, professors, librarians, reporters, editors, analysts. (Good psychologists, frequently counselors.) [STATS: Significantly common for 5,111 librarians. Also 14,781 engineers (Tobey).]
  • Respectful, tolerant, sociable (companionable) without being social. (Cf. Firmicus, "persistent need for companions"). [Gauquelin: reserved, not charming, sociable.]
  • Air of innocence or naiveté allows Virgo to get away with more than most others (not held responsible for actions, taken care of or looked after, viewed as "nice guys," etc.).
  • Service/servant motif. Work best in service to others (highly devoted, eager to assist). Even eminent leaders experience their role as service. Most at ease in office, informational, administrative, uniformed, or other white collar careers. ("Working class" themes even among artists, e.g., John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen).
  • The shadow of this: martyrdom or emotional masochism.
  • Marvelous orators (with a sympathetic audience). Has a "common touch" in self-expression. Sensitive to criticism yet courageous in word and action.
  • Shy, modest, bashful, blushes easily (though otherwise forthright or brazen). Technically skilled sexually as in most other serious interests. (Can redirect libido to creative outlets when necessary, though most are hypersexual.) Curiosity drives sexual choices as much as any other factor. (May use sex to make friends.)
  • Cold, adamant adherence to principles. Conscientious in most dealings. Finds behavior "appropriate" to the situation.
  • Active commitment to social progress. Has greatest concern for conditions of the common folk (proletariat), yet does not support causes by radical means. [STATS: Significantly high for Gauquelin politicians. Tied with Aries & Scorpio for most common Sun-sign for U.S. Presidents: Hayes, Arthur, Taft, Eisenhower, Carter. High for 5,022 politicians below Federal level and another study of 478 politicians and political operatives.]
  • Too mechanical to be artistic by aesthetic standards. Writings (even fiction) are data-driven, not imagery-driven. [STATS: Significantly low for several categories of music: 1,055 singers. 4,698 composers. 1,115 jazz musicians.]
  • Often androgynous with pronounced cross-sexual characteristics (e.g., Virgo men's voices tend to be higher pitched, and those of Virgo women lower pitched), possible gender ambiguity. Otherwise, The Maiden somewhat favors the feminine and femme-identification [STATS: Significantly high for 7,694 Young Women of Achievement but not the corresponding list of young men. Highest for Best Actress Oscar winners, but not Best Actors.].
  • Not particularly athletic, but among eminent athletes baseball is their game, especially in support positions. [STATS: Significantly high for 8,024 professional baseball players (and a smaller, earlier study of 1,113 baseball players), and especially for 1,608 baseball outfielders (Duncan). Also among the highest for 1,113 boxers (Bradley).]
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Reserved, not charming, sociable, not a mystic.
  • ATHLETICS: Baseball is their game, especially in support positions: Significantly high for 8,024 professional baseball players (and a smaller, earlier study of 1,113 baseball players), and especially for 1,608 baseball outfielders. Also among the highest for 1,113 boxers (Bradley).
  • YOUTHFUL ACHIEVEMENT: High for 7,694 young women of achievement (though the young men didn't score under Virgo, which here appears to favor the feminine)
  • OTHER STUDIES: High among Gauquelin politicians. Low among Gauquelin military musicians.
Some Garth Allen clips on Virgo:

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Virgo was "The Furrow."

OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities): Fewest major party Presidential nominees who lost (while Pisces had the most). In contrast, one of the three Sun-signs tied for most U.S. presidents.

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justices (6 out of 17). 5,111 librarians. 5,022 politicians (below Federal level). 478 politics. 832 famous military. 14,781 engineers (Tobey). 7.012 clergymen (Tobey). Best Actor (female) Oscar winners (when duplicate wins aren't counted).

1,055 singers. 4,698 composers. 1,115 jazz musicians. 2,842 engineers. 667 religion. Least common (1) for U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, William Howard Taft, Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

OSCARS: Janet Gaynor (Sunrise), Helen Hayes (The Sin of Madelon Claudet [!]), Paul Muni (The Story of Louis Pasteur [!]), Greer Garson (Mrs. Miniver [!]), Charlton Heston (Ben Hur), Sophia Loren (Two Women [!]), Anne Bancroft (The Miracle Worker [!}), Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins [!]), Peter Finch (Network), Michael Douglas (Wall Street), Jeremy Irons (Reversal of Fortune), Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking [!]), Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love [!]), Marion Cotillard (La Vie En Rose), Kate Winslet (The Reader [!]), Brie Larson (Room)
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Sun in Libra (Beauty, Enticement, Justice)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.20% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Relationship-centered. Polite, warm, affectionate (possessive, jealous). Enjoys beauty, comfort; often artistic. Appearance-conscious (vain). Entices, teases, swings between gratify vs. deny (self, others). Peace (appeasement). Justice (righting wrongs). Self-sufficient, cautious; effective survivors. Feminine thrives better than masculine. Optimistic futurist (personally, socially).

