Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

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Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by alinda »

Hi all, I have been sort of lurking around here for a while now, but I never get around to writing anything up. I talked to some of you last year about my husband’s career difficulties and seeing as this is all still somewhat up in the air (for over two years now) I decided to try to take a look at his SSR and then his DSSR to see if I could glean any insight on if this will find a resolution. I wrote this up a while back and never posted it. Seeing as we are close to the DSSR, I thought I should get on with it…

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Solar Return           |                |
 |                |     14 Jan 2022 07:37:43 UT     |                |
 |                |      Newport News, VA USA       |                |
 |                |      37N05'29" 076W31'17"       |                |
 |                |           UT 07:37:43           |                |
 |                |         RAMC 151°39'44"         |                |
 |                |          OE 23°26'15"           |                |
 |                |         SVP 04Pi57'20"          |                |
 |                |         Sidereal Zodiac         |                |
 |                |         Campanus Houses         |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 25Li03-----------+                                 +-----------25Ar03
 |                |        Radical (r) Chart        |                |
 |                |              Natal              |                |
 |                |    13 Jan 1981 13:05:00 CST     |                |
 |rUr 04Sc32 09°02|        Anniston, AL USA         |tUr 15Ar47 20°25|
 |                |      33N39'45" 085W49'42"       |                |
 |   tEp 08Sc38   |           UT 19:05:00           |                |
 |                |         RAMC 313°35'27"         |                |
 |                |          OE 23°26'24"           |                |
 |                |         SVP 05Pi31'41"          |                |
 |                |         Sidereal Zodiac         |                |
 |                |         Campanus Houses  

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo 18Ta55'58" 01N12 +11°47'  72°28' 23N40 283°32' +22°16' 202°50'  54%  
Su 29Sg03'32" 00S00 + 1°01' 296°00' 21S17  72°55' -55°22'  56°34'   1% B
Me 15Cp17'25" 00N52 + 0°02' 312°32' 16S49  44°54' -63°38'  70°43'  28%  
Ve 20Sg32'28" 05N51 - 0°33' 286°12' 16S43  75°34' -45°11'  46°06'  13% B
Ma 27Sc34'34" 00S17 + 0°43' 261°57' 23S31  98°22' -29°37'  29°53'  42%  
Ju 08Aq13'51" 00S59 + 0°13' 335°34' 11S13 351°16' -63°53'  94°15'  95% F
Sa 18Cp21'05" 00S50 + 0°07' 316°07' 17S36  39°16' -66°11'  74°24'  47%  
Ur 15Ar46'56" 00S24 - 0°00'  38°32' 14N42 295°53' - 8°38' 170°25'  77% F
Ne 25Aq53'58" 01S08 + 0°01' 352°08' 04S38 325°04' -52°31' 113°42'  52%  
Pl 01Cp19'32" 01S45 + 0°02' 298°44' 22S35  72°13' -58°12'  59°26'   0% B
Er 28Pi38'31" 11S20 + 0°00'  26°05' 01S22 292°12' -28°34' 149°32'   0% B
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo 03Ar57'03" 05S08 +14°12'  28°47' 06N19 296°20' -21°21' 156°26'  11% B
Su 29Sg03'32" 00S00 + 1°01' 296°00' 21S17  72°55' -55°22'  56°34'   1% B
Me 07Cp26'16" 02S05 + 1°41' 305°16' 21S38  63°17' -62°27'  65°01'   7% B
Ve 08Sg40'13" 00N19 + 1°15' 274°02' 23S04  91°08' -39°00'  39°00'  27%  
Ma 16Cp25'51" 01S07 + 0°47' 314°15' 18S25  43°59' -65°53'  72°44'  38%  
Ju 15Vi43'31" 01N22 + 0°02' 190°26' 03S00 129°17' +36°07' 316°42'  12% B
Sa 15Vi17'26" 02N25 + 0°01' 190°27' 01S52 128°23' +37°00' 316°08'  13% B
Ur 04Sc31'51" 00N13 + 0°03' 237°26' 19S50 108°26' - 8°35'   9°02' 100% F
Ne 29Sc01'52" 01N18 + 0°02' 263°37' 22S00  95°58' -30°09'  30°18'  41%  
Pl 29Vi49'28" 17N07 + 0°00' 209°16' 06N20 105°32' +29°26' 329°39'   0% B
Er 19Pi38'09" 19S03 + 0°00'  20°56' 11S47 286°41' -39°15' 139°32'   7% B
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tMo sq tNe 00°52' 99% M  tMe sq tUr 00°30'100%                          
                        tPl sq tEr 00°06'100% M                         
                        tVe sq rJu 00°36' 99% M                         
                        tVe sq rSa 00°02'100% M                         
                         tVe sq rEr 00°54' 98%                          
                        tMa co rNe 00°25'100% M                         
                         tUr sq rMa 00°39' 99%                          
                        tPl sq rPl 00°13'100% M                         
                         tEr sq rSu 00°25'100%                          
                        tEr op rPl 00°07'100% M                         
                         rSu sq rPl 00°46' 99%                          
                         rJu co rSa 00°26'100%             
Starting with his SSR. He has Jupiter and Uranus foreground in the SSR. This would seem to indicate that he is in a situation where he should have some luck and perhaps gain respect and expansion (Jupiter) and that there will be elements of excitement and change (Uranus).

