Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

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Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Long time since I've dipped my toes into this water. 🙂😉
I just noticed that my progressed Moon is coming into an opposition with my pr. Sun which is right on n.Pluto ecliptic position. This opposition is then squared by my Ven-Jup opposition.

Any predictions on what this might mean in upcoming months? 🙂💞🎨🥳
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:50 am I just noticed that my progressed Moon is coming into an opposition with my pr. Sun which is right on n.Pluto ecliptic position. This opposition is then squared by my Ven-Jup opposition.
With romance and art being primary themes in your life in recent years, anything in these areas is possible.

Taking from the top down, though: Progressions are different from transits. Sometimes they are frustratingly inconsequential. I think, though, that these are always occasions where we expect them to act decisively like transits. But the progressions you have are some of the most decisive and important that one can have - these should be a big deal.

First, progressed Sun conjoins natal Pluto and squares natal and progressed Jupiter. The first of these is life-redefining - marking a line in the sand, a one-way threshold we cross with no open door behind us once we've done so. It likely affects your basic definition of yourself. Sun-Jupiter is uplifting, expanding, unfurling, adding dignity and the like.

Much of this is likely underway. sun is nearly to the exact conjunction of Pluto and has been in orb for most of a year. Sun first entered orb of natal Jupiter over six months ago. These processes are already in motion.

Ah, but then there is the progressed Moon. Moon-Sun progressions (especially the hard aspects) seem to mark pivotal turning points every bit as much as Pluto triggers. They are "phase changes," of a sort. The first thing to remember is that they are turning-points - the second, that they show very significant attention from a valued source, which might (for example) be a bit of fame and usually is a significant, intimate other.

So, one of the more common things for Moon-Sun oppositions are powerful, new, important relationships, or turning points in one (or some) you have.

Moon will first get involved when it enters orb of square natal Moon mid-July. (This is the only way I see your Moon involved. Progressed Sun was done with your Venus a little over a year ago after spending two years, say spring 2020-22 roughly.) Something significant and venereal will hit near August 10 (meaning, within about four weeks either side of it) - which, by timing, also suggests your SSR is involved. Moon will be making numerous individual aspects, although the time the rest of it seems to center around is likely very near the exact Moon-Sun opposition around September 13. At that point, with inclusions of all the Sun-Pluto and Sun-Jupiter things mentioned above, there will be some important sense that all the pieces of yourself and your life or momentarily coming together in a new way and launching a new phase.

Have you guys started making wedding plans yet?
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

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If you are in Reyk for your birthday, your Venus-Pluto opposition (yeah, your square is an opposition this time lol) is right across the horizon. With Asc 14°15' Gemini, here are the mundoscope positions (longitudes after for comparison):

25°41' 6H - r Jupiter - 4°54' Sag
0°00' 1H - Asc - 14°15' Gem
0°16' 7H - r Pluto - 5°44' Virgo
2°37' 1H - r Venus - 3°27' Gem

Focus is much more on Venus things than Jupiter things, though you have the usual mix. Progressed Sun conjoins your natal Pluto concurrent with natal Pluto being a quarter degree from your new SSR Descendant. It does seem that significant, Venus-Pluto type redefinitions of relationship matters are afoot.

The worst side of the chart is Moon closely aspecting Mars (ecliptical) and Neptune (mundane) - watch your health and double-read legal documents etc. Moon also mundanely conjoins your natal Moon and opposes your Uranus.

9°03' 6H - t Mars - 20°04' Leo
12°00' 12H - t Neptune - 2°19' Pis
12°32' 12H - r Moon - 25°01' Ari
12°46' 12H - t Moon - 18°51' Aqu
13°56' 6H - r Uranus - 20°36' Vir

But your natal Venus-Jupiter-Pluto is the main focus for the new year, I think, especially the Venus-Pluto. Art and romance seem to stay at the top of your heap.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Thank you very much Jim. I had to get into Solar Fire to see what you are seeing.
This does sound like a phase shift. I hope it will be for the better.
They are "phase changes," of a sort. The first thing to remember is that they are turning-points - the second, that they show very significant attention from a valued source, which might (for example) be a bit of fame and usually is a significant, intimate other.
I do hope positive attention and perhaps a bit of fame or more recognition for my art is on the horizon. :)
Have you guys started making wedding plans yet?
I was guessing you'd say something like that. ;) No, we have not started making wedding plans, but I know that he's contemplating on marriage. He's mentioned it twice over the last 6 months, but both times it's been around friends and after a couple of beers. So I said to him that I don't take any such talk seriously unless it's done totally sober and serious. :D And I've decided in my heart that he will have to ask me properly. I have a feeling that he will within the next few months, - but I am not discussing this as I don't want him to feel any outside pressure. It has to come entirely from within his heart.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:46 am If you are in Reyk for your birthday, your Venus-Pluto opposition (yeah, your square is an opposition this time lol) is right across the horizon. With Asc 14°15' Gemini, here are the mundoscope positions (longitudes after for comparison):