SUN IN LIBRA, the Balance
  • Relationship centered. Responds warmly to friendly overtures (keeps doors open to continuing connection).
  • Charming, ingratiating, courteous, polite, warm, affectionate. [Gauquelin: charming, nice.]
  • Self-sufficient, cautious. Effective survivors, prudent (provides for the future), controlling. Concerned with finances (hates stupid waste). Shrewd (discreet or secretive as self-protection). [Gauquelin: not generous]
  • Marriage. Most comfortable in marriage (most likely to marry). Chooses security over depth in relationships. (Possessive, jealous [cf. Valens].) (STATS: Statistically uncommon (lowest) for 1,011 bachelors. significantly common (2nd to Capricorn) among members of "lonely hearts clubs.")
  • Narcissistic in sex. Focus, desire, and positive strokes (compliments, etc.) are essential to their sexual pleasure. Gentle (and wants gentle.) Touchers (not just in sex).
  • Initially self-conscious about their relatability and sexuality. (Afraid they "won't know what to do," vulnerable to rejection: the relationship theme is so vital to their souls.)
  • Pendulum swing of GRATIFY vs. DENY (Venus vs. Saturn), indulge or withhold (whether to self or other). Appetites swing between extremes. (Capacity for nearly ascetic self-denial.) -- Not always good control on strong impulses, but generally good control of small and medium-sized impulses. -- Deny themselves gratification by not sharing their needs and wants with others. -- May sublimate desire into food or other pleasure. (They love food!)
  • Able to tease, "get them wanting more" (sexually, in sales or entertainment): an artful cycle of entice, then deny, then gratify.
  • Love of beauty. Marked aesthetic appreciation. Often displays fine art and design talents. - Enjoys comfortable, peaceful surroundings (a "nice" lifestyle). [STATS: Statistically common for 109 eminent fine art and design professionals.]
  • Keenly aware of their personal appearance, values "looking good" (vain). Sensitive to ideas of blemish or flaw (but adjusts to actual scars as required). [STATS: Fields in which Libra is significantly uncommon often are fields that risk injury or disfigurement. This is true of the two areas of athletics where it has a stand-out deficit (1,113 boxers (Bradley) and 33 Indianapolis 500 drivers (all drivers for one year)), as well as lows in various collections of soldiers, sailors, and explorers. Cf. Hephaestus as Libra's regents to the Greeks.]
  • Vanity not as much about appearance as of needing to "light up someone's eyes." (Contrast this to Aries' need to be important per se.)
  • Peace, appeasement. Effective mediators, diplomats, and peacemakers. Resolves conflicts by trying to please everyone at once, returning unbiased (albeit cautious) feedback. Some of history's greatest agents of peace (William Penn, Nehru, &c.). [STATS: Of the last eight U.S. Secretaries of State, three have had Sun in Libra, However, the pattern has been somewhat different across all 70 Secretaries of State (Pisces is the most common).] -- Not as objective when their own personal interests are concerned. Must be third-party mediators. [STATS: Statistically common for 5,011 psychiatrists.]
  • Justice (righting wrongs). Deep instinct that somebody must make right whatever is wrong (often willing to take it on themselves). -- Cares deeply about (and many are activists for) protecting human rights, equality, the environment, animals, etc. ("Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public." - Cornel West) [STATS: Statistically common in two studies of 232 and 301 lawyers, respectively (Gleadow).]
  • Optimistic futurist. Blithely confident of a better world ("new dawn") ahead. Personal and social idealism ("It's going to get better").
  • Feels a soul-deep longing for idyllic conditions ("Can't we just have things nice?"). Most fundamental Libran traits (love of beauty, wanting peace, experiencing "nice things," love of justice, social activism) are expressions of wanting the world to be able to "just have it nice for a while."
  • Karmic balance. Takes Karma into their own hands. "Do unto others as they have done unto you - but pay interest!" Remembers (stews over) both kindnesses and unkindnesses passionately. When hurting, wants to hurt others.
  • The idea of pain abhors them, but they can be highly insensitive to pain when experiencing it. (The idea is always more than the real thing.)
  • Allows a margin of error. Cautious in committing to a single goal, course, or schedule until completely sure. "Checks the map and gas tank before the trip."
  • Slow to praise (self or others). Gives no false or easy compliments (has to feel they are deserved).
  • Poor short-term memory. (Inattentive? Easily slips into relaxed alpha state.)
  • The feminine thrives better than the masculine. Libra attunes the soul to the archetypal feminine.
  • Libra women take to this comfortably, their inner voice aligning with the archetype of femininity. Venus takes care of her own. (Libra women live in a woman's role as it would be if women had long been the predominant, empowered gender.)
  • Many Libra men struggle to find a social role. Some seem lost groping for a comfortable way to be authentic and still fit society’s “manly” script. Those that surrender to social gender scripts often overcompensate as abusive, bullying, and dominating. (This imbalance will fade as polarized gender expectations diminish.) [Gauquelin: not powerful]
  • Pantheistic. Often metaphysical, not conventionally religious. Comfortable with "the Old Religion."
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Not powerful, charming, inactive, nice, not generous.
  • LAW: Ranked highest in two small collections gathered by Gleadow, of 232 and 301 lawyers, respectively.
  • ATHLETICS: Libra overall is not distinguished in athletics. In particular, note significant lows for 1,113 boxers (Bradley) and 33 Indianapolis 500 drivers (all drivers for one year).
  • OTHER STUDIES: Low among Gauquelin ACTORS sample. (Cf. more casual studies showing Libra significantly low among 1,515 celebrities and 1,880 entertainers.)
NOTE: Observe how many of these traits are quite precisely non-Plutonian. In contrast, though there are many that are Venus-like, there are almost none that are non-Martial. (Some of them could be taken as quite martial, e.g., the fight for justice; at most, the non-martial mark is avoiding sports like boxing and racecar driving n the broader anti-macho tone.) In places that Mars resembles either Saturn or Venus, there are traits that could also be described as martial. -- OTOH, it is is quite interesting that Libra shares with Aries the pendulum swing between opposing, rhythmically-shifting polarity, as if this is an intrinsic characteristic of the Aries-Libra axis.

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac (c. 1000 BCE), Libra was already "The Scales" (Akkadian zibanitu).
JAE in another thread wrote:I want to record here (for future reference) a "feel" I'm getting. This probably doesn't make a good interpretive element on its own, but helps me recall the tone or context for understanding all the other notes. The overall feeling I was getting was a soul-cry of, "Can't we just have things nice?"

It's not just wanting "nice things" (though that's there). And, despite Libra's bright social idealism and optimistic futurism, it's not naïve. Libra gets that things suck - maybe more than most people because (1) they are Saturn-driven and (2) nobody registers disappointment like an optimistic idealist. And they do a lot of snarky things in frustrated (or justice-demanding) retaliation against people and events that "keep things from being nice." But, bottom line, I think this is the spirit of their motivations.

The love of beauty, wanting to look nice, preferring people to get along, esthetic tastes (and, yes, enjoying having and seeing "nice things"), appearance-sensitivity, love of peace and justice (including retaliation against misbehavior and injustice or other "not right" things), social activism... they'd really like to just relax back and let everybody "have it nice for a while."
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:54 pm Not mentioned often enough, there is a truly dark, even monstrous [self-loathing] side to Libra. This isn't typical, hardly representative of Libras overall, but there are enough examples to mention it. Many of these are murderers from the pool that are thought of as truly gruesome, including Charles Manson, Fritz Haarmann, [Marc Dutroux,] and William Heirens (and the less monstrous but no less historic and impactful Lee Harvey Oswald). Or other monsters of modern history like Joseph Goebbels and Joseph McCarthy. ...I don't think you can have a complete picture of Libra without acknowledging the truly monstrous, the dark soul-chambers as diabolical as the devil symbolism of Saturn's other constellation, Capricorn.
Garth Allen wrote:By far the most marrying constellation of the zodiac is naturally Libra. The fact that the symbol Libra has been associated most emphatically with marriage since time immemorial scores another victory for the accuracy of the sidereal zodiac as a delineative instrument. Libra instinctively seeks an amalgamation of interests with the object of its affections; hence, relatively few sidereal Librans remain single. It is Venus-ruled Libra men who view marriage as having more purpose than that of simple reproduction. They know that marriage offers connubial communion and companionship apart from any asserted strictly biological purpose, just as they know that because Nature provided us with sight and hearing for food getting and self-preservation there is no reason to outlaw art and music on ground of alleged biological intent. It is tragic that millions of otherwise sane, intelligent men and women actually consider marriage a "necessary evil." What an understanding of life and of human nature and of God these people are willfully lacking! This basic understanding is native to Libra, whose instinct for balance expresses itself in a perspective that fails to ails to see anything ridiculous about a married philosopher.
OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 2,088 journalists and editors. 5,111 librarians. 5,011 psychiatrists. 100 medicine. 109 "Art & Design" charts in SF8.
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 13,183 university scholars. 1,011 eminent bachelors (all in one volume of who's Who; looks like just past 2 sigma) (Bradley).

