Alinda's 2024 SSR

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Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

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 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |tMa  6Cn 1 19°24|
 |rPl 28Vi 8 13°18|                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |rJu  7Vi36 18°46|                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |rSa 11Vi 4 23°11|                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |rVe 14Vi59 27°53|                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |rMe 12Li 5 01°28|                                 |                |
 |rMo 13Li58 02°27|                                 |                |
 |                |      Transiting (t) Chart       |                |
 |                |             Alinda              |                |
 |                |          Solar Return           |                |
 |rSu 20Li32 11°35|     7 Nov 2024 13:08:09 UT      |                |
 |tSu 20Li32 11°35|      Newport News, VA USA       |                |
 |                |      37N 5'29"  76W31'17"       |tJu 24Ta51 14°57|
 |                |           UT 13:08:09           |                |
 |                |         RAMC 167°44'43"         |                |
 |                |          OE 23°26'19"           |                |
 |rUr  0Sc43 22°32|         SVP  4Pi54'48"          |                |
 |                |         Sidereal Zodiac         |                |
 |                |         Campanus Houses         |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
  8Sc 2-----------+                                 +----------- 8Ta 2
 |                |        Radical (r) Chart        |                |
 |                |             Alinda              |                |
 |tMe 11Sc21 04°35|              Natal              |                |
 |                |     7 Nov 1980  1:20:00 EST     |tUr  0Ta33 22°20|
 |                |       Portsmouth, VA USA        |                |
 |                |      36N49'55"  76W17'52"       |                |
 |                |           UT  6:20:00           |                |
 |   tEp 23Sc39   |         RAMC 65°18'32"          |                |
 |rMa 24Sc26 15°36|          OE 23°26'24"           |                |
 |rNe 26Sc36 16°05|         SVP  5Pi31'52"          |                |
 |tVe 29Sc52 20°52|         Sidereal Zodiac         |                |
 |                |         Campanus Houses         |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |tNe  2Pi18 12°34|                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |tMo 29Sg31 16°18|                |                |                |
 |tPl  4Cp43 19°23|                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |tSa 17Aq40 26°50|                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
                               Transiting Planets                                
Mo 29Sg31' 7"  4S54 +13° 7' 297°30' 26S 1  90°17' -46°18' 359°42'  46°18'  12%  b