25°41' 6H - r Jupiter - 4°54' Sag
0°00' 1H - Asc - 14°15' Gem
0°16' 7H - r Pluto - 5°44' Virgo
2°37' 1H - r Venus - 3°27' Gem

Focus is much more on Venus things than Jupiter things, though you have the usual mix. Progressed Sun conjoins your natal Pluto concurrent with natal Pluto being a quarter degree from your new SSR Descendant. It does seem that significant, Venus-Pluto type redefinitions of relationship matters are afoot.

The worst side of the chart is Moon closely aspecting Mars (ecliptical) and Neptune (mundane) - watch your health and double-read legal documents etc. Moon also mundanely conjoins your natal Moon and opposes your Uranus.

9°03' 6H - t Mars - 20°04' Leo
12°00' 12H - t Neptune - 2°19' Pis
12°32' 12H - r Moon - 25°01' Ari
12°46' 12H - t Moon - 18°51' Aqu
13°56' 6H - r Uranus - 20°36' Vir

But your natal Venus-Jupiter-Pluto is the main focus for the new year, I think, especially the Venus-Pluto. Art and romance seem to stay at the top of your heap.
When it comes to my 2023 SSR, I'm not sure I am seeing the same thing as you do with my n. Ven-Pluto on the horizon. Are you seeing this in a biwheel? I do hope the Ven-Pluto will be experienced as a deepening of my love/relationship rather than the separative effect that Pluto sometimes brings.

My 2023 SSR will happen in Tenerife, Spain. I'll be travelling there on August 1st-10th. :) And that means the SSR will set up with the Sun at 0,03 from the IC in mundo and 0,02° ecliptically. Sun is aspected by Uranus in a mundane square. The ecliptic chart also shows SSR Venus square the ASC and Jupiter close to the EP.
Since you mentioned contracts, I also see a mundane partile Mer-Sat opposition, which might indicate a signing of contract. So this might be one or both of contracts I can see possible, buying land for a new home and possibly some sort of prenup because of marriage. I don't know, just saying. ;)
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:15 am When it comes to my 2023 SSR, I'm not sure I am seeing the same thing as you do with my n. Ven-Pluto on the horizon. Are you seeing this in a biwheel?
You can't see it easily in Solar Fire - you need the mundane positions. (That's how you get the natal Venus-Pluto opposition, for example, because while natal Pluto is closer to the square of the mid-Gemini Ascendant, it actually is just above Descendant mundanely.) That's all moot, though, since your SSR won't occur there.
My 2023 SSR will happen in Tenerife, Spain. I'll be travelling there on August 1st-10th. :) And that means the SSR will set up with the Sun at 0,03 from the IC in mundo and 0,02° ecliptically. Sun is aspected by Uranus in a mundane square.
Yes, I get slightly different but only slightly (e.g. we might be using slightly different geographic coordinates. TMSA calculates returns and ingresses slightly more accurately than SF so I have August 4, 2023, 1:12:02 UT in case you want to compare. The charts looks splendidly dignified, happy, and prospering (with Sun and three benefics), with an edge of Mars added.

r Mercury on I -8°40'
r Neptune on Dsc -6°15'
r Sun on IC -0°13'
t Venus on N +1°13'
t Jupiter on EP-a +1°49'
t Uranus on Asc +3°00'

r Moon on EP-a +2°31'

t Moon-Mars op 0°53' M

t Jupiter op r Moon 0°11' M
r Moon-Mercury sq 0°19'

t Jupiter op r un 2°33'
t Uranus co r Moon 2°44'
t Venus-Uranus sq 2°58'
Since you mentioned contracts, I also see a mundane partile Mer-Sat opposition, which might indicate a signing of contract.
It's not foreground, so it will be "fill in details" overall. Usually Mercury-Saturn leans the opposite direction (frustrations, tedium, plans not quite working out no matter how carefully made), but could certainly represent the tedium of negotiating a contract. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it at least in terms of setting the general tone of the year. (Non-foreground partile aspects also include Urans square your Mars 15').