U.S. PRESIDENTS: John Adams, James K. Polk, Theodore Roosevelt, Warren G. Harding

Notebook #93 observations: Perfectly delightful, charming, affectionate.

OSCARS: Marie Dressler (Min & Bill), Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind; A Streetcar Named Desire [!]), Joan Fontaine (Suspicion [!]), Grace Kelly (The Country Girl), Burt Lancaster (Elmer Gantry), George C. Scott (Patton), Art Carney (Harry & Tonto), Richard Dreyfus (The Goodbye Girl), Sally Field (Norma Rae; Places in the Heart), F. Murray Abraham (Amadeus), Robert Benigni (Life is Beautiful [!]), Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich [!]), Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club), Leonardo DiCaprio (Wolf of Wall Street)
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Sun in Scorpio (Freedom, Combat, Sex)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.10% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Strong drive, competitive (combative). Requires freedom of movement and thought. Sexually voracious. Persistent, powerful, innovative, insightful. Bold, moral courage, unbowed. Pragmatic. Thought leaders (not followers). Forthright, blunt. Wit, humor. Enjoys life. Slow to show weaknesses; collects others' weaknesses.

SUN IN SCORPIO, the Scorpion
  • Combative, fighter, competitive (temperamental), ready for a challenge or adventure.
  • Persevering, persistent, enduring, tireless (long hours), powerful, industrious, resourceful, productive, innovative, novel approaches. "Always something new" (needs something new). [Gauquelin: powerful, innovator.]
  • Strong physical aggression, drive (for business, sex, innovation).
  • Courage, dares much. Instinctively leads, commands, carves new pathways, influential (e.g., Churchill, De Gaulle, Franco, Indira Gandhi, five U.S. presidents, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther, and many in the arts).
  • Pragmatic problem solvers, more insightful than analytical, wants theory to be immediately practical. (STATS: Low for Gauquelin scientists.)
  • Fearless in the face of criticism. Moral courage. (They "expect the protection of the Gods" - Firmicus.)
  • Forthright, candid, direct, blunt, often outspoken. - However, will not say anything self-disclosing or of substance without a specific reason; therefore, some seem silent, some glib).
  • Wit, sharp humor, deep enjoyment of life, loves fun, open to connection.
  • Good frustration tolerance (but stress piles up, can explode).
  • Sexually voracious. Corked sexual volcanoes, high demand: Unsated needs build tension and demand release (or cause irritability, aggravation).
  • Volcano is one of the best metaphors for Scorpio. They build pressure down deep (as if gestationally), then burst out almost frighteningly whether in sexual energy, rage, new activity, or even genius.
  • Love of freedom (physical and psychological). Go their own way, unapologetically following their own paths. - Thought leaders more than thought followers.
  • Unbowed by authority, feel others' rules don't apply to them. Iconoclastic, challenging conventions in theory (though often more conservative in practice).
  • Pragmatic, cuts through theory, values efficiency over principle, "cuts to the chase," intuits "where the rubber meets the road".
  • Can express abstract or complicated truth in forthright, common language (aided by a wide-ranging, often interdisciplinary mind). Many have brought wisdom, art, or culture to the people.
  • Astute judges of character: Hidden motives rarely escape their notice. Slow to reveal own weaknesses, while collecting others' weaknesses. [Gauquelin: not sentimental]
  • Scorpio girls are generally rough-and-tumble tomboys.
  • Often powerhouse musical ability, especially of voice or instrument, e.g., Frank Sinatra, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner, Bette Midler, Dionne Warwick (known for "never playing it safe"). (STATS: Statistically common for 4,698 composers, 2,616 musicians, and 1,115 jazz musicians.) Otherwise, not commonly artistic. (STATS: Statistically uncommon for Gauquelin painters.)

  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Powerful, innovator, minute, kind, not generous, not sentimental, not sociable.
  • MUSIC: Significantly high for 4,698 composers, 2,616 musicians, and 1,115 jazz musicians.
  • OTHER STUDIES: Low among Gauquelin painters sample.
In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Scorpius (by a modern translation) was called "The Cutter." I'm not sure of the exact implication.

OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 77 nursing home patients. 33 Indianapolis 500 drivers (all drivers for one particular year).
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 5,111 librarians. 5,047 businessmen (from Who's Who), 4,004 women of achievement, 94 explorers.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, James A. Garfield [2 of these died in office, 2 were generals]

OSCARS: Victor McLaglen (The Informer), Broderick Crawford (All the King's Men), Maximilian Schell (Judgment at Nuremberg), Ellen Burstyn (Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore), Geraldine Page (The Trip to Bountiful), Jodie Foster (The Accused [!]; The Silence of the lambs [!]), Jamie Foxx (Ray), Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart), Julianne Moore (Still Alice)
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Sun in Sagittarius (Elevation, Heritage, Tribe)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.06% of population (~1/12)

PRELIMINARY SUMMARY: Desires respect, elevation, achievement ("higher & higher," rank, excellence). Generous, hospitable. Loyal to tribe. Principled (stubborn, stiff). Easily ascends to pulpit or lectern. Right-wrong, reward-punishment: judges self and others (may fail own standards). Respects continuity of culture, social rituals, civilization's fruits. Preserves status quo, heritage, myth. Serial passions. Complacent affection.