Su 20Li31'56"  0S 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 125° 7' +15°14'   8°54' 341°35'  33%   
Me 11Sc20'31"  2S28 + 1°19' 244° 6' 23S48 116°57' - 4° 6' 358° 9'   4°35'  94% A 
Ve 29Sc52'13"  2S 1 + 1°12' 264°25' 25S22 107°14' -20° 0' 353°51'  20°52'  57%   
Ma  6Cn 1'20"  1N37 +18'55" 123°43' 21N29 260°14' +48°59'  11° 2' 229°24'   8%  b
Ju 24Ta50'59"  0S43 - 5'34"  79° 7' 22N21 287°25' +14°18' 175°38' 194°57'  94% Wa
Sa 17Aq39'46"  2S 7 - 0'51" 344°55'  8S44   5°52' -61°32' 241°24'  86°50'  97% I 
Ur  0Ta33' 3"  0S16 - 2'27"  53°22' 18N55 299°49' - 6°40' 183°19' 172°20'  85% D 
Ne  2Pi17'58"  1S19 - 0'58" 358° 8'  2S15 342°13' -53°52' 232°31' 102°34'  71%   
Pl  4Cp43'25"  3S16 + 0'45" 302°44' 23S22  83°25' -49°11' 187°34'  49°23'   8%  b
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Mo 13Li58'25"  4N57 +11°56' 218°16'  9S49 124° 3' +23°23'  13°36' 332°27'   2%  b
Su 20Li31'56"  0N 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 125° 7' +15°14'   8°54' 341°35'  33%   
Me 12Li 5'11"  0N53 -57'51" 215° 7' 13S 5 128°54' +22°56'  14°53' 331°28'   1%  b
Ve 14Vi58'49"  1N42 + 1°13' 189°55'  2S25 147°29' +45°27'  40°35' 297°53'  45%   
Ma 24Sc25'55"  0S59 +44'31" 258°31' 24S 0 109° 8' -14°47' 355° 3'  15°36'  98% Ea
Ju  7Vi35'53"  1N 7 +11' 4" 182°54'  0S 2 155°49' +50°18'  47°42' 288°46'  61%   
Sa 11Vi 3'35"  2N 8 + 6'19" 186°29'  0S28 150°55' +48°37'  44°46' 293°11'  53%   
Ur  0Sc43'24"  0N14 + 3'41" 233°32' 18S59 119°46' + 6°29'   3°14' 352°32'  85% A 
Ne 26Sc35'49"  1N19 + 1'55" 261° 2' 21S52 105°58' -15°30' 355°38'  16° 5'  65%   
Pl 28Vi 8'28" 16N38 + 2'15" 207°37'  6N27 120°11' +42°32'  24°46' 313°18'  18%  b
    Class 1 Aspects         Class 2 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects  
tMo tr tUr  1° 2' 98%   tMo op tMa  6°30' 42%                           
tMo sx tNe  2°47' 85%   tMo co tPl  5°12' 62%                           
tSu tr tSa  2°52' 84%   tMe tr tMa  5°19' 47%                           
tVe sq tNe  2°26' 89%   tVe op tJu  5° 1' 65%                           
tMa op tPl  0° 1'100% M tMa sx tUr  5°28' 44%                           
tJu sq tNe  2°23' 89% M tMa tr tNe  3°43' 74%                           
tUr sx tNe  1°45' 94%   tUr tr tPl  4°10' 67%                           
tNe sx tPl  2°25' 89%    ----------------------                         
----------------------  tSu co rMo  6°34' 41%                           
tMo sx rUr  1°12' 97%   tMe sx rVe  3°38' 75%                           
tMo sq rPl  1°23' 96%   tMe sx rJu  3°45' 73%                           
tMe sx rSa  0°17'100%   tVe co rMa  5°26' 59%                           
tVe sq rJu  2° 5' 92% M tVe co rNe  3°16' 85%                           
tVe sq rSa  2°19' 90% M tMa sx rSa  5° 2' 53%                           
tVe sx rPl  1°44' 94%   tMa tr rUr  5°18' 48%                           
tMa sx rJu  1°35' 95%   tJu tr rPl  3°17' 79%                           
tJu op rMa  0°25'100%   tSa tr rMo  3°41' 74%                           