The main tone is a lot of Sun - you shining - strongly supported by Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus with whatever the Moon-Mars opposition brings to the mix.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Yes, indeed it seems like a very good year ahead. :)

I get Jupiter and Uranus sandwitching the EP and my r. Moon in between them which seems like a happy mood. With me shining, loving, creative and happy - all is good. :)

I can see that the first lunar return of that solar year will also set up in Tenerife on August 8th with Jupiter as the closest planet to angles and the only one within 3° from the IC. That sure sounds like a good start for the upcoming trip around the Sun. ;) Jupiter makes a square aspect to Pluto - which may mean some kind of successful move that month. The Sun is in partile conjunction to Venus in that same SLR. Happy mood. The MC of the SLR is squared by my r. Sun - so I'm guessing this is both a very good vacation, perhaps with something of a surprise to me as the r. Moon falls between the Jup-Ur. The shining part of the Sun I take as a very good indication of a successful opening of my exhibition later that month. :) Yay!
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

I just remembered this thread and observation in my sec. progressions. I tend to look at the solar arcs more than progressions. But I just wanted to note in here that nothing huge happened on Sept 13th or around that date. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I also want to make a note of my possible alternative rectified time of birth being somewhere near 23.27, which would actually mean that the progressed Moon is coming into an exact opposition to pr. Sun on or around Oct 13th, just before the solar eclipse on the 14th. And as I stated in another thread about the solar eclipse:
The exact moment of the eclipse lines up so that in my locality the MC is almost EXACT 0,01°on my r. Jupiter. And the DSC is almost partile 1,08° r. Pluto (ecliptic). So my natal Jup-Ven/Pluto T-square is brought to the angles of the exact moment of the eclipse.
IF the solar eclipse or this progression has any effect in my life, it will probably be around now IF the rectification is about right. So in the next couple of weeks. The eclipse Sun&Moon are partile 150° to my r. Moon.

The lunar return will also play a part in showing us what kind of effect is around me this month. The lunar return this month started on Oct 2nd with t. Jup as the only foreground planet within 3°. However, the next lunar return on Oct 29th seems a bit scary in the mundoscope with t. Pluto within 5° from DSC and that T-square of partile Moon&Jup opp partile Sun-Mer-Mars and they all square t. Saturn! T. Saturn is also partile 150° to r. Pluto. It seems like a verbal and emotional fight or upset - but since Jup is partile the Moon, maybe it will mitigate the tension. I hope so.

I just checked the demi lunar on Oct 17th as well for this alternative, and it has no transiting planets angular. But it has my natal Mer partile the ASC and natal Uranus partile the nadir as well as t. Venus square rel. ASC.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by SteveS »

Keep us informed Arena.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Nothing of particular notice has happened for the exact opposition of the Moon and Sun. Not in September and not in October. The redefining of oneself has been happening for a couple of years already with the pr/d. Sun aspecting Venus, Jup and now Pluto. It has been a time full of love and art and becoming an artist. But that Moon-Sun is not showing up as a definite turning point other than what has already been going on with the forementioned.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by SteveS »

Jup and now Pluto. It has been a time full of love and art and becoming an artist. But that Moon-Sun is not showing up as a definite turning point other than what has already been going on with the forementioned.
Moon-Sun symbolism usually signals a meaningful event in ones life. Maybe, as you hint, you "becoming an artist" IS/WAS the Moon-Sun event?
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Aha :!: :idea:
I see what you mean Steve. That has most definitely been a huge turning point. Maybe I had my mind narrowed too much as I was focusing on this being a relationship matter, since the Sun-Moon conjunctions and oppositions often have to do with them.

But I must say though, that I would time the turning point earlier, or in August 2022 when I had my first solo exhibition and becoming publically visible and well received as an artist.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Veronica »

The moment my son was born I became a mother, but it was quite a bit after that event that my persona/character/psyche truly integrated the experience and I became A Mother.
The moment of my first menses I became a woman, but it wasnt till much later that I became A Woman.

Maybe your experience is similar, you were an artist at your first sale but now you are An Artist?
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
Maybe I had my mind narrowed too much as I was focusing on this being a relationship matter, since the Sun-Moon conjunctions and oppositions often have to do with them.
I hear your Arena and agree.
I have found in my life at my age when I see Sun-Moon symbolism come together in my charts it symbolizes relative to my life “events” that are important to me relative to my life, but really turn out to be no big deal. Maybe events that happen outside our normal everyday living circumstances which hold special significance for us as individuals, but yes, Sun-Moon has much to do with any kind of relationships.