  • Hierarchy or vertical rank is basic to their sense of order — socially, professionally, politically, intellectually, metaphysically.
  • Earnest pursuit of excellence & quality. Keen sense that some things are better and others worse, or some things right and others wrong. Principled (stubborn, stiff, tedious).
  • HIGHER & HIGHER. Desires achievement, elevation, external affirmations (degrees, certificates, titles, respect). Wants to be a person of note, distinction, contribution, or expertise.
  • [The up-shooting ARROW is the fundamental archetype of Sagittarius. Much of its symbolism comes from this.]
  • Ambitions may be material or spiritual, depending on the individual's highest values.
  • More exclusive than inclusive. Great pride in doing well what they do. (Artistic only in the sense of eager for quality results & praise)
  • Other themes of scale or magnitude, both the major, grand, or uplifted and the minor, minute, or low. (E.g., scientists who have provided both macroscopic and microscopic views Brahe, Kepler, Newton, Hawking vs. Pasteur; shorthand inventor Pitman; obsession with minutia; soaring and plunging waves in symphonies; reward-punishment or Heaven-Hell; "theory of everything.")
  • Generous, kind, hospitable, polite, well-mannered, "behaved." Likes to be liked, included. Often uses tact or clemency in lieu of frankness (letting a problem go unsolved or a grievance unaired). -- Responds to general social expectations stronger than to pressures from individuals.
  • Diverse interests. Highly mutable, shooting off in many directions with strong passions for new interests (serial passions).
  • Identifies with community (family or family surrogates): “the gang,” fraternity or sorority, religion, nation, race, political party, movement, team, clan, tribe, class, circle, or other group. - Loyal and committed to one's community (e.g., family loyalty, patriotism, “My (country, family, team, gang), right or wrong”).
  • Progress-oriented. Respect for the acquired, built-up body of knowledge. - Adds to (or improves) it, uses it, expects others to carry it further in later generations.
  • Prefers improving what has been raised and established before pursuing change. Preserves and enhances heritage, tradition, custom, convention, values, and cultural mythology or legend - the elements of a mature civilization. (Innovation is commonly through enhancement and building on historic foundations, or creating worldviews, models, or systems to explain them.)
  • [The centaur archetype of Sagittarius signifies civilization - the emergence of the upright, civilized human, imbued with love of all arts and learning, arising from its bestial antecedents. In this sense, it signifies the history and continuing emergence of civilization itself.]
  • Enjoys civilization's fruits (especially those popular with the leisure class): Patron of most art forms; education, academics, religion, dramatic arts, history, travel, foreign affairs, education.
  • Sense of humor is meager (commonly dry, corny, or "inside jokes").
  • Judgmental and sensitive to judgment (takes it seriously). Critical (disapproving, condemning). Sees right vs. wrong, expects reward vs. punishment (discipline, sometimes severe).
  • Self-image or self-satisfaction issues: Holds high standards of excellence and doesn't meet them. (Denigrates or side-steps compliments, feels undeserving. Doubts undercut ambitions.)
  • In romance, play traditional roles in the social-sexual mating dance: Chivalrous men, courtly and gallant; gracious women who want to be courted and won (or modern equivalents). - Low sexual appetites (eroticism is de-centralized as affection and complacence).
  • Religious themes in individual Sagittarians plus many significant prophetic and religious figures (Joseph Smith, Jeanne Dixon, Nostradamus, popes, televangelists, etc.). Outside of religion, others also ascend to the pulpit (lit., an elevated platform) in their own fields, including numerous important heads of state, professors, lecturers, and TV hosts (from Phil Donahue to Rush Limbaugh). [STATS: Common for 4,985 Congressmen (Duncan), 91 heads of state (all for one year).]
  • In music, a few larger than life popular singers (such as "King" Elvis Presley, Jimmy Page, David Bowie), composers, and especially band leaders and symphonic conductors. [STATS: Statistically common for 4,698 composers.]
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Stubborn, impassioned, sincere.
  • BASEBALL: Significantly high for 2,780 baseball infielders and catchers and 1,608 baseball outfielders; but significantly low for 3,636 baseball pitchers.
  • OTHER STUDIES: High among one sample of Gauquelin sports champions. With Leo and Aries, most common for U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury. With Leo, high in a study of 72 murderers.
Some Garth Allen columns on Sagittarius:

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Sagittarius was "The Overseer" or, alternately, a god named Pabilsag of uncertain nature but most likely a connection to medicine.

OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):

4,698 composers. 5,036 architects. 10,123 scientists. 4,985 Congressmen (Duncan). 91 heads of state (all world heads of state for one year). U.S. Secretaries of War & Defense (tied for highest with Leo and Aquarius). 1,464 actors. 359 poets. 301 lawyers. 6,877 physicians (Tobey). 4,703 chemists (Tobey). Modestly high (2nd to Pisces) for Best Actor (male) Oscar winners.

2,088 journalists and editors. 5,111 librarians. 13,183 university scholars. 7,118 advertising executives. 8,762 clergymen. 5,506 school teachers. 432 labor leaders. 384 chess players. 53 astronauts (all up to that point in time). 478 politicians. 107 various occupations.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Richard Nixon [1 was impeached, one resigned first, another was nearly impeached]

OSCARS: Luise Rainer (The Great Ziegfield [!]; The Good Earth). Ray Milland (The Lost Weekend), Loretta Young (The Farmer's Daughter), Jane Wyman (Johnny Belinda), Jose Ferrer (Cyrano de Bergerac [!]), Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen [!]), Maggie Smith (The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie [!]; California Suite), Jane Fonda (Klute; Julia), Diane Keaton (Annie Hall; Something's Gotta Give), John Voight (Coming Home), Sissy Spacek (Coal Miner's Daughter), Ben Kingsley (Gandhi [!]), Robert Duvall (Tender Mercies), Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs), Nicolas Cage (Leaving Las Vegas), Denzel Washington (Training Day), Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything [!])

Notebook #93 observations: Highly mutable people, shooting off in multiple directions for various interests; or having "serial interests," heavily interested in one topic for a time and then dropping that as they are heavily drawn to others. (Check this against other populations. It is showing up in this notebook's sample in a wide range of kinds of Sagittarius manifestations, and I should dig out the nuances. Compare the "impassioned" character trait Gauquelin found, in combination with the others.)
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Sun in Capricorn (Independent, Discontent, Wild)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.09% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Survival and autonomy needs foremost. Sociable; not self-disclosing. Humor, storyteller, prankish, music. Good resource manager. Struggles against tough odds. Discontent, combative, resists persuasion and conformity. Values past; defies status quo. Emotions cautious initially. Extreme libido.

