Mars in Scorpio sign project

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Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Mars in Scorpio discussions project, which will run November 18 - December 16, 2019 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Mars in Scorpio people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

Here are Mars in Scorpio interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section:
Garth Allen:

Mars in Scorpio has similarities to and differences from Sun in Scorpio. To help discern these similarities and differences, here is a link to the earlier Sun in Scorpio discussion:

My current concise summary of Mars in Scorpio (always subject to change) reads:
Determined, hardworking, passion to succeed, hard to intimidate. Sharp humor, willing to be outlandish. Loves to party. Most prefer some "bad boy/girl" in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay "a little rough around the edges." Most of the women are high-demand sexual locomotives.
Here on Solunars, people with Mars in Scorpio include quite a group: Veronica, Venus Daily, Avshalom Binyamim, and Mike. We have a fascinating run of "significant others" (which says something about our group as well), including Steve's wife, Arena's ex, Mikestar's ex, and Mikestar's new mate (Terry). - These in addition to others who have popped up here but not been seen for quite a while.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by SteveS »

Most of the women are high-demand sexual locomotives.
:lol: Bingo! Jim, my wife wanted me to tell you that yes, this is so true for her before her locomotive engine died, and for sure she and I both know this is true:  
“prefers some "bad boy/girl" in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay "a little rough around the edges."
She was born a true Tom-Boy. She has indeed roughed-up her body with 3 major falls doing hard/difficult reconstructed work refurbishing old homes-- breaking bones in her body (Mars 120 Pluto) hard working woman for her objectives.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

My mother and two co-workers and a friend have Mars in Scorpio.
Sometimes they can be outright mean.I do not think it is a character trait per sé but there is an urge to stir things up and act devilish imo.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »


I can be *very* mean. Curse someone with a few choice, cruel, stinging words. I've mostly had the self-control to save it for child abusers and the like. But it's there in me.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Stef »

Hello! New member here. After lurking on here for quite some time, Mike finally convinced me to sign up for an actual account.

I also have Mars in Scorpio and I'd say your concise summary, Jim, is spot-on.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by SteveS »

Av wrote:
I can be *very* mean. Curse someone with a few choice, cruel, stinging words. I've mostly had the self-control to save it for child abusers and the like. But it's there in me.
:) Same traits at times for my wife Av.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Ember Nyx »

I agree that Jim's summary is spot on, particularly these two:
Sharp humor. Willing to be outlandish. Loves to party.

Most prefer a bit of "bad boy/girl" in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay "a little rough around the edges."
I feel a compulsion to misbehave in most situations. There's other control-related things in my natal that get mixed up with it, but the raw impulse is just "hold on, I have to put my feet on the desk in front of upper management so they know I'm willing to challenge them - okay, what were you saying?"
My humor is the same way. I've gotten a wide range of results with it, from getting applause to being deeply embarrassed.

Sexually - it's hard to discern the specific Mars placement from the fact that it's the only foreground planet for me. I guess I do relate to the "not squeamish, but phallic-sensitive" thing that Garth Allen notes; I've always felt like I understood that phrase while not being sure how to paraphrase it into my own words.

Besides that, Garth Allen's notes are a mixed bag for me, because while I relate to the majority of it, a lot of the "visionary" and other cerebral/intuitional themes always struck me as coming from other parts of my personality.
Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:36 am I see Mars in Scorpio as my strong devilish side, which is probably a saving grace for me, balancing all the angelic purity motifs. And I imagine it would be the thing that would make me terrifying, if I ever found myself in a dark alley, in a survival situation. (see? that's really freaking dark!) :lol:


I can be *very* mean. Curse someone with a few choice, cruel, stinging words. I've mostly had the self-control to save it for child abusers and the like. But it's there in me.
I relate to these sentiments a lot, though obviously our natals are different.
Stef wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:45 pm Hello! New member here. After lurking on here for quite some time, Mike finally convinced me to sign up for an actual account.

I also have Mars in Scorpio and I'd say your concise summary, Jim, is spot-on.
Hi Stef =p
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Stef »

Hi Stef =p
Hi Mike =p

Digging further into the descriptions: I am definitely ambitious and highly driven and generally have an "I can do anything" attitude, but I am also highly sensitive - in a personal, inner way rather than an outwardly expressed way. I don't get easily offended but I easily offend others by saying insensitive, brutally honest words that I often regret later.