Uranus is conjunct the descendent and Jupiter the nadir in his SSR making it look like the conditions he finds himself in are putting the prime importance on personal relationships and the home. I think this probably makes sense with the amount of changes and reworking we have done over the last year as a couple.

His natal chart also has Uranus foreground, conjunct the ascendent. Because Uranus is foreground, in the natal and transiting chart, it must have special importance.

To me, it looks like having Uranus the ascendent in the natal chart shows that he reacts to changes in relationships and growth at home with something like a new beginning and self-exploration.

As far as transits, he has SSR Moon partile Square SSR Neptune. This looks like perhaps some overemotional reactions, and confusion. This has certainly been on and off the case over the past few months.

Transiting Uranus is also Square transiting Mercury, which seems to point to mental renewal and excitement.

Overall, my take on it is that this is a mostly positive SSR. I think it shows a lot of activity taking place on a personal level or close to home that is bringing about some new growth and expansion. He has had a difficult couple of years trying to find himself and build some confidence, and this seems to point to some positive results. The year so far has been good, at least better than the previous two, and he does seem to be making some positive personal changes.

I'll post the DSSR in a reply.
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by alinda »

I’m not sure that I am reading this correctly, but I’m going to give it shot…

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo 09Aq36'48" 04S54 +14°29' 338°22' 14S22 276°05' -32°01' 147°50'   0% B
Su 29Ge03'32" 00S00 + 0°57' 116°00' 21N17 130°08' +67°43' 287°24'  63%  
Me 28Ge52'45" 01N31 + 2°09' 116°06' 22N48 127°12' +68°47' 287°11'  63%  
Ve 03Ge15'47" 00S44 + 1°12'  88°10' 22N42 212°51' +73°21' 260°47'  78% F
Ma 12Ar50'05" 01S47 + 0°41'  36°07' 12N27 262°56' +29°55' 210°06'  41%  
Ju 13Pi25'20" 01S22 + 0°02'   8°19' 02N06 271°24' + 1°38' 181°38'  99% F
Sa 28Cp52'20" 01S15 - 0°04' 326°40' 14S43 284°00' -41°25' 137°44'  10% B
Ur 23Ar15'15" 00S22 + 0°02'  45°57' 16N56 260°41' +40°16' 220°38'  24% B
Ne 00Pi18'03" 01S12 - 0°01' 356°13' 02S57 274°43' -11°04' 168°54'  70%  
Pl 02Cp23'07" 02S08 - 0°01' 299°57' 22S46 300°48' -66°11' 110°45'  57%  
Er 29Pi58'15" 11S14 + 0°00'  27°16' 00S47 257°22' +14°52' 195°13'  67%  
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo 03Ar57'03" 05S08 +14°12'  28°47' 06N19 262°15' +20°27' 200°37'  58%  
Su 29Sg03'32" 00S00 + 1°01' 296°00' 21S17 310°08' -67°43' 107°24'  63%  
Me 07Cp26'16" 02S05 + 1°41' 305°16' 21S38 295°26' -61°43' 115°55'  48%  
Ve 08Sg40'13" 00N19 + 1°15' 274°03' 23S04  14°17' -75°36'  86°23'  96% F
Ma 16Cp25'51" 01S07 + 0°47' 314°16' 18S24 290°20' -53°06' 125°09'  33%  
Ju 15Vi43'31" 01N22 + 0°02' 190°26' 03S01  90°51' - 3°52'   3°52'  96% F
Sa 15Vi17'26" 02N25 + 0°01' 190°27' 01S52  89°56' - 3°11'   3°11'  97% F
Ur 04Sc31'51" 00N13 + 0°03' 237°26' 19S50  75°13' -50°53'  51°49'   5% B
Ne 29Sc01'52" 01N18 + 0°02' 263°37' 22S00  43°12' -70°31'  76°23'  57%  
Pl 29Vi49'28" 17N07 + 0°00' 209°16' 06N20  71°40' -12°52'  13°32'  69%  
Er 19Pi38'09" 19S03 + 0°00'  20°56' 11S47 252°44' + 3°03' 183°12'  97% F
