September 2024 events
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Apalachee High School shooting
September 4, 2024, 10:20 AM, Winder, GA @ 33N56'54' 83W47'09" ... l_shooting
Worst school shooting this year
4 killed (two 14yo students, 2 teachers); 9 wounded and treated at a hospital; entire town in grievous panic
Shooter: a 14 yo boy with an assault rifle. Someone not yet identified called the school earlier that day to say five schools would have shootings and this one would be first.
At 10:20 a teacher triggered wearable panic button signaling an active shooter (according to CNN). This triggered police response about 10:23 AM. (Wikipedia gives two conflicting times. I'm inclined to trust CNN on this one given the amount of detail given.) The student shooter was engaged and taken alive within a few minutes.
Nothing was closely angular at the time of the shooting, though Pluto had crossed IC about half an hour earlier. It was, however, the day of a Mars-Neptune square in space with Moon completing the T-square at the time of the shooting. Moon opposite Neptune was the immediate trigger.
3°53' Pis - Neptune
4°00' Vir - Moon
4°47' Gem - Mars
Year: Capsolar {-1 or -2}
(Mixed: High impact and startling, yet with decisively benefic markers - but the signature Venus-Neptune.)
Pluto MC 2°04'
Uranus Asc 2°46'
Sun and Jupiter more widely foreground
-- Uranus-Pluto sq 0°43' M
-- Sun-Jupiter sq 2°16' M
Moon-Neptune co 0°20' M
Moon-Venus sq 2°34'
Bridge {+3}
t Pluto op Capsolar MC 7/26-12/23
CapQ Moon co s/p Neptune co 8/4-9/24
t Saturn op Capsolar Moon 8/22-9/17
Event window: Aug 22 to Sep 17
Quarter: Cansolar {+2}
Neptune Asc 0°53'
Saturn more widely foreground
Moon-Sun sq 0°08'
Moon-Mars 0°08'
Moon-Uranus 1°25'
Month: Caplunar (Dormant.)
Week: Canlunar {+1}
Moon Asc 2°09'
Pluto more widely foreground
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {+1}
(Terrible, precise markers for the event - and then two transiting benefics exactly angular?! I'm not inclined to give it points for "we're lucky more weren't killed." This is a partial mismatch. - Yet the 0°01' precision of the Saturn transit can't be underrated and, with the progressed Moon-Neptune, takes this over the top [but not distinctive to this location].)
t Pluto op s MC 1°09'
t Saturn op s Moon 0°01'
p Moon-Neptune co 0°11'
p Asc co s Mars 0°18', sq t Venus 0°16'
p MC sq t Jupiter 0°23', co s Venus 0°46' (p Venus 0°01')
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits (Dormant.) ... l_shooting
Worst school shooting this year
4 killed (two 14yo students, 2 teachers); 9 wounded and treated at a hospital; entire town in grievous panic
Shooter: a 14 yo boy with an assault rifle. Someone not yet identified called the school earlier that day to say five schools would have shootings and this one would be first.
At 10:20 a teacher triggered wearable panic button signaling an active shooter (according to CNN). This triggered police response about 10:23 AM. (Wikipedia gives two conflicting times. I'm inclined to trust CNN on this one given the amount of detail given.) The student shooter was engaged and taken alive within a few minutes.
Nothing was closely angular at the time of the shooting, though Pluto had crossed IC about half an hour earlier. It was, however, the day of a Mars-Neptune square in space with Moon completing the T-square at the time of the shooting. Moon opposite Neptune was the immediate trigger.
3°53' Pis - Neptune
4°00' Vir - Moon
4°47' Gem - Mars
Year: Capsolar {-1 or -2}
(Mixed: High impact and startling, yet with decisively benefic markers - but the signature Venus-Neptune.)
Pluto MC 2°04'
Uranus Asc 2°46'
Sun and Jupiter more widely foreground
-- Uranus-Pluto sq 0°43' M
-- Sun-Jupiter sq 2°16' M
Moon-Neptune co 0°20' M
Moon-Venus sq 2°34'
Bridge {+3}
t Pluto op Capsolar MC 7/26-12/23
CapQ Moon co s/p Neptune co 8/4-9/24
t Saturn op Capsolar Moon 8/22-9/17
Event window: Aug 22 to Sep 17
Quarter: Cansolar {+2}
Neptune Asc 0°53'
Saturn more widely foreground
Moon-Sun sq 0°08'
Moon-Mars 0°08'
Moon-Uranus 1°25'
Month: Caplunar (Dormant.)