  • Most traits arise from motivation to survive and secure autonomy (physical & psychological).
    --- Tenacious of life. Long life expectancy. Cautious, least accident-prone constellation. [STATS: TZ Aquarius lowest in Carter study of 168 accident cases.]
  • Not deeply forthcoming or self-disclosing; hard to get to know. Sociable and likable; serious but not glum; private.
  • A witty, often wicked sense of humor (defense against melancholy).
  • Natural storyteller. Comfortable speakers. Numerous authors of children's books, often grotesque, irrational, or macabre, or adventure. — “honest in grace in speech” (Firmicus). Frugal with words, naturals at pithy adages. (Cf. Franklin's adages, ease of “proverbing.”) Even when vivid and complex, their works are free of unnecessary embellishment. [STATS: Common for Gauquelin writers. Lesser studies show significant high for 858 in literature and 20 satirists.]
    --- Prone to defiant blanket generalizations (Adler's "fictional finalisms").
    --- E.g. “Honesty is the best policy.” “The end justifies the means.” “It ain’t necessarily so.” “All’s well that ends well.” “I do the best I can.” “I live for my home and family.” (Excellent examples compliments of Noel Tyl.)
  • Effective (often prudent) management of finances & other resources (yet, within that, notably generous). More at home in modest, rather than opulent, settings or conditions. Can "make it work" with what they have. [STATS: Common for two related banker collections (Tobey), 2,696 people in bank management and 6,316 bankers.]
  • Aloof. Individual, "goes it alone." Not naturally a team player, more the “singleton” in sports.
  • Strong potential for discontent and spirited disagreement. Can be a severe critic or skeptic (combative). Resists automatic conformity. [Gauquelin: combative.]
  • Strong “father imago.” (Father-idea looking over shoulder, reacts strongly to father figures, looking for paternal approval. Either wants to be Dad, be better than Dad, or kill Dad.)
  • Values the past, tradition, precedent, though often defiant against the status quo. Respects social taboos, though may leverage their power with open defiance. [Gauquelin: innovator.]
  • Great ability to shrug off or disregard facts or events they would rather not face. Stubbornness. Automatic resistance to mind-changing attempts by others, refusal to be convinced.
  • Prankish juvenescence. Gets great pleasure from shaking up the system (sometimes with unusual attire, manner, or speech).
  • Never “hard sells” a cause, and supports few.
  • Realist, serious thinker, deeply probing mysteries, with interests in philosophy, religion, and other serious topics. [Statistically common for Bradley’s 2,492 eminent clergymen, Tobey’s 7,012 clergymen, and a smaller collection of 667 diverse “religion professionals.”.]
  • Musical appreciation, instrumentalists, composers, sometimes singers. Except for music and literature, little spontaneous creativity, almost no great painters, little desire for children. [STATS: Common in studies of 4,698 composers, 2,616 musicians, 1,055 singers, and 152 great composers.(Possibly the high for 1,464 actors is related.)]
  • Emotions are withheld, cautious, even constrained.
  • Personal taboos, boundaries, or prohibitions as a defense.
  • Nonetheless, they have (and unleash) the libido of the satyr and nymph.
  • In romance, initially aloof, tests people for loyalty and safety; then, when very sure, grabs hold hard. Dutiful, devoted, and tenacious in marriage. Once they give up control enough to make an emotional commitment, it becomes total. [STATS: (1) One Bradley collection c. 1950 showed over twice as many Capricorn men in a “lonely hearts club” as chance would allow (statistically common). (2) Gauquelin: devoted is significantly low; this evidently refers to early stages of a relationship.]
  • Single Capricorn women are independent and superb at managing their affairs. However, when married, a surprising number divest power to their mate to the point of near imprisonment and isolation. (Some cases seem downright medieval.)
  • Hard-working, persistent, responsible, dutiful. Struggles hard against life, overcoming tough odds. Finds strength compensating for oppressive conditions, organic defects, or other hardship (cf. Adler).
  • Not political at any level, though often activists especially against oppression. [STATS: Uncommon for 5,022 politicians below Federal level, 91 heads of state (all world heads of state for one year in the 1970s), 5,146 political scientists, and 4,651 community volunteer leaders. Possibly related to this: statistically uncommon for 5,477 lawyers from Who’s Who. Of the four U.S. Presidents with a Capricorn Sun, three died in office and the fourth nearly did.]
  • The fundamental archetype of Capricorn is that of Pan, satyrs, the frolics of nature, and expressions of the primitive, often demonized by repression into demonic emblems. This captured the ANTIQUE-ANTIC Paradox, both words being derived from a common Latin root.
Some Garth Allen columns on Capricorn:

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac (c. 1000 BCE), Capricornus was already Mul.Suhur.Mas, "the goat-fish."
Garth Allen, AAM 4/57 wrote:...the best known authors of children's books were born under stellar Capricorn, viz., Lewis Carroll, Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Edgar Allen Poe, Horatio Alger, Zane Gray, Thornton Burgess, A.A. Milne, and so on. Gertrude Stein who hypnotized the world with "A Rose is a Rose is a Rose," is of the same species as James Joyce whose verbal butchery is supposed to represent the historic crest of "adult" literary art. If you've ever waded through a few pages of Joyce, you were probably impressed by how comparable his technique is to the double talk of Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh.
OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities): Second-most major party Presidential nominees who lost (after Pisces).
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 5,111 librarians. 429 science. Best Actor (female) Oscar winners.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: William Henry Harrison, William McKinley, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan [3 of these died in office, the 4th was shot but lived]

OSCARS: Clark Gable (It Happened One Night), Ronald Colman (A Double life), Ernest Borgnine (Marty), Patricia Neal (Hud), Paul Scofield (A Man For All Seasons), Gene Hackman (French Connection), Jack Lemmon (Avanti!), Faye Dunaway (Network), Paul Newman (The Color of Money)
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Sun in Aquarius (Scientific, Unconventional, Inclusive)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.18% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Scientific, analytic, inventive, pragmatic, non-dogmatic. Unconventional, provocative, controversial. Broad interests. Ignores race, class, rank. Truthful, altruistic, helping. Understands people. Solitude, alienation, undemonstrative. Haughty, unapologetic, but rarely pretentious. May not understand time.