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tJu op rJu 02°14' 90% M  tMe op rSu 00°11'100%                          
tJu op rSa 01°34' 95% M  tMe sq rPl 00°57' 98%                          
tJu co rEr 01°34' 95% M tPl sq rMo 00°08'100% M                         
----------------------   tEr sq rSu 00°55' 98%                          
rJu co rSa 00°26'100%    tEr op rPl 00°09'100%                          
rJu op rEr 00°40' 99% M  ----------------------                         
rSa op rEr 00°01'100% M  rSu sq rPl 00°46' 99%    
This is valid for the 16th of July, and to me it looks overall pretty positive. Venus and Jupiter are foreground in both the transiting and natal charts. The combination of the two on both charts seems like a good omen.

In the DSSR Venus is conjunct the MC showing that he is in a situation where he feels good about himself, and probably generally happy. Jupiter is conjunct the descendent emphasizing private life.

The natal chart has Venus conjunct the IC, showing happiness at home, and Jupiter conjunct the Ascendent, showing a strong self image.

HE also has Saturn foreground in the natal chart, but with everything else so positive, this doesn’t seem so bad. It is conjunct the ascendent and Jupiter, seeming to show some amount of stability and maturity in his self-image. Personally, I think that if he felt he was mature, strong, and stable it would satisfy something he he’d like to see in himself.

There is also Eris foreground here, but I’m not sure how / if to interpret that.

Other aspects are transiting Mercury Natal sun and Pluto, showing busyness and mental stress. There is a lot going on, that all makes sense.

Transiting pluto square Natal moon, showing some inner transformation perhaps and need for change?

Finally, there is conjunct natal Eris. Again I’m not sure if this should interpreted here, but I believe I saw Jim write somewhere that this could signify something like “resolving chaos”. If so, that would sum up a lot of the last six months.

Overall, this all seems positive. I’d love to hear if I’m missing something important or just generally off base. One last point as an aside, we are planning on taking a family trip to Paris, a week after this chart becomes valid, and I was thinking perhaps all the pleasant connotation could just be reflecting a nice trip…
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I think you've got this about right. My only comment would be that, while I consider the demi-solar a technically valid chart, I haven't been able to see much from it. Here was one attempt at testing it objectively:

While I'm digressed, I do suggest you folks get out of town for his next birthday. I don't think either of you wants him to have an exact Mars-Saturn paran for the year. Tallahassee is nice in January. :)

Regarding your specific posts:
alinda wrote: Tue Jun 28, 2022 6:19 pm I talked to some of you last year about my husband’s career difficulties and seeing as this is all still somewhat up in the air (for over two years now) I decided to try to take a look at his SSR and then his DSSR to see if I could glean any insight on if this will find a resolution.
As I know you know, the labor market has been damn weird for two and a half years. I forget what field he's in; but I agree with you that his current SSR looks positive on balance.