Unsure if this is related, but I usually love when I have Mars foreground elsewhere or in a solunar return chart - I usually feel at my most energetic and vibrant.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:35 pm
I can be *very* mean. Curse someone with a few choice, cruel, stinging words. I've mostly had the self-control to save it for child abusers and the like. But it's there in me.
Yes, I have been on the receiving end of this by my mother, co-workers and friend. Mars in Scorpio can be very cruel.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:35 pm Yes.

I can be *very* mean. Curse someone with a few choice, cruel, stinging words. I've mostly had the self-control to save it for child abusers and the like. But it's there in me.
I completely disagree with your word choice and implied "meaning".

Mean is kicking your dog for no reason.

Ive known you along time bud.

Look up the etymology of the word mean....nouns and verbs and adjectives.

Mars in Scorpio is not mean or cruel in of itself.
Capable of tearing something to Nothing.....yes.

Are you mean to yourself?
Without cause?
Do you whip yourself for the hell of it?
Do you smoke and hurt your lungs for the hell of it?
Do you lash your tounge at bigots and racists for fun and kick and self esteem?

Mars in Scorpio is a Master at Home.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I knew a man with Mars in well. He was enormously charming, but when drinking, was, as described by his mother, just nasty. Eventually, he was drinking all the time, having been fired from his long-time job for being "meaner than a snake" and unable to work with anyone else.

He drank himself into a week in the hospital under sedation because if he went more than a couple of hours without drinking, he went into seizures. During this time his father said he couldn't let him come live with his mother and himself because he felt he was dangerous to his mother, and said "He didn't know why he had to be so mean."

I knew two other people with this position well who I think I can fairly say I never saw or heard of their being mean in any way. They were both tolerant of others being mean to them and not bothered by other people directing frustration and anger their direction.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

"Meaner than a snake." Ha!
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

Are you mean to yourself?
I have been. Very. I practice kindness much more often now.
Do you whip yourself for the hell of it?
I have. And others who have asked for it, and vice versa. :lol:

(and I'm realizing that when I said I "never hit a person in my life" I meant someone who didn't specifically ask me too. :lol: )

I realize that's not what you're talking about.
Do you smoke and hurt your lungs for the hell of it?
I have. I smoked from ages 22-32, and quit, but have fallen off the wagon and smoked a few packs in the years since. There's a self-destructive element at play.
Do you lash your tounge at bigots and racists for fun and kick and self esteem?
I have. A little over a year ago, I received death threats from a nazi on another forum, and I spent weeks mocking and tongue-lashing nazis and their sympathizers. I deliberately chose to enjoy myself at their expense, and I fed off the emotions. I try to find less dopamine-filled outlets for righteous indignation now.


I have other factors in my chart--angular Saturn, Pluto widely conjunct Sun--that keep me from expressing too much anger outward, and I have a lifetime of experience that helps me have compassion and choose other paths of expression of anger.

But those things are in me, and that's ok.

I appreciate you for seeing the best in me. That's in me too. :)
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:00 am "Meaner than a snake." Ha!
Those were the actual words his long-time supervisor used on the evaluation that led to his involuntary retirement.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Hannah »

Out of the eight people I know with this Mars placement, six are female. Hm, interesting..

One of those is my great-aunt, who lives in the foothills of the Sierras alone. She teaches at a university there, and is a renowned scholar for the author Djuna Barnes. She is a Cap-Aries. Her emotions are carefully guarded behind a great fortress she has erected in the many years she has lived in isolation. She is incredibly brilliant, and deeply studied in many different fields. I have seen her as many times as I can count on my ten fingers, so I don't know her well. But we have had a few deep conversations, many of which were on esoteric Christianity, a topic that sparks much passion for her (in a scholarly kind of way). Last time I spoke with her, she was in the midst of transcribing the whole bible from beginning to end while studying the Jewish Kabbalah and Jungian psychology.
Another memory stands out, she does not like going to the movie theaters without careful planning. She says that she dislikes having another person's message persuading her to feel things that do not arise naturally from within her. She compared movies to manipulation.