tJu op rNe  1° 8' 97% M tSa tr rMe  5°35' 42%                           
tSa tr rSu  2°52' 84%   tNe op rJu  5°18' 61%                           
tUr op rUr  0°10'100%   tNe sq rNe  5°42' 40%                           
tNe tr rUr  1°35' 95%   tPl sx rUr  4° 0' 70%                           
tPl tr rJu  2°52' 84%    ----------------------                         
----------------------  rMo co rSu  6°34' 41%                           
rMo co rMe  0°59' 98% M rVe co rSa  3°55' 78%                           
rMa co rNe  0°29'100% M rMa sx rPl  3°43' 74%                           
rJu sq rNe  2°41' 86% M rJu co rSa  3°28' 83%                           
rNe sx rPl  1°33' 95%                                                   
                                  Cosmic State                                   
                               Transiting Planets                                
Mo Sg   | tr tUr  1° 2'    sx rUr  1°12'    sq rPl  1°23'    sx tNe  2°47'    
        | co tPl  5°12'    op tMa  6°30'    
Su Li-  | tr tSa  2°52'    co rMo  6°34'    
Me Sc   | sx rSa  0°17'    sx rVe  3°38'    sx rJu  3°45'    tr tMa  5°19'    
Ve Sc-  | sx rPl  1°44'    sq rJu  2° 5'M   sq rSa  2°19'M   sq tNe  2°26'    
        | co rNe  3°16'    op tJu  5° 1'    co rMa  5°26'    
Ma Cn-  | op tPl  0° 1'M   sx rJu  1°35'    tr tNe  3°43'    sx rSa  5° 2'    
        | tr rUr  5°18'    tr tMe  5°19'    sx tUr  5°28'    op tMo  6°30'    
Ju Ta   | op rMa  0°25'    op rNe  1° 8'M   sq tNe  2°23'M   tr rPl  3°17'    
        | op tVe  5° 1'    
Sa Aq   | tr tSu  2°52'    tr rSu  2°52'    tr rMo  3°41'    tr rMe  5°35'    
Ur Ta   | op rUr  0°10'    tr tMo  1° 2'    sx tNe  1°45'    tr tPl  4°10'    
        | sx tMa  5°28'    
Ne Pi+  | tr rUr  1°35'    sx tUr  1°45'    sq tJu  2°23'M   sx tPl  2°25'    
        | sq tVe  2°26'    sx tMo  2°47'    tr tMa  3°43'    op rJu  5°18'    
        | sq rNe  5°42'    
Pl Cp   | op tMa  0° 1'M   sx tNe  2°25'    tr rJu  2°52'    sx rUr  4° 0'    
        | tr tUr  4°10'    co tMo  5°12'    
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Mo Li   | co rMe  0°59'M   tr tSa  3°41'    co tSu  6°34'    co rSu  6°34'    
Su Li-  | tr tSa  2°52'    co rMo  6°34'    
Me Li   | co rMo  0°59'M   tr tSa  5°35'    
Ve Vi-  | co rSa  3°55'    sx tMe  3°38'    
Ma Sc+  | op tJu  0°25'    co rNe  0°29'M   sx rPl  3°43'    co tVe  5°26'    
Ju Vi   | sx tMa  1°35'    sq tVe  2° 5'M   sq rNe  2°41'M   tr tPl  2°52'    
        | co rSa  3°28'    sx tMe  3°45'    op tNe  5°18'    
Sa Vi   | sx tMe  0°17'    sq tVe  2°19'M   co rJu  3°28'    co rVe  3°55'    
        | sx tMa  5° 2'    
Ur Sc   | op tUr  0°10'    sx tMo  1°12'    tr tNe  1°35'    sx tPl  4° 0'    
        | tr tMa  5°18'    
Ne Sc   | co rMa  0°29'M   op tJu  1° 8'M   sx rPl  1°33'    sq rJu  2°41'M   
        | co tVe  3°16'    sq tNe  5°42'    
Pl Vi   | sq tMo  1°23'    sx rNe  1°33'    sx tVe  1°44'    tr tJu  3°17'    
        | sx rMa  3°43'    
Created by Time Matters 0.5.5 (29 Jul 2024)
Here is my 2024 SSR locate at home in eastern Virginia.