That partile Moon-Neptune square is probably the snake in the grass. It's terribly hard to keep consistent motivation going under that. My paragraph in Interpreting Solar Returns says for this aspect:
Circumstances evoke an exaggerated (irrational) feeling response (not necessarily bad, but inclined to mood swings, emotional confusion, hyperbolic reactions or instability). Sensitivity (impressionable, vulnerable, easily wounded then withdraws; or attuned to others, empathic, psychic, sympathetic). Prone to psychic overload. Imagination active (painting, music, drama, fantasy). Idealism. Seduction, victimization, deception, exploitation. Sluggishness... Worry, fear of rejection, frustration, anxiety, feeling cornered (threatened).
However, that's under the context of a strong transiting Jupiter and a little Uranus. His natal Uranus is the real lead actor of the year, though, 0°04' from square MC.

I bet he's feeling restless. It's clearly in the air that something good should be happening and, even more, ne needs to feel renewed, opened up to something new and interesting, especially with a lot of freedom. "Freedom" for Uranus is especially in the sense of lots of room, whether physically or psychologically, and perhaps the opportunity to experiment and make independent decisions. If he's more or less "just around the house," he surely needs to get out, feel physical if not intellectual space, etc. He may be feeling frustrated and rebellious between the Moon-Neptune and the natal Uranus.

From what you posted from TMSA, I'd summarize the most important parts of his SSR this way (there are other subtleties among non-foreground partile aspectgs that, however, lead to similar conclusions):

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                            Radical Planets                             
Ur 04Sc31'51" 00N13 + 0°03' 237°26' 19S50 108°26' - 8°35'   9°02' 100% F
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ju 08Aq13'51" 00S59 + 0°13' 335°34' 11S13 351°16' -63°53'  94°15'  95% F
Ur 15Ar46'56" 00S24 - 0°00'  38°32' 14N42 295°53' - 8°38' 170°25'  77% F
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tMo sq tNe 00°52' 99%
His natal chart also has Uranus foreground, conjunct the ascendent. Because Uranus is foreground, in the natal and transiting chart, it must have special importance.
Agreed. He's inherently Uranian and his natal Uranus is the strongest factor this year.

BTW (since you mentioned it twice), Uranus is on his Descendant, right? (Not Ascendant.)
To me, it looks like having Uranus the ascendent in the natal chart shows that he reacts to changes in relationships and growth at home with something like a new beginning and self-exploration.
To the extent I'd differentiate the angles, I'd expect Uranus on Descendant to mean (being simple about it) he needs refreshment and renewal in relationships, needs people around him to recognize his uniqueness, etc. Garth Allen dug into his notebooks and wrote a breakdown of Uranus on individual natal angles once upon a time, and here is his paragraph:
Garth Allen[quote wrote:
]No dewy-eyed, sentimental chapter is the Uranus-descending story, though. This native is basically opportunistic, possessing what is called an overwhelming personality - "a way about him" that commands respect and to step aside to let him go his way when he's ready. He forever seeks psychological reassurance of his own uniqueness and respectability, in his mate, in intimate friends and in general public opinion. Keeping marital and social life separate, our native of setting Uranus does not suffer the pangs of conscience for disloyalty or infidelity. That is, while faithful in his fashion to wife or friend or boss, he has a maddening knack for rationalizing any situation which finds him impeachable. A great danger: Aloofness from intimacy can too easily resolve itself into chronic cynicism, and a cynic in this world is worthless in any capacity save, perhaps, when on the Pinkerton payroll.[/quote]
Transiting Uranus is also Square transiting Mercury, which seems to point to mental renewal and excitement.
Yes, this was one of the "other factors" I mentioned - I think the need to be mentally renewed, hunger and curiosity for something new to stimulate him, etc. would be strong during this year, even with transiting Mercury weakly placed.
Overall, my take on it is that this is a mostly positive SSR. I think it shows a lot of activity taking place on a personal level or close to home that is bringing about some new growth and expansion. He has had a difficult couple of years trying to find himself and build some confidence, and this seems to point to some positive results. The year so far has been good, at least better than the previous two, and he does seem to be making some positive personal changes.
No argument with any of this except, perhaps, it underplays the primary importance of natal Uranus - though, perhaps, you've included these in reference to changes he's been making. Perhaps these reflect the strong sense of renewal he needs this year.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