Almost all the people I know with Ma-Scorpio have an element of isolation to them. They are definitely a part of a group of some kind, but they remain very distinct members of those groups, and tend to disappear suddenly and for great lengths of time. Alot of them are activists for women's rights, and are non-secular but deeply spiritual in a highly personal way.
Actually... I'm not sure "activist for women's rights" is exactly it... they aren't active members of groups that push for women's rights on a political level, but they are silent advocates for equality just by their very natures as strong, independent women. And the men are equally, silently strong.

There is also a masochistic edge to the Ma-Scorpio people I know. It is like they are thinking "pain is equivalent to hard work, and hard work is necessary." And maybe there is an expectation towards others to put the hard work in too? And maybe anger when this is not so?
Last edited by Hannah on Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I guess I have some input here. I'm in college and one of my closest friends here one has Mars and Moon in scorpio (she has sun in leo). She grew up with tropical astrology, but scorpio describes her so well she'll explain that to people who ask her sign. She never has a tropical view of scorpio either because she never explored it before I introduced it sidereally to her.

She uses "you know scorpio things" as code for when she's horny or when she is going to get some when we are around a bunch of our other friends. She likes both men and women, she is dominant towards women. While she isn't angry per season she is aggressive. Me and her smoke a lot and drink a lot together (literally almost everynight), she's a dancing drunk, and when everyone is acting angry on Johnny Walker she can dance it off (she is still exerting physical energy).

There's almost this pure energy about her and she has the best statements, all harsh as hell as she normally is (which I can relate to so much).

"No you can scalp me, I'm not a f@!^ing idiot"

The only time she was too overbearing was when she was on steroids. Her roid rage plus agression and at the time she wasn't getting laid, those few days were insane ha!

There is kind if a snake motif in most of my scorpio moon or Mars friends, most of them are at minimum die hard slytherin fans. As for snakes on her she just got a snake tattoo all black with stars in it behind her ear. Appearance wise too now that I think about it she can be intimidating as well. She is a short but voluptuous girl with a septum piercing and curly naturally red hair.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:17 am
Are you mean to yourself?
I have been. Very. I practice kindness much more often now.
Do you whip yourself for the hell of it?
I have. And others who have asked for it, and vice versa. :lol:

(and I'm realizing that when I said I "never hit a person in my life" I meant someone who didn't specifically ask me too. :lol: )

I realize that's not what you're talking about.
Do you smoke and hurt your lungs for the hell of it?
I have. I smoked from ages 22-32, and quit, but have fallen off the wagon and smoked a few packs in the years since. There's a self-destructive element at play.
Do you lash your tounge at bigots and racists for fun and kick and self esteem?
I have. A little over a year ago, I received death threats from a nazi on another forum, and I spent weeks mocking and tongue-lashing nazis and their sympathizers. I deliberately chose to enjoy myself at their expense, and I fed off the emotions. I try to find less dopamine-filled outlets for righteous indignation now.


I have other factors in my chart--angular Saturn, Pluto widely conjunct Sun--that keep me from expressing too much anger outward, and I have a lifetime of experience that helps me have compassion and choose other paths of expression of anger.

But those things are in me, and that's ok.

I appreciate you for seeing the best in me. That's in me too. :)
Oh I do see the best in you
Its kinda my thing

But I dont think you got what I was getting at.

You are not mean. In the sence of "unkind" "cruel" "heartless".

That would be like me
Outa the blue
Calling you rude nasty deroragtive names
For no reason.

I would be willing to be that in everyone of those situations where you say you are mean....
In your mind you had a very precise specific thought that needed an outlet, like a tolerence that had been achieved, a frustration point that had been met and your Mars would not be idle.

You smoked because...
You needed something released or a stimulant to keep you going
Not because you hate life and want to die.
You whipped yourself. Not because you wanted to be unkind to yourself like others can be but because something was triggered that compelled you.

Snakes are not mean.
They are snakes.
They get scared and hurt and protective and hungry like all creatures. They dont just willy nilly go around biting. There is a reason

People have said I have been mean.
That I can say horrible things
That ill smash a window

But Ive never just done or said things without what I perceived as just cause.

Scorpio Mars is pain and blood and rage and fury for sure, its the will to live, completely determined to stay alive.

I can personally put up with lots of pain and unkindness directed at me. I think Scorpio mars has a high tolerance for pain, but when I feel that Ive been hit enough, over and over and over....I will lash out, very very hard.
In fact my hits seem stronger then the initial hit, but my mind has kept score and my mouth or body says...ok...its my turn. Seemingly out of the blue and that reaction is very much what the word Mean signifies. An averaging out in a way.