Foreground planets are Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. Radical Mars is also very close to the eastpoint.

This looks fairly mixed with some benefic influence from Jupiter / Uranus and malefic influence from Saturn Mars. The malefic are the closest to the angles however, so I would expect these to be the strongest.

Saturn conjuct IC would point to difficult issues of security, property, family and home. Natal mars foreground suggests that I respond agressively and / or competitively.

For the benefics, Jupiter in on the west point shows some recognition and harmony in relationships... so maybe that will help modulate the Saturnine influences. Uranus may be pointing to new / surprising relationships.

Mercury conjunct ascendant places emphasis on communication.

t.Jupiter opp r.Mars would hopefully give me some confidence to take action as needed
t. Uranus opp r.Uranus points to a major change or turning point
t. Moon square r.Pluto... all I can find is the following:
BRADLEY: " are the receiving end of an influx of communicative pressures from outside yourself... [exposed to] 'hidden persuaders'..."
Overall, this seems to point to some problems at home or with family. Major changes are implied which are sure to be stressful and there is more emphasis on communication than I am comfortable with. The benefics seem to be providing resources to deal with all this.

Not sure, but maybe I should plan a birthday vacation for myself...
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We can look at other locations.

First, though: While there are all the things present that you mention, the clearly strongest planets are transiting Jupiter and natal Mars, each at 100% strength. What concerns me more than anything else is the 0°00' Mars-Pluto mundane opposition that also aspects Moon. The Moon aspects are slightly wide and the aspect itself is background, it will likely have its voice this year. One of the better reasons to relocate is to maybe displace the precision of this mundane aspect (which is a local matter). You'll have a Moon-Pluto year regardless, since Moon squares natal Pluto pretty close, but that's a lot different than Moon-Mars-Pluto.

And you're in the year of Uranus opposite Uranus - time-of-life shifts are going to occur (like a teenager in high school :) ) and you hit your own "middlescence" or need to have your life reboot in some fashion - refresh and redirect. So a lot of psychological energy will center on that. This happens independent of the solar return (and it also falls on the edge of the foreground in the SSR).

So, first, let me break down the SSR freshly. Transiting Jupiter aspecting natal Mars is the star non-lunar aspect of the chart (or one might say Jupiter to natal Mars-Neptune, which is a little less certain).

r Neptune EP-a -2°17'
t Mercury Asc -3°49'
t Jupiter WP-a -0°22'
r Mars EP-a +0°14'

t Saturn IC +4°18'
r Uranus Asc +8°19'
t Uranus Dsc +8°31'

t Moon sq r Pluto 1°25'
t Moon-Mars op 3°01' M
t Moon-Pluto op 3°01' M

t Uranus op r Uranus 0°10'
t Jupiter op r Mars 0°25'
r Mars-Neptune co 0°28' M

t Jupiter op r Neptune 1°08'

We can prioritize the different angularities like this:

Malefic = 10, Benefic = 7
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 4, Change = 2, Spotlight = 0

So yes, it's slightly leaning malefic (though most of that is your own Mars - your behaviors and energies). I don't think it's a terrible chart, and maybe not even a bad chart; but if there's a chance to improve it, perhaps we should (since it sets the tone of the whole year) - and, as mentioned, I'm not happy with the 0°00' Mars-Pluto mundane opposition that's Moon-enhanced. (Probably a change in geographic latitude will bump that.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We want to avoid putting the Mars-Pluto on angles. We'd do well, if possible, to displace it's mundane orb (make it a little wider). I'm wondering if playing up the Uranus-Uranus isn't the best way to go.

Your Jupiter and Venus are each 4° from Saturn so hard to get precisely where we want it sometimes (but good to consider). I don't think the Jupiter on Mars-Neptune is all that bad, though if we get transiting Jupiter exact, we're going to get natal Mars exact also - and natal Neptune nearby. Transiting Venus would serve if the orb is excruciatingly precise, but you may not want the angle to wander to close to Neptune. I'm already fantasizing a place that puts the two Uranuses on one axis and loops transiting Venus in on the other.

At first glance, the Uranuses fall through New Orleans and transiting Jupiter and Venus go near NYC and Portland, ME, respectively (with their center somewhere near the VT-NH border). There's no place in the world that puts transiting Uranus and Venus angular together, though, if you're up for really big travel, there might be an adventure and fun spot in Borneo if we work it right.

Meanwhile, let me check the locations just mentioned in the U.S. and see what else comes up.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

NOLA at least displaces the precision of the Mars-Pluto opposition: It widens from 0°00' to 0°23', is as deeply background as it can get, and Moon no longer has a mundane square to Mars. You do get Moon to both natal and (wide) transiting Pluto - you're going to have one of those no matter where you go - and the Uranus-Uranus 0°10' opposition is within minutes of the angle.

"NYC area" is really more East Brunswick, NJ, or... aha... Atlantic City. That doesn't displace the Mars-Pluto much (orb still 0°05' and Moon is fully involved with both - even a little closer than Virginia). Natal Neptune is fully up and, while transiting Jupiter and natal Neptune sounds a whole lot like Atlantic City, I don't like the chart for the year. (It even forms a mundane Venus transit to your Saturn within a degree.) Moving on...