SUN IN AQUARIUS, the Watercarrier
  • Instinct that all things are connected and fit (or flow) together. Universalism informs their social views and the patterns of their minds.
  • Profoundly moved by people, but rarely by persons. Relates to the collective more intimately than to individuals. (Drawn to groups yet remains apart. Socializes selectively or purposefully.)
  • Devotion to family (both parents and children) seems part of a communal instinct.
  • Indifferent to distinctions of race or class. Not impressed by pomp and circumstance. Sometimes so blind to these separative distinctions that it trips them.
  • "Sounding boards," ready to lend an ear (less frequently a shoulder) to others' problems. People turn to Aquarius for help. (Aquarius' water-bearer shows "carrying others the extra mile," providing help where needed.)
  • Truthful, high-minded, altruistic, generous, impassioned [Gauquelin: impassioned].
  • Their particular genius (many are true geniuses) is rooted in breadth and diverse, cross-discipline interests and expertise, often in seemingly unrelated topics.
  • Scientific: analytic, delights in investigation, exploration, and discovery. Avid student, absorbs concepts and ideas quickly. [STATS: High for Gauquelin MEN OF SCIENCE and a smaller collection of 429 scientists. Low for 86 Nobel physicists (so they aren't necessarily good at winning awards).]
  • Pragmatic, inventive, driven by convenience: Keeps things frequently used within close reach. Works hard to make life easy, willing to spend more time creating an ingenious solution than it would take to do the task the long way.
  • Drawn to the celestial, including astronomy and astrology.
  • Agnostic, non-dogmatic. Avoids complex systematization (contrary to Cancer).
  • Intuits a larger framework behind mundane life. Interest in occult and other subjects that might dispel mystery and answer unresolved questions.
  • Lives outside conventional society on their own psychological terms, following their own paths. Needs freedom of movement, action, speech. Unconventional, provocative, controversial, though almost invisibly so.
    • Normally unaffected, easy-going, even tired (many have fluctuating energy). Such iconoclasts that nothing they do seems outrageous to them.
    • As creators, often lead new movements, overflowing old boundaries, often labelled avant garde, figureheads of the modern and experimental of their era, openly challenging (with their lives and work) deep cultural restrictions on topics (most often sex) that are socially provocative.
  • Keen judge of human character. Sees others and self dispassionately. Takes people as they are (to the point of seeming cynical.
  • Needs privacy. Solitude and alienation mark significant stretches of their lives.
    • Healthy selfishness, won't surrender independence.
    • Resists looking vulnerable or expressing hurt, but privately sensitive, easily hurt, and terribly touchy to being misunderstood or excluded. Often misunderstood through being insufficiently expressive or demonstrative, especially in romance.
  • Money isn't too important to Aquarians: If they have it, they spend it; if not, they go without. "Loving coin for use... not pincht, nor yet too swelling in Estate" (Manilius). [STATS: Significantly low for 2,696 bank management.]
  • Haughty, unapologetic, but otherwise rarely pretentious. Uses vernacular. Expresses strong views freely, often ingeniously.
  • Desired responses must be enticed, never forced. Usually denigrates or rationalizes criticism.
  • Many are politically active, sometimes as extremists. Most are liberal (based on inclusion and collectivity) and socially progressive, but not all: They follow their own minds without excuse.
  • Gravitation toward future. Frustrated if "future" doesn't occur the way they anticipate.
    • Perceives time differently from most people. May not actually understand time, thus hesitant to commit on deadlines, no sense of how much time they have left, fear of dying before accomplishing what they feel they should, etc. For a longer discussion, see here.
    • Imposes deadlines on self (then procrastinates beyond them).
  • Worriers. Fear the worst in a strenuous situation. Potentially high anxiety level, obsessive with details.
  • Industrious but with difficulty concentrating on anything or anyone outside of their current major interest (especially on a mate).
  • Often employed in public service or "helping" profession. [STATS: Statistically common for 4,985 members of Congress in the comprehensive Duncan study, and for 4,651 community volunteer leaders, and one of the most common Sun placements for U.S. Secretaries of War and Defense. However, significantly uncommon for 5,013 nonpolitical Federal employees and two collections of lawyers (5,477 from Who’s Who and 301 from Gleadow). The distinction I see is that they flourish where their job is to take a side and grind an ax, but not where their job is indifferent to the “side.” Among U.S. Presidents, there have only been two, but they have been the archetypal Presidents, Washington and Lincoln. Aquarius belongs to Capitol Hill, not the White House.]
  • Musical (mostly vocal - less often instrumental). Also common in irregular professions such as chess players (including grand masters) and astronauts. [STATS: Statistically common in one study of 2,616 musicians.]
  • Sexually libertine, bohemian, even iconoclastic.
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Sensual, impassioned, poet, not minute.
  • POLITICS: High for 4,651 community volunteer leaders and the 4,985 members of Congress in the comprehensive Duncan study. However, significantly low for 5,013 nonpolitical Federal employees and for two collections of lawyers (5,477 from Who's Who and 301 from one of the Gleadow collections). The distinction I see is that the flourish where their job is to take a side and grind an ax, but not where their job is indifferent to the "side." It isn't even an advocacy issue (see the lawyers). Among U.S. Presidents, there have only been two, but they have been the "archetypal" Presidents, Washington and Lincoln (and only one VP) - in U.S. Politics, Aquarius belongs to Capitol Hill, not the White House.
  • OTHER STUDIES: High among Gauquelin sports champions.
In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Aquarius was Mul.Gul.La, sometimes translated "the giant" and given by one modern translation as "the great one."
Jim Eshelman wrote:Aquarius writers are typically sexually libertine, bohemian, even iconoclastic; and their works often center around their sexual challenges to conventional morality. I suspect the real theme here is bursting against deep cultural restrictions, finding a topic that is most socially provocative and then openly challenging it with their lives and work.
(Asked about the archetype behind Aquarius:)
The images are profoundly maternal, from the sea itself, to the annual chaotic birthing, to the delta at which it ended. Don't ever miss the fundamental femininity in the Aquarius symbol: To the Greeks and Romans, this constellation's patron was Hera or Juno, in contrast to the Zeus-Jupiter of Leo. In alchemical terms, it is the eagle to Leo's lion (as Aquila is nearby and rises with Aquarius, the ideas being heavily comingled). And the root image of Aquarius itself is the pot or bowl, the container for bearing water; and all such devices are feminine symbols. Even the later Roman ideas of the jug-carrier has the root feminine idea of bearing, which gave the original meaning to the 5th House to which Aquarius originally corresponded, aside from the other "he ain't heavy, he's my brother" ideas the image implies.

The summertime sea into which Egypt was turned was also a reflection (literally, at night!) of the sea of space, the skies, the heavens, the ultimate mother - the two ideas are mostly inseparable.

All symbols of Aquarius stream out of these root ideas.
Garth Allen columns on Aquarius Sun:

OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 2,616 musicians. 334 chess players. 109 chess grand masters. 53 astronauts (all in program up to that time). 130 actors. 171 medicine. 6,813 famous men. 107 various occupations. Highest (with Leo and Sagittarius) for U.S. Secretaries of Defense & War.
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 2,982 artists. 5,036 architects. Quite low (but probably not significant) for U.S. U.S. Secretaries of State. (Leo was lowest and significant; Aquarius right behind it.)

