Steve, I'm so sorry to hear this. Marion's family has a strong genetic thread of PF, so we're mindful of it. (For example, her mother died from it. Marion has been checked over the years and so far no sign of it.)SteveS wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 6:56 am We learned yesterday my wife has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis Disease. It is not in crises stage. This was timed with my “outstanding incident” SLR Mars partile 135 angular SLR Saturn (chart link below). Also timed with t Saturn partile cnj my Natal IC. This diagnosis is not affecting my wife psychologically like it is me. She first must get with a Pulmonary specialist for a future plan.
Mercury-Neptune. Nerve atrophy, weakening, or paralysis. Aberrations of sensory abilities or perception: misperception, dis-orientation, distortions of data and communication. Pulmonary (breathing) disorders. Psychiatric disorders.
Saturn-Uranus. Tension. Inhibition of biological rhythms. Impairment of body’s electrical system (e.g., congestive heart disease, electrical injuries, difficulty concentrating or connecting thoughts, deficit attention, muscle cramps). Spastic colon, elimination struggles (constipation). Skeletal injury (? amputation). – Ebertin attributes it to irregular, erratic breathing rhythm (Cheyne-Stokes).
Jim, I will start a new topic on this issue, it is an issue which peaks my interests and I want to read your feedback on this subject. I can see glimpses of truth with my Natal but not enough solid evidence with Charles Carter’s opinions. I am sure your sight and opinions on this issue will help us all learn maybe new things.Finally, Steve, I wanted to touch on the principle you've been citing recently, that nothing can result from predictive charts that can't be seen in the natal.
True. But the Saturn transit to her Moon isn't active in the SSR (it's over 4° away and natal Moon isn't foreground/angular in Arizona) - she still gets the transit over the course of the year, but doesn't lock it into the SSR. And with the anywhere-in-the-world Moon-Pluto, she would pick up a mundane Moon-Uranus square to support the Moon to natal Venus.SteveS wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:00 am I will tell her Jim—it’s her decision. But no avoiding her SSR Moon-Pluto and t Saturn to Natal Moon.
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Ve 16Le44'45" 0S22 +58'45" 163° 5' 6N48 280°50' - 3°53' 176° 3' 96% D
Ne 0Pi21'54" 1S16 - 1'20" 356°19' 2S59 90°18' - 4°55' 4°55' 94% A
Sa 5Aq35'48" 1S45 - 1'22" 333°22' 12S53 111°27' + 8° 4' 351°21' 81% A
Radical Planets
Ma 24Sc 1' 5" 1S16 +43'51" 258° 1' 24S16 184°41' +31°49' 262°29' 100% Z
Mo 9Aq49'11" 2S 9 +12°49' 337°32' 11S43 108° 3' + 5°29' 354°14' 91% A
Sa 2Vi52'35" 1N59 + 6'49" 178°55' 2N39 268°34' + 6°53' 186°53' 88% D
Pl 25Cn34'19" 8N17 + 0'53" 145°53' 22N27 303°28' - 7°30' 171° 2' 80% D
Class 1 Aspects Other Partile Aspects
tMo co tPl 0°56' 98% M tPl sq rSu 0°18'100%
---------------------- ----------------------
tMo sq rVe 2°40' 86% rMe co rVe 0°56' 98% M
tVe op rMo 1°50' 94% M
tSa co rMo 2°53' 84% M
tSa sq rMa 1° 9' 97% M
tSa op rPl 0°19'100% M
tNe op rSa 1°58' 92% M
rMo sq rMa 1°44' 94% M
rMa sq rPl 1°28' 96% M
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Ju 17Ar 4'57" 1S25 - 7'43" 40°10' 14N 8 20°47' -39°46' 66°54' 100% N
Sa 5Aq35'48" 1S45 - 1'22" 333°22' 12S53 97° 8' -12°44' 12°50' 98% E
Mo 29Sg45'47" 5S17 +13°58' 297°49' 26S21 127°42' + 6°26' 351°53' 83% A
Pl 2Cp51' 0" 2S44 + 0'19" 300°36' 23S16 123°41' + 6°37' 352° 3' 84% A
Radical Planets
Ju 3Aq33' 6" 1S15 - 0'38" 331°13' 13S 7 98°29' -11° 6' 11°13' 100% E
Pl 25Cn34'19" 8N17 + 0'53" 145°53' 22N27 289°17' +11°44' 192°24' 100% Wa
Class 1 Aspects Other Partile Aspects
tMo sq tUr 2°19' 90% M tPl sq rSu 0°18'100%
tMo co tPl 0°10'100% M
tMo sq rVe 2°40' 86%
tSa co rJu 1°37' 95% M
tSa op rPl 0°26'100% M
rJu op rPl 1°11' 97% M
Quoting from above:
I also wrote:Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:20 am How about Phoenix: Two Jupiters closely angular, Saturn also strong but backed off into second place, and an acquired Moon-Uranus mundane square (in addition to Moon to natal Venus). It could be splendid. - the transiting Jupiter line is most exact on the northwest corner of Phoenix, around Surprise, AZ (where my in-laws live). The two Jupiter lines also are great for Sedona (t Jupiter within 1' of Nadir, r Jupiter within a degree) though that also brings Saturn slightly closer and loses the Moon-Uranus square.
If you want to experiment, TMSA gives slightly more accurate timing than Solar Fire, but you can calculate the chart in SF as if it were a natal. The SSR occurs October 21, 2023, 21:15:14 UT (3:15:14 PM CDT).Is international travel in the books? (I know it's less than a month away, so probably not.) Dublin, Ireland has transiting Venus exactly on IC, natal Uranus rising, and the only aspects immediately important are Moon squares to both Venuses (one ecliptic, one mundane).
I sincerely believe it will improve her length and quality of life, and both of your happiness over the next year - otherwise I wouldn't push. If she goes, I strongly suggest maximizing the Jupiter line down to the minute by getting out to the NW suburb of Surprise, AZ at 2:15 PM MST for the exact SSR.SteveS wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:11 am Gayle is now seriously considering Pheonix for either with me or her best friend.![]()
This may be the clincher for her decision to relocateTell Gayle the margaritas are worth ordering.