Women and men have IMO gotten lazy in a way ( how mars scorpio of me to say that) call women mean when women finally blow up at the overflowing laundry ir such and lash out calling men messy and uncaring and lazy and blah blah. While women call men mean for not returning phone calls right away or not being open and clear about goals and plans. The sexes attack each other placing blame and playing victim when what it really is, miscommunication, fear, misplaced anger and lack of compassion and understanding for the fundamental biilogical difference between sexes.

I would think that Mars in a sign contrary to its nature like libra or taurus or cancer would have more of a genuine tendency to be a bigot or misogist...or maybe Mars in the bacjfround feeling unable to express.
But I strongly disagree with them being down right truely unkind cruel hurtful "meanies" just because.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

V, I momentarily forgot that you have Mars in Scorpio too, and that means my words might have indirectly defined you in ways you disagree with. I do have a tendency to overstate the negative right out of the gate.

But, yes, I do see and agree with your points.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by James Condor »

The only person I know with Mars in Scorpio is John P (Virgo-Sagittarius) He was extremely athletic and ran track, cross country and wrestled in high school. But not coordinated for baseball, basketball. He was fiercely competitive. He was intimidating. He made fun of people all the time and got away with it. Pretty mean. Very confident ( determined to win) . Always got the girls. Drank allot. A bit of a clown sometimes.
I know another Virgo-Sagittarius who wasn’t was cruel, confident or outspoken. I also know a Virgo-Pisces-Leo who wasn’t nearly as athletic, confident, outspoken.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 3:08 pm V, I momentarily forgot that you have Mars in Scorpio too, and that means my words might have indirectly defined you in ways you disagree with. I do have a tendency to overstate the negative right out of the gate.

But, yes, I do see and agree with your points.
Awe....your so sweet that you forgot my Will and bowchichawowwow.....ahhhhh thats refreshining to be so undefined. Thanks I needed that.

Its not that your words defined me....
Its that I have spent alot of time thinking about what makes me angry and upset and reactive and thus have people say to me....your mean. My kids have said it when I turned off the tv or taken away a toy left outside.

I have been short tempered when hungry angry lonely hurt scared defenseless and fearful. That doesnt give me the right to attack others. It gives me the right to change my envirinment circumstances perspective and attitude.

I have also spent even more time reflecting on things that have happened that have caused me to think someonelse is being mean to me....and what my part was in that interaction to bring about " mean" words or acts.

I have come to see that pain and suffering, fear and anger are usually behind wrong action and thoughts. Mars in scorpio is a very powerful placement. I think its very much in place in a chart as a mean though...a balance an averaging out though...because the few scorpio mars I know and myself, are acutely sensitive carring loving tender and gentle in other ways, ways that could be taken advantage of, abused, or manipulated by others....if not for the balancing out of temperment and character with a Hub Mars.

I would be so screwed over emotionally. And physically dominated by others if it were not for my Will which lies in my Mars. I would have given up surrendered and quit after all the things that have come about in my life if not for Mars. Yet it empowers me to get up, brush off the dirt and go another round.

I resonate with all the words in Jims summary.
The one that really gets me though

High demand sexual locomotive.

I am assuming it means that I am highly demanding sexually?

As compared to being an object of high demand?

It may very well have meant both.

When I had sexual relationships, I liked having sex frequently. But I wasnt demanding. Ive never ever said...oh do that...touch me like this...i want...
Which just may very well be why in part those relationships failed, the men most likely picked up on my venus/ uranus kinky side but since I was to shy inhibited fearful to talk about my desires and passions and ideas they felt a loss or incompleteness or a fear that since its apparent I am so sexual and I wasnt expressing it to them, asserting it, that maybe I was getting those needs elsewhere.....they felt cheated out of sharing deeper intimacy with me
Not sure.
Guess I wont hold back and just be that Train and see what happens.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

Was just concidering people I know and thought how in my birth year Mars in Scorpio was mostly when the sun was in Aquarius.
My school always made a big deal about birthdays and had calendars to show all the students birthdays in the halls and I remember being kinda sad that there were barely any Feb birthdays. So In thinking about all the kids in my neighborhood and community in my age i doubt I knew anyone. But I bet if I sat down with my year books and thought about the kids I kbew in the grade above me I think I could pick out the scorpio mars.