U.S. PRESIDENTS: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln [the two 'archetypal' Presidents]

OSCAR: Jennifer Jones (The Song of Bernadette), Anna Magnani (The Rose Tattoo), Joanne Woodward (The Three Faces of Eve), David Niven (Separate Tables), Elizabeth Taylor (Suddenly Last Summer; Butterfield 8), Sidney Poitier (Lilies of the Field), Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady), Lee Marvin (Cat Ballou), Liza Minnelli (Cabaret)
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Sun in Pisces (Theatrical, Mysterious, Romantic)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.32% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Drawn to the foreign, exotic, wondrous, theatrical, mysterious, glamorous. Wanderlust. Eros vs. moralism. Socially charming. Visionary, romantic, dreamer. Seeks idealistic relationships. Hardened personal reality, stuck patterns. Slavery-bondage. Fickle allegiance, betrayal. Drama, acting, music.

SUN IN PISCES, the Fishes
  • Drawn to the unfamiliar, foreign, exotic, wondrous, theatrical, mysterious, glamorous, and deceiving. -- Need to live in the mystery (often by trying to solve it).
  • Flair for drama, "makes a production out of everything," plays events for maximum effect, taletellers who invite suspension of disbelief and absorption in their character.
  • Wanderlust, restless. Often travels with a purpose (emigrants, explorers, missionaries, pilgrims, diplomats, banner-wavers, other evangelists). [STATS: Highest among 90 U.S. Secretaries of State and acting secretaries, matching Pisces’ “diplomatic and mediative” reputation. In contrast, Pisces is second least common for U.S. Secretaries of War & Defense.]
  • Charming, graceful, amiable, ingratiating social presentation. Smooth, charismatic speakers (lecturers, community leaders). [STATS: Statistically common for 4,651 community volunteer leaders.]
  • Personal, passionate REALITY womb unaffected by how others think the world is. Psychological well-being (security, comfort) relies on it remaining undisturbed. Within this womb, they experience themselves as sane, oriented, logical.
  • Striving for a stable reality (predictability), they commit themselves to a role and reality like a method actor (deaf to alternatives).
  • Malleable, mutable, can be anything because they are nothing specific. (Opposite of Virgo "pin it down, label, specify.")
  • At best, inspiring, motivating due to their invariable certainty.
  • At worst, hard to break out of negative patterns. Creates problems (conjures psychic demons) and inescapable conditions.
  • Idealists, visionaries, romanticists, dreamers. Some overcome phenomenally negative chart conditions to self-actualize by pursuing personal idealism or refusing to bother themselves with the problems. ("Everything will be fine.")
  • Deceiving and conning self and others when necessary. "They believe every word that comes out of their own mouths" (Gleadow).
  • Fluid, shifting loyalties. Alliances and affiliations shift and slide easily (cold-blooded). Totally committed until they aren’t.
  • Vested participation in a group, alliance, movement is passionate, yet waxes and wanes like surging tides (with often theatrical transitions).
  • Strong religious drives but tends to change religious (or other) affiliations easily. Open to conversion and reconversion. Most likely to emigrate or shift fundamental allegiances.
  • Betrayal theme (eventually disloyal): Betraying or being betrayed, raising great drama in either case. (Judas among the Apostles.) [STATS: Highest for political spies and defectors, per FBI case-history publications (Bradley).]
  • Seeks idealistic relationships. Wants any relationship to be storybook. When they finally realize it isn't, they leave.
  • Hard to please by intimates; easy to please by non-intimates.
  • Sensitive. Low pain threshold (physical or emotional).
  • Psychological strength is directly proportionate to their attunement to their emotions.
  • Eros pervades their lives and motives. Strong sex drive, sensually indulgent, Epicurean, gourmands with food and wine, pursues "the good things" (snobbish). Piscian writers, both popular & academic, often deeply probed these areas.
  • Sexuality (whether in fantasy or act), overflows usual boundaries and labels, often manifesting as erotic-drama extremes with particular focus on bondage, domination, S&M, etc.
  • Eros & morality intimately tied (as one idea) are the "two fishes" of the Piscian soul. Repressive morality may show instead of indulgence or exploration. Much of their life is an approach-avoidance dance with seductive temptation, passionately embracing or fleeing one extreme or the other (prohibition, or aversion to prohibition). Can be judgmental, "holier than thou."
  • Slavery-bondage motif. At best, consciously "indentured" to something. At worst, a repeat victim. (Cf. Andromeda juxtaposed to Pisces.)
  • Do own jobs effectively and expect others to likewise do their share to "keep the wheels turning." (Slave motif again.)
  • Tendency of higher I.Q. - "absorbs knowledge without much difficulty" (Fagan) - with unusually good memories for facts.
  • Dramatic talent: Actors (most male Best Actor Oscars). Broadly talented in music (singers are divas).
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Pessimistic, secretive, not witty, not nice, innovator, inactive, not a poet, reserved.
  • YOUTHFUL ACHIEVEMENT: Low for 5,738 young men of achievement and 7,694 young women of achievement. Poor in business overall; that is, seems to have an entrepreneurial spirit but doesn't show as thriving in any significant area of the business world.
  • OTHER STUDIES: Lowest occurrence for astrologers overall, and Sidereal astrologers in particular.
OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 4,651 community volunteer leaders. 667 religion. 264 music. 94 explorers. 832 famous military. 272 literature. 6,813 famous men. Highest for U.S. Secretaries of State. Best Actor (male) Oscar winners. Third highest (to Libra & Taurus) for 109 "Art & Design" charts in SF8 (but not significant). Most major party Presidential nominees who lost (while Virgo had the least).
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 4,006 college athletes. 2,780 baseball infielders and catchers. 5,000 medical-related personnel. 2nd lowest for U.S. Secretaries of War & Defense.

In the early 18-sign Babylonian zodiac, Pisces was divided into three parts: "The Tails," "The Great Swallow" (included Epsilon Pegasi), and "The Goddess Anunitu" or "The Stag" (Andromeda + part of Pisces).
Another thread I wrote:At least among famous Piscians, there seems - whatever other people think of their choices or their outcomes - that they are striving throughout their lives to do something fundamentally good. This, of course, expresses the moral element.
Among pop singers, Pisces routinely hits "diva" status: Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Billie Holliday, Diana Ross, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Irene Cara. (Pisces Moon has this, too, but less emphatically.) - A distinction from Pisces Moon is that the Moon here adds a magnetic, compelling charisma that is not commonly found with the Sun (consider uncharismatic politicians Al Gore and Jerry Brown).

Garth Allen articles on Pisces:

U.S. PRESIDENTS: James Madison, Andrew Jackson, John Tyler, Grover Cleveland
(Excluding Whig Tyler, all of these were Democrats or, in Madison's case, aligned with the party that evolved into the modern Democratic Party.)