For example: I can remember once when I had a Sun-Moon lunar highlighted and went to a health food store to purchase my regular monthly supply of a supplement. I found myself talking to the manager (Kelly) and she brought up the subject of Astrology, we were the only ones in the store. I told her my passion was studying astrology but I did not practice astrology with other people, only family/friends. Anyway, she asked me to look at her charts, and the first one I look-at was her current SSR with a partile cnj of Venus-Jupiter on her SSR ASC. It was in the middle of her SSR year and I asked her if there was a new important good relationship which entered her environment during her new solar year. She said yes and he had asked her to marry him. Turns-out they dated twice many years ago in High School. Anyway, later I heard from the new manager Kelly married and no longer worked at the health food store. I haven’t heard from Kelly since. But for sure that Sun-Moon symbolism in that lunar put me in contact with Kelly for a couple of days. It was a causal meeting which turned out about astrology, but still an “event” for me that does not occur in my normal everyday living. It put me SUN together with Kelly Moon but no big deal, but it involved a marriage (Sun-Moon) with Kelly and her old High School mate. I also got involved with Kelly’s 3 best friends and they wanted me to do their charts. As it turned out her 3 friends each had been divorced (Sun-Moon) 3 times and I pointed out to them the divorce signatures in their Natals. I read for them from 3 different books about their divorce signatures and they were stunned, but were at an age where they didn’t care much more for men, or at least that was what they told me. :)

Bottom line IMHO, depending on age and immediate environment circumstances, SUN-MOON symbolism can just symbolize an “out of ordinary” event but still has a-lot to do with any kind of relationship between man & woman.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Strangely enough this SSR seems to not catch that vibe of the relocated SSR for this short trip in last August.
I'm pretty sure it is simply the back home SSR that sets the tone for this past year with no planet partile the angles makes it non-outstanding. It was most certainly not outstanding in terms of a partile Sun making the individual "shine" in a way - nor did I see a partile Uranus make a change ... just nudging enough to want to change but not actually making it.

Looking back and seeing the local back home return it simply has no planets partile the angles, except maybe the natal planets like Jim pointed out in this thread. We did certainly think of moving and looked at possibilities for new homes, but nothing worked out and we still haven't moved. I'm starting to doubt that we will move since t. Uranus has now moved out of orb to my Moon. Although there might be a chance with t. Jup moving past our angles soon, or around my birthday in August is when t. Jup is on my rel. ASC (for 23.40 bt) and at the same time it is conjunct his IC and opp his Venus.

Also, the Moon-Mars did not turn out to be anything at all - perhaps it was simply my health trip for a blood cleanse. I had no arguments or any kind of Moon-Mars thing other than that. Although I did think that maybe this has to do with perimenopause issues - the reproductive system is going through the end stage now. It almost feels like something is dying within me having to go through those physical changes.

I feel the heaviness of the transiting Saturn working on my chart for many months now. It is draining and restrictive.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

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That last - the reproductive changes - is something I didn't think to consider from the Venus-Pluto.

Because of the latitude, the natal Venus-Pluto situation is crazy! Even though you have natal Venus-Pluto 3°16' from exact ecliptical square, the mundane situation in this SSR is:
r Venus 2°37' before Asc
r Pluto 0°16' before Dsc
r Venus-Pluto OPPOSITION 2°16' mundo

This is clearly one of the most important aspects in your current SSR and coincides really well with this transition in your biological femininity. It's a really good example!

I see that in my medical correlations for Venus-Pluto I had listed "Significant changes in endocrine functions. Released hormones (puberty, menopause)." I wasn't sure I'd included that until I looked; but it's a really good fit.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Aha, I see what you mean Jim. Of course this is a sort of "termination"/"transition" so it is a major transformation (which I always associate with Pluto). I did connect it with Mars as well since it is the sexual function that changes a lot. It makes me sad. It feels overwhelming and awful to go through this. I feel so powerless against it all.

Connected with Ven-Pluto vibe, during this year I have sometimes thought that all these menopause issues and changes might simply be too much and end up destroying my relationship. I know it does in so many relationships.
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yes. I nearly wrote "transformation of femininity," but thought that might be sensitive language.

These changes can, of course, affect relationships. The usual relationship guidelines (communication on several levels) help. Personal medical decisions help (people have different views about HRT). Personal discomfort is definitely an issue and he needs to be part of the process. And there are a LOT of support groups out there of women helping women through something as natural as puberty. (Exactly as natural as puberty.)
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Re: Grand cross pr. Moon-Sun n. Ven Jup

Post by Arena »

Thanks Jim. I do my best to involve him and make him understand that these changes are beyond my control ... although I am currently (recently) using HRT and trying to find the right balance with those.

It is right, it is a transformation. And although one still feels feminine, it is not the same when the hormones are tripping us out to the edges of discomfort and robbing us of our sexual and energetic drive. The life force changes. I can now see how this is also connected to the solar arc Pluto partile opp. my r. Moon. That also has to do with this, I'm sure. Transforming the way I am as a woman, as a reproductive individual to not and then also of motherhood (my children being teenagers and not being dependant on me in the same way as before). Strange times indeed. :)
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