alinda wrote: Tue Jun 28, 2022 6:51 pm I’m not sure that I am reading this correctly, but I’m going to give it shot…
I do9n't really think the Demi is important and would suggest attention to transits and to his lunar returns. Also, the SSR still has some progressed aspects to unfold. Today, his progressed SSR Moon is at 24°18' Taurus, meaning it is about three and a half degrees (three months plus) from opposite SSR Mars and not quite 5° (about four and a half to five months) from opposite natal Neptune. Oh, and only a little over a month from square SSR Neptune. I'll try to remember to time these out exactly at the end, but feel free to remind me if I don't.

Meanwhile, I'll work through the Demi with you. Either I'm wrong and it will be more important than I think, or in any case it will be a good exercise / example as a chart that was unclear to you.

For some reason, I get slightly different numbers than you. Did you calculate this for Newport News also? I get Moon the same to the second (= same time for the chart) but mundane placements 05'-06' different. I'll use your numbers.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ju 13Pi25'20" 01S22 + 0°02'   8°19' 02N06 271°24' + 1°38' 181°38'  99% F
Ve 03Ge15'47" 00S44 + 1°12'  88°10' 22N42 212°51' +73°21' 260°47'  78% F
                            Radical Planets                             
Sa 15Vi17'26" 02N25 + 0°01' 190°27' 01S52  89°56' - 3°11'   3°11'  97% F
Er 19Pi38'09" 19S03 + 0°00'  20°56' 11S47 252°44' + 3°03' 183°12'  97% F
Ve 08Sg40'13" 00N19 + 1°15' 274°03' 23S04  14°17' -75°36'  86°23'  96% F
Ju 15Vi43'31" 01N22 + 0°02' 190°26' 03S01  90°51' - 3°52'   3°52'  96% F
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tJu op rJu 02°14' 90% M
tJu op rSa 01°34' 95% M
tJu co rEr 01°34' 95% M
rJu co rSa 00°26'100%
rJu op rEr 00°40' 99% M
rSa op rEr 00°01'100% M
This is clearly a positive chart on balance, though not without its difficulties. Transiting Jupiter is very closely angular, as are both natal benefics. Against that, natal Saturn is the strongest natal planet. I would summarize this as overall positive but with something inside of him being a drag (lack of confidence or old stuff rattling around in his psychic closets); or, on a positive note, just working working working like the devil is chasing him.

And it's hard to think badly of a chart that not only has two Jupiters foreground but also has them closely opposite each other. Excluding Eris (as a less familiar and less certain factor), the only foreground-to-foreground planets are Jupiter to his natal Jupiter-Saturn. This puts the natal Saturn in a more positive light. Natal Jupiter-Saturn is the strongest aspect in the chart. This feels industrious, perhaps with economic cycling (Jupiter-Saturn), but the cycling (due to transiting Jupiter) tending to swing up at the moment.
This is valid for the 16th of July, and to me it looks overall pretty positive. Venus and Jupiter are foreground in both the transiting and natal charts. The combination of the two on both charts seems like a good omen.
I agree that this is the correct way to read this chart.
In the DSSR Venus is conjunct the MC showing that he is in a situation where he feels good about himself, and probably generally happy. Jupiter is conjunct the descendent emphasizing private life.
True in principle, though the transiting Venus is barely foreground. The "feels good about himself" that's stronger is natal not far from IC.
He also has Saturn foreground in the natal chart, but with everything else so positive, this doesn’t seem so bad. It is conjunct the ascendent and Jupiter, seeming to show some amount of stability and maturity in his self-image. Personally, I think that if he felt he was mature, strong, and stable it would satisfy something he he’d like to see in himself.
No disagreement on theory. See my separate breaking down of the Saturn (and its fit into the chart) above.
There is also Eris foreground here, but I’m not sure how / if to interpret that.
Yeah, me either LOL. From theory: With Eris, we expect an element of chaos. This is natal Eris, so we expect him as the chaos-bringer or at least as open to chaos. By "chaos" I mean not only the casual use of the word but the mathematical sense of an incomprehensible number of individual data points that generally would make things seem random, but that he has a sense of comfort within, and moves through more easily.