Week: Canlunar {+1}
Moon Asc 2°09'
Pluto more widely foreground
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {+1}
(Terrible, precise markers for the event - and then two transiting benefics exactly angular?! I'm not inclined to give it points for "we're lucky more weren't killed." This is a partial mismatch. - Yet the 0°01' precision of the Saturn transit can't be underrated and, with the progressed Moon-Neptune, takes this over the top [but not distinctive to this location].)
t Pluto op s MC 1°09'
t Saturn op s Moon 0°01'
p Moon-Neptune co 0°11'
p Asc co s Mars 0°18', sq t Venus 0°16'
p MC sq t Jupiter 0°23', co s Venus 0°46' (p Venus 0°01')
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits (Dormant.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Federal Reserve drops interest rates 0.5%
September 18, 2024, 2:00 PM EDT, Washington, DC
Dropping interest rates that had been climbing since 2020, the Fed rewarded the country with a generous half-percent rate cut today. I expect my prediction of the DJIA breaking 42,000 in 2024 will happen this week (if not today). Later: Almost! It peaked mid-afternoon at 41,981 before dropping back to about 41,500 at close.
This is almost enough to declare that the country has pulled off the rare and nearly impossible "soft landing" after 2021's post-Covid inflation. Jupiter was exactly setting in Washington the minute of the announcement.
Year: Capsolar {+2 at least}
Jupiter EP 0°11'
Uranus more widely foreground
-- Jupiter sq almost foreground Pluto
Moon-Neptune co 0°16' M
Moon-Venus sq 2°54'
Bridge {+1}
t Uranus co s Asc 0°04'
Quarter: Cansolar (Dormant.) Moon-Mars. Moon-Uranus.
Quarter: Arisolar {+1}
Saturn Z 0°08'
Uranus EP 0°27'
Jupiter EP 1°35'
Mars widely angular
-- Jupiter-Uranus co 0°14'
-- Mars-Saturn co 2°02'
Moon-Venus sq 1°03'
Month: Caplunar {-1 or -2}
Neptune Asc 2°14'
Sun Dsc 2°14'
Saturn Asc 3°08'
Mercury widely foreground
-- Sun-Saturn op 0°54'
-- Sun sq middleground Jupiter 1°21'
Moon-Pluto co 3°23' M
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits
t Uranus co s Asc 0°04'
p Asc co s Venus 2°04', t Jupiter 2°04'
-- t Jupiter op s Venus 0°00'
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {-1}
t Mars op s MC 0°31'
Dropping interest rates that had been climbing since 2020, the Fed rewarded the country with a generous half-percent rate cut today. I expect my prediction of the DJIA breaking 42,000 in 2024 will happen this week (if not today). Later: Almost! It peaked mid-afternoon at 41,981 before dropping back to about 41,500 at close.
This is almost enough to declare that the country has pulled off the rare and nearly impossible "soft landing" after 2021's post-Covid inflation. Jupiter was exactly setting in Washington the minute of the announcement.
Year: Capsolar {+2 at least}
Jupiter EP 0°11'
Uranus more widely foreground
-- Jupiter sq almost foreground Pluto
Moon-Neptune co 0°16' M
Moon-Venus sq 2°54'
Bridge {+1}
t Uranus co s Asc 0°04'
Quarter: Cansolar (Dormant.) Moon-Mars. Moon-Uranus.
Quarter: Arisolar {+1}
Saturn Z 0°08'
Uranus EP 0°27'
Jupiter EP 1°35'
Mars widely angular
-- Jupiter-Uranus co 0°14'
-- Mars-Saturn co 2°02'
Moon-Venus sq 1°03'
Month: Caplunar {-1 or -2}
Neptune Asc 2°14'
Sun Dsc 2°14'
Saturn Asc 3°08'
Mercury widely foreground
-- Sun-Saturn op 0°54'
-- Sun sq middleground Jupiter 1°21'
Moon-Pluto co 3°23' M
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits
t Uranus co s Asc 0°04'
p Asc co s Venus 2°04', t Jupiter 2°04'
-- t Jupiter op s Venus 0°00'
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {-1}
t Mars op s MC 0°31'
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Santa Maria, CA courthouse explosion
September 25, 2024, about 8:48 AM PDT, Santa Maria, CA: 34N57'20" 120W26'03"
A bomb explosion in Santa Maria, CA at the Santa Barbara County Superior Courthouse has injured five [update: six] people. No fatalities. The courthouse is closed the rest of the day (and roads closed around the courthouse).
Police responded to a call that came in at 8:48 AM. The explosion would have occurred a very short time before this. Pluto was on IC and Venus on EP-a with today's exact Mercury-Neptune opposition (common for disorienting explosions) being background. Moon was a couple of degrees past conjunction with Mars.
The charts look like a divorce case (or some other family court matter) went sour. Just guessing. Scores will depend on the eventual word on the motive.