The Portland, Maine location is an approximation - nothing exactly angular there but transiting Venus becomes the lead planet at least. But what I said about Moon-Mars-Pluto in Atlantic City applies even more in Maine.

So... how does New Orleans sound for your birthday?
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

Thank you Jim!

As far as mars and Jupiter being 100% strength... I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but could I have seen that in the data I posted? I was seeing it as 94% and 98% respectively. I'm thinking I am maybe interpreting the time matters output wrong:

Code: Select all

Ju 24Ta50'59"  0S43 - 5'34"  79° 7' 22N21 287°25' +14°18' 175°38' 194°57'  94% Wa
Ma 24Sc25'55"  0S59 +44'31" 258°31' 24S 0 109° 8' -14°47' 355° 3'  15°36'  98% Ea
Oddly enough, before even looking at these charts I had suggested a long weekend in NOLA for my birthday. Flights are cheap and I'd like to visit again. I do have a passport and a love of travel, but idk if I'll be able to do more than a week mid semester, so maybe not Borneo...

I took a look for the chart in Seattle where I have family to see what that looks like and Mars - Pluto opens up a degree, but Pluto is now foreground. That would make the area a no-go correct?
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Do you have the newest version of Time Matters? A couple of months ago a major improvement was implemented fixing the minor angles. For Newport News, VA I get your next SSR with these foreground planets:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
                               Transiting Planets                                
Ju 24Ta50'58"  0S43 - 5'34"  79° 7' 22N21 287°57' +13°32' 175°45' 194°12' 100% Wa
Me 11Sc20'44"  2S28 + 1°19' 244° 7' 23S48 117°32' - 3°23' 358°26'   3°49'  97% A 
Sa 17Aq39'46"  2S 7 - 0'51" 344°55'  8S44   7°56' -61°26' 241°12'  85°42'  95% I 
Ur  0Ta33' 3"  0S16 - 2'27"  53°22' 18N55 300°29' - 7°21' 183°45' 171°29'  82% D 
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Ma 24Sc26' 3"  0S59 +44'31" 258°31' 24S 0 109°40' -14° 2' 355°12'  14°52' 100% Ea
Ne 26Sc35'49"  1N19 + 1'55" 261° 2' 21S52 106°30' -14°44' 355°44'  15°20'  84% Ea
Ur  0Sc43'24"  0N14 + 3'41" 233°32' 18S59 120°25' + 7°11'   3°39' 351°41'  83% A
That SSR is November 7, 2024, 13:12:09 UT, Newport News, VA 37N05'29" 76W31'17". Is that what you get?

Pluto doesn't make a problem by itself IMO. I've lived most of my adult life where I have Pluto angular every single year in my SSR (until I started routinely traveling for it), and I don't mind that I've lived a non-ordinary life. Ah, but I'd forgotten the Mars: Seattle puts the Moon-Mars-Pluto all exactly angular - that sounds pretty explosive to me.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

I was using 5.5, but I see 5.7 is out, so I've installed that. I get the return for 7 Nov 2024 13:08:09 , Newport News, VA USA , 36N49'55" 76W17'52"

This is a slight difference in time and location.