He has two Jupiter aspects to Eris - on balance, this would be positive - but the really interesting thing to me is that the natal Saturn-Eris is only 0°01' wide. If there is anything around Eris to interpret (other than the broad sense of "more positive than not"), it would be this aspect. So far, the observations of people having natal Saturn-Eris aspects is (oh, I see below you saw this, but I'll quote it anyway):
Saturn-Eris wrote:Gains control of the uncertain (manages to control chaos). Inspires (clings to) certainty in times of uncertainty.
Overall, this all seems positive.
I agree word for word that this is a correct assessment of the chart. Good work! (I just don't think it's an important chart.)
One last point as an aside, we are planning on taking a family trip to Paris, a week after this chart becomes valid, and I was thinking perhaps all the pleasant connotation could just be reflecting a nice trip…
Sure. But I'd check the lunars and demi-lunars. Enjoy Paris!

(How shortly after? The demi-solar is at least a 10-day chart, as a "quarti" Ennead.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Progressions of his SSR Moon this year. Each of these has an orb of about one month (1°) either side, though you can usually clearly feel the upsurge as they approach exact.

SQ Moon sq. s Neptune August 17
SQ Moon op. s Mars October 8 (or to progressed Mars Oct 26)
SQ Moon op. r Neptune November 22
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by alinda »

Thanks for the detailed feedback Jim!
I do suggest you folks get out of town for his next birthday. I don't think either of you wants him to have an exact Mars-Saturn paran for the year. Tallahassee is nice in January. :)
We do go on a trip around that time every year for our anniversary. Florida is out though until conditions improve :lol:

For background, he is an in engineering technician in a really niche area. This has made finding another job very difficult despite tons of experience. The current job is moving out of state and they weren't willing to make it remote (despite him being remote for over two years now). This has been going on for over a year, and at this point it looks like the also can't replace him, so to make a long story short, his current supervisor is attempting to make a new position for him that will be remote and hopefully also a raise. We expect to hear something on that in August (hopefully).
However, that's under the context of a strong transiting Jupiter and a little Uranus. His natal Uranus is the real lead actor of the year, though, 0°04' from square MC.

I bet he's feeling restless. It's clearly in the air that something good should be happening and, even more, ne needs to feel renewed, opened up to something new and interesting, especially with a lot of freedom. "Freedom" for Uranus is especially in the sense of lots of room, whether physically or psychologically, and perhaps the opportunity to experiment and make independent decisions.
I would agree that he is probably feeling restless, but one of his problems as I see it is an ability to actuate his own freedom. A recurring argument between us is that he is often bored and dissatisfied with life, but doesn’t want to do anything about it… then the blame for the boredom gets shifted to those of us in his immediate surrounding. Ie. He often said he wanted to take a solo trip on his motorcycle, I encourage him to go and do it, and he decides to sell the motorcycle instead.

he needs refreshment and renewal in relationships, needs people around him to recognize his uniqueness,
He has a real hard time being around people, think panic attacks… so it may be something he needs on a fundamental level but it is something he struggles with. He tends to run from attention.
Yes, this was one of the "other factors" I mentioned - I think the need to be mentally renewed, hunger and curiosity for something new to stimulate him, etc. would be strong during this year, even with transiting Mercury weakly placed.

Recently, he has set up something like a mad engineering laboratory in the garage… it’s not exactly freedom, but it seems to make him happy, and definitely seems Uranian. He also keeps coming up with off the wall business schemes, which honestly sound promising but I’ve learned that anything I’m too interested in he backs off of.