Im the only one I know and in my databases. Besides the folks here.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

FlorencedeZ. wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:57 pm
Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:35 pm
I can be *very* mean. Curse someone with a few choice, cruel, stinging words. I've mostly had the self-control to save it for child abusers and the like. But it's there in me.
Yes, I have been on the receiving end of this by my mother, co-workers and friend. Mars in Scorpio can be very cruel.
I think Veronica is correct, this placement has many positives such as Master of the home and organisational skills. I should add then that the people above all had Capricorn luminaries and Mars prominent. So perhaps it fires off more easily in a negative expression.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Danica »

The three Ma in Sco people I personally know well (i.e. have spent years in continual daily interaction with them; a 65 y.o. female, and two males in their thirties) all have this very visible and pronounced tendency of holding onto (and feeding off) negative emotions, of aggressive/hateful nature (intense, and explicitly directed toward an other, or others from their immediate environment, perceived as their personal Enemy), for a long time; it gradually intensifies, until reaching a point of some kind of explosion, when they spill it all, like deadly poison, onto their 'target' - with clear intention to damage/hurt/cause pain, and with visible satisfaction in doing so. Once this is released, another cycle of the exact same kind commences.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by By Jove »

There is kind if a snake motif in most of my scorpio moon or Mars friends, most of them are at minimum die hard slytherin fans. As for snakes on her she just got a snake tattoo all black with stars in it behind her ear. Appearance wise too now that I think about it she can be intimidating as well. She is a short but voluptuous girl with a septum piercing and curly naturally red hair.
Most of my Facebook acquaintances who "aligned" themselves with snakes in some way (posing with snakes or with tattoos) are Scorpio Suns. A decent number also have Scorpio Mars or have some strong Mars influence.

This snake theme also seems to extend to celebrities as well. Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Jim Morrison, etc.
Danica wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:49 am The three Ma in Sco people I personally know well (i.e. have spent years in continual daily interaction with them; a 65 y.o. female, and two males in their thirties) all have this very visible and pronounced tendency of holding onto (and feeding off) negative emotions, of aggressive/hateful nature (intense, and explicitly directed toward an other, or others from their immediate environment, perceived as their personal Enemy), for a long time; it gradually intensifies, until reaching a point of some kind of explosion, when they spill it all, like deadly poison, onto their 'target' - with clear intention to damage/hurt/cause pain, and with visible satisfaction in doing so. Once this is released, another cycle of the exact same kind commences.
I notice the same intense venomous negativity in "unevolved" Scorpio Moons. My older sister (Aries-Scorpio) and one of my aunts (Scorpio-Scorpio) can be very temperamental and nasty. "Unevolved" Scorpio Suns can be the same way but it's in a more indirect way.

In fact a huge fight broke between my sister (Aries-Scorpio) and my girlfriend (Scorpio-Aquarius), and it has caused months of trouble to this day.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

By Jove wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:05 pm
There is kind if a snake motif in most of my scorpio moon or Mars friends, most of them are at minimum die hard slytherin fans. As for snakes on her she just got a snake tattoo all black with stars in it behind her ear. Appearance wise too now that I think about it she can be intimidating as well. She is a short but voluptuous girl with a septum piercing and curly naturally red hair.
Most of my Facebook acquaintances who "aligned" themselves with snakes in some way (posing with snakes or with tattoos) are Scorpio Suns. A decent number also have Scorpio Mars or have some strong Mars influence.

This snake theme also seems to extend to celebrities as well. Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Jim Morrison, etc.
Danica wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:49 am The three Ma in Sco people I personally know well (i.e. have spent years in continual daily interaction with them; a 65 y.o. female, and two males in their thirties) all have this very visible and pronounced tendency of holding onto (and feeding off) negative emotions, of aggressive/hateful nature (intense, and explicitly directed toward an other, or others from their immediate environment, perceived as their personal Enemy), for a long time; it gradually intensifies, until reaching a point of some kind of explosion, when they spill it all, like deadly poison, onto their 'target' - with clear intention to damage/hurt/cause pain, and with visible satisfaction in doing so. Once this is released, another cycle of the exact same kind commences.
I notice the same intense venomous negativity in "unevolved" Scorpio Moons. My older sister (Aries-Scorpio) and one of my aunts (Scorpio-Scorpio) can be very temperamental and nasty. "Unevolved" Scorpio Suns can be the same way but it's in a more indirect way.