Thee are the planets:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
                               Transiting Planets                                
Mo 29Sg31' 7"  4S54 +13° 7' 297°30' 26S 1  90°41' -46° 7' 359°17'  46° 7'  13% Av
Su 20Li31'56"  0S 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 125°13' +15°32'   9° 6' 341°13'  31%   
Me 11Sc20'31"  2S28 + 1°19' 244° 6' 23S48 117° 6' - 3°49' 358°16'   4°17'  95% A 
Ve 29Sc52'13"  2S 1 + 1°12' 264°25' 25S22 107°26' -19°45' 353°51'  20°38'  58%   
Ma  6Cn 1'20"  1N37 +18'55" 123°43' 21N29 260°42' +48°51'  10°29' 229°14'   8%  b
Ju 24Ta50'59"  0S43 - 5'34"  79° 7' 22N21 287°36' +14° 3' 175°41' 194°42'  96% Wa
Sa 17Aq39'46"  2S 7 - 0'51" 344°55'  8S44   6°23' -61°46' 241°37'  86°35'  97% I 
Ur  0Ta33' 3"  0S16 - 2'27"  53°22' 18N55 299°57' - 6°57' 183°29' 172° 0'  83% D 
Ne  2Pi17'58"  1S19 - 0'58" 358° 8'  2S15 342°29' -54°10' 232°52' 102°16'  72%   
Pl  4Cp43'25"  3S16 + 0'45" 302°44' 23S22  83°53' -49° 3' 187° 0'  49°12'   8%  b
Er 29Pi38'53" 10S53 - 0'34"  26°53'  0S34 306° 8' -38°57' 205°29' 134°58'  15%  b
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Mo 13Li58'25"  4N57 +11°56' 218°16'  9S49 124° 8' +23°40'  13°49' 332° 6'   1%  b
Su 20Li31'56"  0N 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 125°13' +15°32'   9° 6' 341°13'  31%   
Me 12Li 5'11"  0N53 -57'51" 215° 7' 13S 5 129° 0' +23°14'  15° 7' 331° 5'   0%  b
Ve 14Vi58'49"  1N42 + 1°13' 189°55'  2S25 147°38' +45°45'  40°56' 297°32'  46%   
Ma 24Sc25'55"  0S59 +44'31" 258°31' 24S 0 109°19' -14°31' 355° 6'  15°21'  99% Ea
Ju  7Vi35'53"  1N 7 +11' 4" 182°54'  0S 2 156° 2' +50°37'  48° 4' 288°27'  61%   
Sa 11Vi 3'35"  2N 8 + 6'19" 186°29'  0S28 151° 5' +48°56'  45° 8' 292°51'  54%   
Ur  0Sc43'24"  0N14 + 3'41" 233°32' 18S59 119°53' + 6°47'   3°23' 352°12'  84% A 
Ne 26Sc35'49"  1N19 + 1'55" 261° 2' 21S52 106° 9' -15°15' 355°40'  15°51'  66%   
Pl 28Vi 8'28" 16N38 + 2'15" 207°37'  6N27 120°11' +42°49'  24°59' 313° 0'  19%  b
Er 19Pi53'23" 19S17 - 0'31"  21°17' 11S53 301°12' -51° 5' 212°41' 124°38'  33%   

I am running the software on a Mac in parallels. I'm installing it in its own folder on the virtual C drive. For whatever reason, when I install, it puts the option file in another folder in Mac documents folder. I've had to manually copy those over to the VM to run the software. Could that be the issue?
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Do I have your birthtime correct in my chart file? 1:24 AM EST on the 7th?

PS - TM by design puts its data files in the (Windows) Documents folder - copying an idea from Solar Fire - so that when people who work on multiple computers sync their Documents folders through OneDrive they will have the same data files on all computers. I have no idea how this translates through Parallels on a Mac. We do have plans for a native Mac distribution of the program a little later (perhaps about the time it stabilizes at version 1.0).
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

Wow, you do have the correct time and I had left the 4 off... multiple times today. I was using 120... my apologies, I'm not with it today. And thanks for the info on the software :)
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

I just booked my trip to New Orleans Jim. Thanks!
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

alinda wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 4:02 pm I just booked my trip to New Orleans Jim. Thanks!
I think it will be pretty exciting. It will at least have surprises!

I'm expecting some kind of freedom that feels like brisk fresh air.