Year: Capsolar {+2}
Neptune EP 0°08'
Moon EP-a 0°10'
Venus & Saturn widely foreground
-- Moon-Neptune co 0°07' M
-- Venus-Saturn sq 0°11'
-- Moon-Venus sq 2°54'
-- Saturn-Neptune sq 2°37' p
Bridge {+1 or +2}
t Uranus op Cansolar MC 0°54'
t Jupiter sq Capsolar Asc 0°49'
Quarter: Cansolar {+2}
Mars Dsc 0°30'
Venus Dsc 1°15'
Uranus IC 2°26'
Pluto Asc 3°36'
Moon & Mercury more widely foreground
-- Venus-Mars sq 0°45' M
-- Mars-Uranus co 1°03'
-- Uranus-Pluto 1°09' M
-- Venus-Uranus sq 1°11' M
-- Moon-Mercury sq 2°00' M
-- Venus-Pluto op 2°21' M
-- Moon-Mars op 3°58'
Month: Caplunar {+2}
Moon Asc 2°52'
Pluto more widely foreground
-- Moon-Pluto sq 1°52' M
Week: Arilunar {+1}
Saturn EP-a 0°43'
Mercury on WP 0°49'
Sun, Jupiter, Neptune more widely foreground
-- Mercury-Jupiter sq 0°31' M
-- Jupiter-Saturn sq 0°54' M
-- Sun-Neptune op 0°58'
-- Mercury-Saturn op 1°24'
-- Sun-Mercury co 3°21' M
Moon-Venus op 1°11'
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {-1 / +2 = +1 or 2}
Maybe give Jupiter benefit of the doubt either because of no fatalities or because it's a courthouse.
t Jupiter sq s Asc 0°49'
t Sun op p Moon 0°28'
p MC op p Saturn 0°55'
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+2 or 3 / -1 or 2 = +2}
t Uranus op s MC 0°54'
-- t Uranus co s Mars 0°25', s Uranus 0°38'
p MC sq t Venus 0°04'
p Asc sq s Mercury 0°48'
A bomb explosion in Santa Maria, CA at the Santa Barbara County Superior Courthouse has injured five [update: six] people. No fatalities. The courthouse is closed the rest of the day (and roads closed around the courthouse).
Police responded to a call that came in at 8:48 AM. The explosion would have occurred a very short time before this. Pluto was on IC and Venus on EP-a with today's exact Mercury-Neptune opposition (common for disorienting explosions) being background. Moon was a couple of degrees past conjunction with Mars.
The charts look like a divorce case (or some other family court matter) went sour. Just guessing. Scores will depend on the eventual word on the motive.
Year: Capsolar {+2}
Neptune EP 0°08'
Moon EP-a 0°10'
Venus & Saturn widely foreground
-- Moon-Neptune co 0°07' M
-- Venus-Saturn sq 0°11'
-- Moon-Venus sq 2°54'
-- Saturn-Neptune sq 2°37' p
Bridge {+1 or +2}
t Uranus op Cansolar MC 0°54'
t Jupiter sq Capsolar Asc 0°49'
Quarter: Cansolar {+2}
Mars Dsc 0°30'
Venus Dsc 1°15'
Uranus IC 2°26'
Pluto Asc 3°36'
Moon & Mercury more widely foreground
-- Venus-Mars sq 0°45' M
-- Mars-Uranus co 1°03'
-- Uranus-Pluto 1°09' M
-- Venus-Uranus sq 1°11' M
-- Moon-Mercury sq 2°00' M
-- Venus-Pluto op 2°21' M
-- Moon-Mars op 3°58'
Month: Caplunar {+2}
Moon Asc 2°52'
Pluto more widely foreground
-- Moon-Pluto sq 1°52' M
Week: Arilunar {+1}
Saturn EP-a 0°43'
Mercury on WP 0°49'
Sun, Jupiter, Neptune more widely foreground
-- Mercury-Jupiter sq 0°31' M
-- Jupiter-Saturn sq 0°54' M
-- Sun-Neptune op 0°58'
-- Mercury-Saturn op 1°24'
-- Sun-Mercury co 3°21' M
Moon-Venus op 1°11'
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {-1 / +2 = +1 or 2}
Maybe give Jupiter benefit of the doubt either because of no fatalities or because it's a courthouse.
t Jupiter sq s Asc 0°49'
t Sun op p Moon 0°28'
p MC op p Saturn 0°55'
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+2 or 3 / -1 or 2 = +2}
t Uranus op s MC 0°54'
-- t Uranus co s Mars 0°25', s Uranus 0°38'
p MC sq t Venus 0°04'
p Asc sq s Mercury 0°48'
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Hurricane Helene Florida landfall
Sep 26, 2024, 11:10 PM EDT, near Perry, FL
I have moved this to its own thread:
I have moved this to its own thread:
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Burkino Faso Massacre
August 24, 2024, 11:00 AM GMT, Barsalogho, Burkino Faso 13N24'54" 1W03'23"
I have moved this to its own thread:
I have moved this to its own thread:
Jim Eshelman