I know two people with Mercury angular (or at least, I know these two well enough to share what I can observe).
First is a guy I went on a date with back in August 2020, who I still talk to every now and then. He's a Scorpio-Libra with Mercury 2°24' conjunct MC (and 1°49' conjunct Zenith) - which is the stronger connection, btw?
Certainly a very Mercurial person. You might mistake him for being a Virgo. He loves reading books, novels and fiction, particularly - probably reads one every day. Watches a lot of series too. Also reads some manga/manhwa (the former is Japanese, latter is Korean) and watches some anime. He's quite hardworking, studious and knowledgeable (took a degree in biomedical sciences). You might ask him a question, not expecting him to know the answer either, but he'd instead actually answer it or make an educated guess about it. Certainly seems like someone you can't fool too. Doesn't seem to like being lazy. Also knowledgeable in social justice issues (could be a Libra Moon thing instead), and it's fun to talk about it with him. He's quite neat and tidy, doesn't like disorganised spaces. He also has a prominent androgynous or feminine side: wears make-up, learns and tries out new make-up techniques, has some flamboyant articles of clothing (his fashion sense is also much better than mine, could be his Libra Moon too, which probably also contributes to his femme side) and has a rainbow tattoo. He's got some sexual curiosities too, though I didn't ask him too much about them. His humour is indeed playful and geeky, and also a little phallic (guess the latter is his Scorpio Sun). He knows how to play the sitar/veena too.
Wouldn't say he's youthfully animated, though the only time I met him was in our date when we were just getting to know each other. He was rather chill and calm (maybe even had low emotional affect). But yes, he has keen eyes that look like they're observing or analysing something, even in pictures, combined with the Libra Moon eyes' signature stare. He doesn't look young or child-like either, he looks quite his age (early 20's). He is quite decently attractive though (might be his luminaries). Physically slim like a Virgo, but not too skinny. Later on, in text messages, I do sometimes sense a "nervous-y" energy from him every now and then. And this is where I notice the low emotional affect more noticeably, especially if we're texting after a while (days, weeks). I ask him questions about him to get to know him better, or I'd share something I've felt or been through and ask him "how about you?" but he doesn't seem to share a lot about himself, especially when compared to me I feel like (he also does have a Scorpio Sun, and that could be contributing).
Informational communication comes more easily than emotional communication. Gives few clues about what is really going on with them, how they feel
True. And he does seem to give some sort of a clue of how he feels.
Hard to read whether they are kidding, offended, or unaffected.
Kinda true, but using common sense to analyse the context seems to hit the mark.
Sexually, he doesn't seem to be as able to get aroused like I can (I share my feelings of being aroused or attracted to someone and he doesn't often relate to it), which I find kind of unusual since he's a Scorpio-Libra in his twenties, but it's no big deal of course. Maybe it's Mercury? He seems to suggest it could be his depression or trauma though.
Surprisingly easy to offend by getting a fact wrong about them. (It is an intellectual affront: They are not necessarily emotionally sensitive to it but take it seriously.)
There's this time where I asked him has he been drunk or have drunk any alcoholic beverages before. Then he shared about his experience being a little tipsy from drinking a glass of vodka. (And says he generally consumes alcohol moderately.) I was a little surprised, because I could've sworn that I remember asking him this same question months ago when I first knowing him, and he said he doesn't drink (while I was being honest that I do, occasionally). I told this to him and he said nope, I didn't say that I don't drink. Maybe I am indeed wrong, but it doesn't matter too much. He seemed quite defensive that I got this wrong about him, but not in an emotional way.
Second, is my close friend from university. She's a Scorpio-Capricorn with Mercury conjunct IC 1°52' (and 1°22' conjunct Nadir). Again, which is the stronger connection?
She's the closest friend I have from university who knows I am gay (there are others who know too, but I'm not as close to them). I came out to her as gay, and later she came out to me as bisexual.

I don't really notice her Mercurial side, though. Perhaps this could be a good example of the IC being the least outwardly expressive angle?
She's a great student, loves maths, and is quite hardworking in her studies, yes, but she doesn't often "come off" as a geek, even when she wears spectacles. She does have her geeky sides though, which she embraces. Loves going to the library: she says the university library is where she feels best to study or to just spend a whole day to relax and recharge (I wouldn't disagree, haha). Loves reading manga and watching anime, and she loves Yaoi. Loves playing games with the boys too, and likes other tomboy-ish nerdy things like cars and sports, but likes presenting feminine as well, when she likes to. She's also quite attracted to androgynous or butch women (as well as feminine and conventionally attractive women). She's quite sociable too, especially to men.
She definitely has the courage of convictions, but knows how to say it in an empathetic way. Being a Cap Moon, she knows when to say or confess something and when to rather just nod and withhold. Quite open about sharing her attractions and interests, and even a little bit of her bisexuality when other women in my country would probably not, at least not in front of men. She's quite curious to try out new, exciting things, and having as best the time of her life as she can. And yes, she can get quite bored without mental stimulation.
I wouldn't say she has low emotional affect, nor do I find her hard to read, but maybe it's because we're close friends. She does hides a lot of her own emotions though (her Scor-Cap luminaries are surely also responsible for this), but I understand and respect if she doesn't share it with me. She's also quite good at understanding how human emotions work and therefore can be quite empathetic and emotionally mature. Some may take advantage, but once they become too irritable or worse, they cross a line, she doesn't hesitate to stand her ground. She isn't someone to make a fool of either. As a Cap Moon, she just ignores you and leaves you behind if she finds you a negative influence in her life. She may still care about you, but she wouldn't pay attention to you. She's also quite observant and alert, but I don't really notice it from her eyes or her facial gestures.
Having been through enough relationships and breakups, she doesn't have much faith in romance anymore, and enjoys living the single life, but is still open to romance if things seem fit. Loves to other people being in loving relationships though, and wishes couples well.
She surely has a youthful and childlike side that comes every now and then in a charming way, especially when she's in high spirits, and when talking about her geeky interests, and can sometimes pose in a childlike way. She can walk as slowly as she likes, but usually walks fast, something she gotten used to, from being short and hanging around with taller guys.
I think I'll end here, since that is all I have got to say for now. Boy, isn't this quite a long post, lol.