OSCARS: Mary Pickford (Coquette), Warner Baxter (Old Arizona), George Arliss (Disraeli), Lionel Barrymore (A Free Soul), Wallace Beery (The Champ), Bette Davis (Dangerous; Jezebel), Spencer Tracy (The Actress; Captains Courageous), Robert Donat (Goodbye, Mr. Chips), Joan Crawford (Mildred Pierce), Marlon Brando (On the Waterfront; The Godfather), Alec Guinness (The Bridge on the River Kwai), Simone Signoret (Room at the Top), Gregory Peck (To Kill a Mockingbird), Julie Christie (Darling), William Hurt (Kiss of the Spider Woman), Holly Hunter (The Piano), Russell Crowe (Gladiator), Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line) [add Gary Oldman in a later year]
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Sun in Aries (Contrary, Libertarian, Imperial)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

8.46% of population (1/12)

SUMMARY: Contradictory, contrary, oppositional, capricious. Seeks liberty, resists definition or limits. Practical, resourceful, active, impatient. Imperial, political, needs power. Poor empathy. Resents criticism. Vulnerable ego. Direct, bold with opinions. Romantically aggressive. Faithful, strong family sense.

  • Inherently contradictory or contrary. Does not want to be defined, limited, curtailed, or corralled. Seeks liberty without external constraint. (Not so much "stubborn" as contrary.) Comfortable as an outsider.
  • Paradox theme runs through Aries. In many ways, seemingly contradictory traits coexist in Aries individuals. Inherent contradiction and oppositional, polemical themes are specialized instances of this wider principle, combined with a desire not to be characterized (known), pinned down, or defined.
  • Warm, generous, seeking to contribute.
  • Pragmatic, utilitarian, analytical, resourceful. "Immediacy with a practical touch." Theory must be made practical.
  • Action-oriented. Active, dynamic, assertive, impatient. "Perpetual adolescents" (Bradley).
  • Political. Desires power (rather than like Sagittarius social climbers). Need to control and play leader (or set the agenda). At best: In charge of self and does well leading others (can be bossy, demanding, entitled, may expect others’ world to revolve around them). - Deeper motivation: Need to be free from arbitrary or incompetent control or be curtailed. [STATS: High for 1,052 Politicians. Five U.S. presidents had Aries Suns (tied with Virgo for largest number). Yet statistically uncommon for 5,022 politicians below Federal level and 5,013 nonpolitical Federal employees.]
  • Often gravitate toward celebrity status within their circles (as one way of exercising power). [STATS: Aries Sun shows as statistically common in various large collections of film actors, politicians, and “celebrities” in general (people who are famous for being famous). These constitute most people in contemporary celebrity culture (only athletes are missing from the cluster).]
  • At home in business/commercial world of "money-power." [STATS: High for 238 Businessmen.]
  • Libertarian spirit. Politically, can seem stolidly conservative or radically liberal, depending primarily on whether they hold the power.
  • Must lead and control whether highly orthodox or highly unorthodox. Many disrupt the status quo, revel in their nonconformity, and stir social disturbances. Capricious.
  • Commonly lacks capacity for empathy: Insensitive or inattentive to the feelings or moods of others.
  • Express opinions unhesitantly, honestly, and frequently. "Bold in their opinions" (Firmicus), will not mince words. "Unhindered by modesty" (Manilius). Directness may leave hurt feelings.
  • Sensitive to criticism. Rarely admits mistakes. Slow to retreat or apologize.
  • "Hates to be under an obligation" (Gleadow). Fears indebtedness, does not want gratitude to be expected of him.
  • "Image problem" either expressed as overt insecurity or flagrant ego. "Uncertain hearts in trembling bosoms" (Manilius). Thrives on direct praise, often chokes in its absence.
  • Cyclothymic or cycloidal (manic-depressive), though not so much financially in all cases as Manilius implied.
  • Violent deaths, suicides, accident-prone. [STATS: Compare Carter's small study.]
  • Many are romantically aggressive, "wants action." (N.B. - Doesn't show uniformly.)
  • Faithful once settled. Strong family sense. Takes great pride in own children, leans toward extravagance with loved ones.
  • GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: family ties, sociable, nice, not energetic, inactive, not stubborn, not sensual.
  • AMBIVALENCY ON "ACTORS": Significantly high in one collection of 1,552 Actors. Significantly low in another collection of 1,464 Actors.
  • Least common Sun-sign in Who's Who.
  • CELEBRITY STATUS: In addition to the Actors (see above), significantly high for 1,515 Celebrities and 1,052 Politicians. (Politicians obviously rank high for Aries for other reasons; but, other than spots figures, these three categories claim the majority of contemporary celebrity culture.)
Garth Allen articles on Aries:

A post discussing Aries' underlying symbolism: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4876

OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):
SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: Physicians (in the 7,000+ Gleadow-Firebrace study). 2nd highest for U.S. Secretaries of State. Best Actor (male & female) Oscar winners ONLY when multiple wins are scored for the same person. With Leo and Sagittarius, most common for U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury.
SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 4,703 chemists (Tobey). 8,024 professional baseball players. 2,616 musicians. 2,696 bank management (?). 2,492 clergymen. 7,012 clergymen. Lowest for U.S. Secretaries of War & Defense.
ACCIDENTS (Carter, 168 cases): Highest (i.e., Tropical Taurus)
A study of 40 supercentarians had the Sun in Aries 1, Taurus 6, Gemini 8. It is not clear whether the Taurus-Gemini pile-up is a nonzodiacal artifact. It is interesting that the Moon was 6 times in Gemini (about double the expected value).

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, James Buchanan, U.S. Grant, Harry S Truman
(Four of the five were Democrats or members of the predecessor party, the Jefferson Republicans.)

OSCARS: Katharine Hepburn (Morning Glory [!]; Guess Who's Coming to Dinner; The Lion in Winter; On Golden Pond), Gary Cooper (Sgt. York; High Noon), Bing Crosby (Going My Way), Audrey Hepburn (Roman Holiday), William Holden (Stalag 17 [!]), Rod Steiger (In the Heat of the Night), Glenda Jackson (Women in Love), Jack Nicholson (Chinatown; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), Shirley MacLaine (Terms of Endearment), Daniel Day-Lewis (My Left Foot; There Will Be Blood; Lincoln), Al Pacino (Scent of a Woman), Emma Thompson (Howards End), Jessica Lange (Blue Sky), Adrien Brody (The Pianist), Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)
Jim Eshelman