In fact a huge fight broke between my sister (Aries-Scorpio) and my girlfriend (Scorpio-Aquarius), and it has caused months of trouble to this day.

I see you put that in quotes hopefully for lack of a better term.

Would you call those people Unevolved to their face?
It seems harsh and mean.
Helium and hydrogen evolved a gagzillion years ago so that they could firm chemical bonds. Those same molecule s are still around and have never stopped evolving.

All things progress at their own rate.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

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I see you put that in quotes hopefully for lack of a better term.

Would you call those people Unevolved to their face?
It seems harsh and mean.
Helium and hydrogen evolved a gagzillion years ago so that they could firm chemical bonds. Those same molecule s are still around and have never stopped evolving.

All things progress at their own rate.
"Unevolved" is term I borrowed from tropical astrologers. It just means someone who has not matured enough to harness their talents in a positive way.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

No wonder Jupiter spits when talking about them.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by By Jove »

Veronica wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2019 12:57 pm No wonder Jupiter spits when talking about them.
Not every Scorpio Sun, Moon, or Mars is a snake-wielding physician like Asclepius. I love the ones that are (I frequently talk about them) but I also recognize they're a mixed bag and can be very difficult sometimes. Even I* am difficult to deal with. I have a lot of demons and anger issues.

*My partile Moon-sesquisquare-Mars aspect. And my partile Mercury-conjunct-Venus-conjunct-Uranus aspects.
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

My bad....
I should have elaborated
Jupiter Sets at Dawn spits when talking about Tropical astrology.

Every can be difficult
To tgemselves
To others
To the world at large

Im difficult too for some people and sometimes...
And I think its different parts of me that are difficult with others....mostly my super self confidence which comes across as high n mighty I thinks bugs people as well as my idealism and probably my need to be alone. Not sure just guess as most people dont tell me what is the difficulty is they are having.

We are complex organisms with a variety of needs after all
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Veronica wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:20 pm Jupiter Sets at Dawn spits when talking about Tropical astrology.

No, no. It's "horary (spit)". Nothing to do with zodiacs!
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Veronica »

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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

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Soft Alpaca
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I will say their is some connection I have to scorpio types of people. My mother has a scorpio moon, my best friend back home in PA (basically can walk in mulitplie sides of my family houses at any time) has a scorpio Mars, my best female friend at school has a scorpio Moon and Mars, and my current closest (most intimate-who knows where we will end up) friend is Scorpio Moon as well.

It's not like I read the chart before I meet them either its months down the line where I just happen to notice. I think I like people who can match the aggression and conviction in my chart.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Re: Mars in Scorpio sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars in Scorpio examples from my Example Chart Collection:
  • Pres. George Washington, Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes, King John I, King George VI, PM Georges Clemenceau, VP Dick Cheney, Sen. Cory Booker, Crown Prince Rudolph, Charles Prince of Wales, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Lady Bird Johnson, Laura W. Bush, Donna Brazile, Kimberly Guilfoyle
  • George Takei, Dustin Hoffman, Christopher Reeve, Morgan Freeman, Dudley Moore, Bill Maher, Greta Garbo, Hedy Lamarr, Judy Garland, Grace Kelly, Julie Andrews, Faye Dunaway, Rene Russo, Margaux Hemingway, Geena Davis, Ron Howard, Joan Ganz Cooney
  • Brenda Lee, Soeur Sourire (Jeanine Deckers), Helene Segara, Jerry Lee Lewis, Neil Diamond, Harry Chapin, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, George Martin, Franz Joseph Haydn, Henriette Bosmans
  • Anton Chekhov, Jules Verne, Robert Louis Stevenson, H.P. Lovecraft, Oscar Wilde, T.S. Eliot, Lois Lowry
  • Carl G. Jung, Anna Freud, Marie Curie, Ken Kesey, Terence McKenna, Friedrich Engels, Frances Yates, Helen Gurley Brown, Margo St. James, Karen MacNeil, Lucky Luciano, Patty Hearst, Steffi Graf
  • Bruno Hauptmann, Arthur Goode, Robert Hansen (The Butcher Baker), Ted Bundy
  • Helen Duncan, Rupert S. Gleadow, Jimmy Hynes
Jim Eshelman
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