Sure. But I'd check the lunars and demi-lunars. Enjoy Paris!
I’ll look at the se next. On first glance mine looks pleasant and his looks more stressful. He has a new SLR July 29th in Paris that looks pleasant though.
(How shortly after? The demi-solar is at least a 10-day chart, as a "quarti" Ennead.)
We leave on the 23rd from DC, and return on the 2nd of August. Could you explain this a little?

Progressions of his SSR Moon this year. Each of these has an orb of about one month (1°) either side, though you can usually clearly feel the upsurge as they approach exact.

SQ Moon sq. s Neptune August 17
SQ Moon op. s Mars October 8 (or to progressed Mars Oct 26)
SQ Moon op. r Neptune November 22
Would the interpretations below apply, I’m not sure how SSR moon progressions work?
Here the native will thirst for sensation and tend to indulge himself to excess or engage in unseemly conduct leading to his own mortification. The effects will be worse if Neptune is configurated with the malefics. Often the native will find himself as a visitor at a hospital, if not an inmate.

This aspect finds the native intensely alive, active, dashing from place to place, and working at full stretch. In the impetuosity of his zeal he is apt to be unguarded and outspoken and say things that give offense. In extreme cases he may run up against the law of libel. He will be more belligerent than usual. Under this aspect a statesman might declare war.
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

alinda wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:54 am
(How shortly after? The demi-solar is at least a 10-day chart, as a "quarti" Ennead.)
We leave on the 23rd from DC, and return on the 2nd of August. Could you explain this a little?
While I don't have confidence in the demi-solar as a demi-solar, the chart has the following value:

An Ennead is a chart set up for every 40° of Sun's motion. It's a respected chart (and there's an important thread here in the Solar Return section detailing its discovery and importance). Each 10° after marks out fourths of the 40-day period. These 10-day charts (Sun every 10° around the zodiac) often are quite vocal - I probably should watch them more.

The Demi-SSR, being a 180° aspect to natal Sun, is one of these 10°-multiple charts. The full Ennead occurs at 160° and 200° (4 x 40, 5 x 40). The demi-SSR, if nothing else, would be valuable as describing the 10-day period it starts.
Progressions of his SSR Moon this year. Each of these has an orb of about one month (1°) either side, though you can usually clearly feel the upsurge as they approach exact.

SQ Moon sq. s Neptune August 17
SQ Moon op. s Mars October 8 (or to progressed Mars Oct 26)
SQ Moon op. r Neptune November 22
Would the interpretations below apply, I’m not sure how SSR moon progressions work?
The interps for Moon to transiting Neptune and Mars were written to describe the solar return planets ('s'). The natal Neptune you quoted fits natal (radical) Neptune, marked 'r' above.
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Alinda, how did your husband's job situation (and year in general) shake out? (And where are you spending your own birthday today?)
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by alinda »

I just saw this reply reviewing my previous posts, as I'm trying to work through interpreting my next seemingly complicated and scary looking SSR...

His job just sort of worked out. They ended up making a new remote position for him because his industry specific knowledge couldn't be replaced with someone local. He would have probably preferred to find something new and exciting but he didn't seem to have the energy to pursue it. We ended up going to Cozumel for his 2023 birthday so maybe that helped.

I spent my 2023 birthday at home in Newport News. It has been a quiet year with major stressors being my teen starting high school, and my own school.

This year for him (birthday at home in Newport News) really has been non stop dealing with his aging / dysfunctional parents
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Re: Alinda's Husband's SSR and DSSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm glad things worked out well enough on the job. - For his current SSR I see Saturn close to MC and natal Neptune setting - Saturn square Neptune mundanely - so yes, he has my sympathy. Aging parents fits the symbolism pretty flawlessly.

And, though Cozumel did keep Saturn on EP, it had Venus rising exactly square Uranus, often an aspect of a great deal of fun! (Oh, and his Uranus on MC.) Easily tips things his way rather than against him.
Jim Eshelman
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