And, heck, it's NOLA :) Enjoy!
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

Honestly, I hope the election is decided for Harris by then so I can relax. If it is, it will definitely be a breath of fresh air :)
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

Here is what I have for my solar return in New Orleans.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
                               Transiting Planets                                
Mo 29Sg33'18"  4S54 +13° 7' 297°32' 26S 1  92°33' -56°40' 356° 8'  56°41'   1% Av
Su 20Li32' 6"  0S 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 115°37' + 9°46'   4°15' 349°12'  71%   
Me 11Sc20'44"  2S28 + 1°19' 244° 7' 23S48 111°23' -10°46' 356° 2'  11°32'  96% Ea
Ve 29Sc52'25"  2S 1 + 1°12' 264°25' 25S22 104°36' -28° 9' 352°19'  28°57'  43%   
Ma  6Cn 1'23"  1N37 +18'55" 123°43' 21N29 260°44' +60°31'  15°53' 240°50'   0%  b
Ju 24Ta50'58"  0S43 - 5'34"  79° 7' 22N21 283°39' +22°30' 174°25' 203° 5'  53%   
Sa 17Aq39'46"  2S 7 - 0'51" 344°55'  8S44 334°49' -66°53' 244°45' 100°18'  75%   
Ur  0Ta33' 3"  0S16 - 2'27"  53°22' 18N55 292°11' - 0°20' 180° 8' 179°38' 100% D 
Ne  2Pi17'58"  1S19 - 0'58" 358° 8'  2S15 317°33' -54°46' 226°15' 115°29'  49%   
Pl  4Cp43'25"  3S16 + 0'45" 302°44' 23S22  84°58' -60°22' 188°45'  60°27'   0%  b
Er 29Pi38'53" 10S53 - 0'34"  26°53'  0S34 291° 0' -32°49' 193° 1' 145°22'   1%  b
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Mo 14Li 0'24"  4N57 +11°56' 218°18'  9S50 112°52' +17°30'   6°59' 341° 7'  30%   
Su 20Li32' 6"  0N 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 115°37' + 9°46'   4°15' 349°12'  71%   
Me 12Li 5' 1"  0N53 -57'50" 215° 7' 13S 5 117°33' +18° 3'   8°34' 339°49'  24%  b
Ve 14Vi59' 1"  1N42 + 1°13' 189°55'  2S25 128° 8' +43°38'  30°29' 309°31'  26%   
Ma 24Sc26' 3"  0S59 +44'31" 258°31' 24S 0 105°32' -22°41' 353°37'  23°27'  53%   
Ju  7Vi35'55"  1N 7 +11' 4" 182°55'  0S 2 133°36' +50° 2'  39°27' 301°15'  39%   
Sa 11Vi 3'36"  2N 8 + 6'19" 186°29'  0S28 129°53' +47°23'  34°53' 305°13'  33%   
Ur  0Sc43'24"  0N14 + 3'41" 233°32' 18S59 112°10' + 0°10'   0° 4' 359°49' 100% A 
Ne 26Sc35'49"  1N19 + 1'55" 261° 2' 21S52 102°23' -23°56' 354°34'  24°26'  51%   
Pl 28Vi 8'28" 16N38 + 2'15" 207°37'  6N27 104°38' +35°31'  10°13' 323°35'   3%  b
Er 19Pi53'23" 19S17 - 0'31"  21°17' 11S53 282°50' -43°41' 191°59' 135°35'  14%  b
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tMo sq tEr  0° 6'100%   tMa op tPl  0°23'100% M                         
----------------------   ----------------------                         
tMo sq rPl  1°25' 96%   tJu op rMa  0°22'100% M                         
tUr op rUr  0°10'100%    ----------------------                         
                        rMa co rNe  0°59' 98% M         

When I initially looked at this solar return I was thinking towards the election. My birthday being after election day this year, I couldn’t imagine a situation where I had positive chart if trump won the presidency. Additionally, we planned to relocate if he won to the west coast or abroad if trump won because we don’t feel that our child is safe where we live. That being said, this chart really does look like a big move could be in store.

Uranus op Uranus on the horizon looks like it dominates the chart. Mercury is the only other foreground planet, conjunct the East point. Uranus seems points to new beginning, fresh starts, and seeking freedom and mercury indicates a great deal of activity around communication. Mercury and Uranus both being foreground would indicate surprising news? Seems like a lot of surprises…

I also have double moon pluto aspects. I like Jim’s description of this aspect because it really fits with how I feel right now:

“Refusal to comply with others' expectations or limitations; little regard for convention. Others perceive the native as different from the rest, alien, a curiosity (and are hypnotized, enthralled or awed). Remaining aloof and distant (marshalling one's most imposing personality traits; being inconsiderate of others' feelings). Deep feelings easily elicited from native (reactions to serious issues are profound, personally moving). Separation (isolation, escape from pressing conditions, another's death). Culmination (decisions may be forced by impulsive actions as festering emotions erupt).“

The Mars – Pluto opposition seems to be speaking to current events. Specifically, the tension I’m experiencing right now as I try to plan what is best for my family. Moving to new Orleans for the SSR moved those planets out of the foreground, so I hoping this lessens the impact of this transit.

The only other partile aspect is transiting Jupiter opposite my natal moon which I hope points to successful action.

So on the whole it looks pretty positive but it does look a major move may be in store and to be honest I can’t see how that could happen and not be devastated. However, maybe things will play out in a way I’m not expecting. Given the Uranus, that is probably a safe bet.
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Veronica »

It’s not listed but t Jupiter is also opposite your Neptune. I’m not sure of your orb setting if That’s why it wasn’t included in the TM table. With the t Jupiter opposite your R Mars, it sounds like positive action to make your dreams reality.
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 2:23 am It’s not listed but t Jupiter is also opposite your Neptune. I’m not sure of your orb setting if That’s why it wasn’t included in the TM table. With the t Jupiter opposite your R Mars, it sounds like positive action to make your dreams reality.
It isn't foreground, though (and not partile). Remember that we're only really interested in aspects of foreground planets and, to a lesser extent, those within 1° that will come up to angles sometime during the year.

OTOH, regardless of the SSER, she's getting the Jupiter-Neptune itself, which will be important when it's partile or when it comes to lunar return angles.
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

Thanks for pointing that out Veronica.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 6:18 am she's getting the Jupiter-Neptune itself, which will be important when it's partile or when it comes to lunar return angles.
How does that work. I have
tJu 24Ta51 23°05 |rNe 26Sc36 24°26

Would I look to my lunar return angles to see if they fall at the degrees above?
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

alinda wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 7:47 am
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 6:18 am she's getting the Jupiter-Neptune itself, which will be important when it's partile or when it comes to lunar return angles.
How does that work. I have
tJu 24Ta51 23°05 |rNe 26Sc36 24°26

Would I look to my lunar return angles to see if they fall at the degrees above?
Transits work on their own. They don't require return charts to be valid. They tend to be felt when partile with effects peaking about the day they are exact. An exception is that when (due to retrogradation) a transit recurs three or five times (t has to be an odd number), this tends to mark out a larger stage of our lives during which experiences make more permanent changes in us. This lasts from when the transit is first partile until it is last partile (or sometimes seems to climax and expend itself at the last exact crossing).

When a transit is foreground in a return chart, larger orbs apply. It doesn't have to be exact to suddenly rise to the fore and be the loudest voice in the choir.

In your case, Jupiter was in 1° orb of opposite your Neptune September 19 to October 28 (without making the exact aspect). It will now be in orb April 25 to May 7 (being exact on May 2). Those two periods are far enough apart that you might not think them connected but, in hindsight, it will be evident that a larger process is unfolding in you from mid-September to the first week of May that is a single thing (even if it seems to go "underground" for six months except when it pops near the surface for a couple of weeks from a lunar return. The overall effect will likely involve your ideals and how you mold and live within your reality. There is still an emotional clean start ahead of you - that part isn't finished! My boilerplate for Jupiter transits to Neptune is:
Clean start emotionally, maybe financially. Anxiety eased, release from debts or doubts. Things seem much better than they really are. Abundant dreams (might not come true). Religious, philosophical, or ceremonial interests.
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Re: Alinda's 2024 SSR

Post by alinda »

Thanks Jim, I appreciate the explanation. It is interesting that the period from Sept 19 - October 28th, especially the weeks in October was a particularly stressful time for me where I getting hit with massive anxiety from many areas of life. Almost the opposite of the description above. I'll have to think on it.
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